sacred Almznoshinoo

“That process is called the SACRED ALMZNOSHINOO by means of which three-centered beings who have themselves already had time to coat and to bring their own body Kesdjan up to completed functioning and to a definite degree of Reason, intentionally produce the coating or, as it is otherwise said, the ‘materialization’ of the body Kesdjan of any being already entirely destroyed, to such a density that this body acquires again for a certain time the possibility of manifesting in certain of its functions proper to its former planetary body. BTG XXXVIII

“And this most sacred process consists in this, that when there is intentionally first produced the coating of the highest being-body, namely, the ‘body of the soul’, only afterwards, as in the first case, is the SACRED ALMZNOSHINOO produced. BTG XXXVIII

“And so, in consequence of the fact that the body Kesdjan of the being is coated with those substances which in their totality make this cosmic formation much lighter than that mass of cosmic substances which surrounds the planets and is called the planetary atmosphere, then as soon as the body Kesdjan of the being is separated from the planetary body of the being, it at once rises according to the cosmic law called ‘Tenikdoa’, or as it is sometimes called the ‘law of gravity’, to that sphere in which it finds the weight proper to it equally balanced and which is therefore the corresponding place of such cosmic arisings; then, in consequence of all this, the preliminary preparation consists in this, that beforehand, still during the planetary existence of that being, on the body Kesdjan of whom it is intended after his decease to produce the sacrament of the SACRED ALMZNOSHINOO, a particle of his Hanbledzoin must be taken and this particle must be either kept in some corresponding surplanetary formation, or be introduced into those beings themselves who produce this ‘ritual’, and intentionally blend with the Hanbledzoin of their own body Kesdjan. BTG XXXVIII

Having thus spoken, Beelzebub became silent for a short while, during which it was seen that he concentratedly pondered over something, and afterwards he said: “At this moment I am considering that it will be very, very useful for your Reason if I tell you more about a certain event connected also with the sacrament of the SACRED ALMZNOSHINOO which concerns that Sacred Individual the conception of whom was actualized among your favorites and who, having become formed, was named ‘Jesus Christ’. BTG XXXVIII

“This wise, onerous, and disinterestedly devoted manifestation taken upon himself consisted in this, that while in a state of desperation on ascertaining that it was impossible to fulfill the required preliminary procedure for the actualization of the SACRED ALMZNOSHINOO, this Judas, now a Saint, leaped from his place and hurriedly said: “‘I shall go and do everything in such a way that you should have the possibility of fulfilling this sacred preparation without hindrance, and meanwhile set to work at once’. BTG XXXVIII