“Among the number of those independent communities, there were during those periods, owing to those cosmic laws which I have once mentioned to you, those two large and, as they say there, ‘most-powerful’ communities, that is to say, well organized and possessing more means for the processes of reciprocal destruction, the Greeks and ROMANS.BTG XXIX
“I must warn you, my boy, that my story of the history of their arising and of everything later connected with those ancient communities called Greeks and ROMANS is not based on the results of my personal investigations; no, I shall only give you the information about them which I got from one of those beings of our tribe who wished to remain to exist forever on that planet of yours.BTG XXIX
“And having during my investigations repeatedly constated that a fundamental cause of the various abnormalities of the general psyche of the contemporary beings was what is called ‘civilization’ sown by those two large groups of beings called Greeks and ROMANS, I was obliged to inquire into certain details about them also.BTG XXIX
“It was from that group of Asiatic shepherds that the later famous ROMANS originated; their name having been taken from the name of their first common place Rimk.BTG XXIX
“And the ROMANS were the cause why as a result of successive changes, those factors are never crystallized in the presences of the contemporary three-brained beings there, which in other three-brained beings engender the impulse called ‘instinctive shame’; that is to say, the being impulse that maintains what are called ‘morals’ and ‘objective morality.)BTG XXIX
“Here it is very interesting to notice that although, as I have already told you, thanks to the inheritance from the ancient ROMANS, ‘organic-self-shame’ — proper to the three-brained beings — has gradually and entirely disappeared from the presences of your favorites, nevertheless there has arisen in them in its place something rather like it. In the presences of your contemporary favorites there is as much as you like of this pseudo being-impulse which they also call ‘shame’, but the data for engendering it, just as of all others, are quite singular.BTG XXIX
“The ‘bliss’ prepared there by the ancient ROMANS has in recent times already so penetrated the nature of your favorites breeding on all the continents of that ill-fated planet, that it is even difficult to say which beings of which contemporary communities have inherited most from these ‘obliging’ ROMANS.BTG XXIX
“And as for the descendants of the famous ROMANS, although they too continue to arise and exist, they no longer even bear the name of their ancestors, though they still call the chief place of their community by the name ‘Rome’.BTG XXIX
“The contemporary beings of the community formed by the descendants of those former shepherds, afterwards the great ROMANS, are called by the other beings there ‘Italians’.BTG XXIX
“It must in fairness be stated that the said special property passed to beings of various parts of contemporary Italy not from the great ROMANS alone; this inherited property became more ‘naturalized’ by their ancestors of considerably later epochs, namely, at the time when they began spreading, among other beings both of their own community and of the neighboring weaker communities the doctrines, already changed for their egoistic purposes of a certain genuine ‘sacred-Messenger-from-Above’.BTG XXIX
“After what I have already said, there seems no need to say any more about the descendants of those ROMANS who were once so ‘menacing’ and so ‘great’ for the other communities there.BTG XXIX
“This mentioned written compromise was that instead of the signs or letters which they could not pronounce although they understood the sense of this pronunciation they decided to employ a slightly similar letter of their alphabet at the time, and in order that everybody should understand that it was not that letter but quite another, they always wrote by its side a letter of the ancient ROMANS, now existing but already meaningless, called in English ‘h’ and among the contemporary French ‘ahsh’. BTG XXX
“As we have seen, not every inheritance of the ancient ROMANS turned out to be maleficent for the beings of subsequent generations, but in the given case this little letter ‘h’ of theirs has been even an inspiring factor for engendering that ‘being-ableness’ in the presences of such beings of subsequent generations to whom it became already definitely proper to have no initiative or ‘ableness’ of their own, and they wished and succeeded in substituting for the already long-existing definite expression ‘Orpheist’ the new word artist.BTG XXX
“And these sacred cosmic substances, formed in them in such a manner, serve either only for the purposes of the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat entirely without the participation of their own being-consciousness and individual desire, or for the involuntary conception of a new being similar to themselves, who is without their cognized wish a distressing result for them frnm the mixing of these sacred substances of the two opposite sexes, who actualize in themselves two opposite forces of the Sacred Triamazikamno, during the satisfaction by them of that function of theirs which has become, thanks to the inheritance from the ancient ROMANS, the chief vice of contemporary three-brained beings. BTG XXXIX
“It is interesting to notice that this same word was used also by the ROMANS; but having taken it from the Greeks not by its sense but by its sound, they later imagined that the roots of this word belonged to their own language.BTG XLIII