sacred canticle

“From the third most SACRED CANTICLE of our cherubim and seraphim, we were worthy of learning that our CREATOR OMNIPOTENT once ascertained that this same Sun Absolute, on which HE dwelt with HIS cherubim and seraphim was, although almost imperceptibly yet nevertheless gradually, diminishing in volume. BTG XXXIX

“Further, again from the SACRED CANTICLE of our cherubim and seraphim, but this time the fifth SACRED CANTICLE we were worthy of learning that after this Divine ascertainment of HIS, our ENDLESSNESS devoted HIMSELF entirely to finding a possibility of averting such an inevitable end, which had to occur according to the lawful commands of the merciless Heropass, and that after HIS long Divine deliberations, HE decided to create our present existing ‘Megalocosmos’. BTG XXXIX

“That this idea first arose just then in our ENDLESSNESS, we can also see from the words of that SACRED CANTICLE with which at the present time, at all divine solemnities, our cherubim and seraphim extol the marvelous worlds of our CREATOR. BTG XXXIX

“‘And the cause of my further serious interest in the laws of vibrations was the following: “‘Once the Sheikh of our monastery called me to him and said: “‘”Hadji! In the monastery where I was still an ordinary dervish, whenever during certain mysteries our musician dervishes played the melodies of the SACRED CANTICLEs, all of us dervishes always experienced from these melodies of the SACRED CANTICLEs particular sensations corresponding to the text of the given SACRED CANTICLE. BTG XLI

“‘”But here during my long and careful observations, I have never yet noticed any particular effect on our brother dervishes from these same SACRED CANTICLEs. BTG XLI

“‘Just then in the street near my window, a wandering dervish began to chant his SACRED CANTICLEs. BTG XLI

“As each member of the family stands on that sacred stool, all the other members of the family sing their SACRED CANTICLE, while the one standing upon this stool slowly and solemnly, bending the knees, lowers and raises himself and at the same time recites prayers. The custom requires that he should do this until every part of his sex organs has been warmed by the Tandoor. BTG XLII

Meanwhile all those present knelt down on one knee, while the angels and cherubim began to sing the appropriate SACRED CANTICLEs. BTG XLVII

After this proclamation of the archangel all the beings without exception present on the space-ship Karnak then began to sing the prescribed SACRED CANTICLE entitled “I Rejoice. ” BTG XLVII

And when this last SACRED CANTICLE also had been sung, all the angels and cherubim, with the venerable archangel at their head, returned to the cosmic Egolionopty which then left the ship Karnak and disappeared gradually into space, whereupon the passengers and crew began to disperse to their places and the Karnak resumed its falling toward its destination. BTG XLVII