“About how and why upon planets, during the transition of the fundamental SACRED LAWs into ‘Ilnosoparnian’, there arise ‘Similitudes-of-the-Whole’ and about what factors contribute to the formation of one or another of these, as they are called, ‘systems of being-brains’, and also about all the laws of World-creation and World-maintenance in general, I will explain to you specially some other time. BTG IX
“It is just within and upon these cosmic definite formations that the processes of what are called the involution and evolution of the already formed concentrations and also of the said crystallizations take place – of course also according to the two said fundamental SACRED LAWs – and all the results obtained from those processes in atmospheres, and further, by means of these atmospheres themselves, blend and go for the actualizing of the said ‘exchange-of-matters’ for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat.BTG XVII
“In order that you may be able to understand, at least approximately, concerning this Omnipresent-Okidanokh also, I must tell you, first of all, that the second fundamental cosmic law – the Sacred Triamazikamno – consists of three independent forces, that is to say, this SACRED LAW manifests in everything, without exception, and everywhere in the Universe, in three separate independent aspects.BTG XVII
“And this is also why, concerning this SACRED LAW and its three independent forces, the said Objective Science has, among its formulations, specially concerning this SACRED LAW, the following: ‘A law which always flows into a consequence and becomes the cause of subsequent consequences, and always functions by three independent and quite opposite characteristic manifestations, latent within it, in properties neither seen nor sensed’.BTG XVII
“The first peculiarity is, that, when a new cosmic unit is being concentrated, then the ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element’ does not blend, as a whole, with such a new arising, nor is it transformed as a whole in any definite corresponding place – as happens with every other cosmic crystallization in all the said cosmic formations – but immediately on entering as a whole into any cosmic unit, there immediately occurs in it what is called ‘Djartklom’, that is to say, it is dispersed into the three fundamental sources from which it obtained its prime arising, and only then do these sources, each separately, give the beginning for an independent concentration of three separate corresponding formations, within the given cosmic unit. And in this way, this ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element’ actualizes, at the outset, in every such new arising, the sources for the possible manifestation of its own SACRED LAW of Triamazikamno.BTG XVII
“Just in this is the point, that the beings having this three-brained system can, by the conscious and intentional fulfilling of being-Partkdolg-duty, utilize from this process of Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, its three holy forces for their own presences, and bring their presences to what is called the ‘Sekronoolanzaknian-state’; that is to say, they can become such individuals as have their own SACRED LAW of Triamazikamno and thereby the possibility of consciously taking in and coating in their common presence all that ‘Holy’ which, incidentally, also aids the actualizing of the functioning in these cosmic units of Objective or Divine Reason.BTG XVII
“Further, it seems Saint Buddha also told them: ” ‘You, three-centered beinbeings of the planet Earth, having the possibility of acquiring in yourselves both chief fundamental, universal, SACRED LAWs, have the full possibility also of coating yourselves with this most sacred part of the Great All-embracing of everything existing and of perfecting it by the required Divine Reason.BTG XXI
“On the planet Earth, just as on other planets of our Universe where Keschapmartnian three-brained beings breed and exist, that is to say, those three-brained beings the formation of whose Exioëhary for the purpose of creating a new being must obligatorily proceed in the presences of two distinct independent sexes, the fundamental difference between the sacred Exioeharies formed in the presences of the distinct and opposite sexes of Keschapmartnian beings, that is to say, in ‘men’ and ‘women’, is, that in the Exioëhary formed in the presences of beings of the male sex, the localized sacred ‘affirming’ or ‘positive’ force of the sacred Triamazikamno participates; while for the completed formation of the Exioëhary in the presences of beings of the female sex, there participates the localized sacred ‘denying’ or ‘negative’ force of the same SACRED LAW.BTG XXIII
“Concerning this cosmic law just mentioned, it is now absolutely necessary to tell you that it arose and began to exist in the Universe after the fundamental SACRSACRED LAW of Triamazikamno was changed by OUR CREATOR for the purpose of rendering the Heropass harmless, and after its previously totally independent holy parts had begun to be dependent upon forces coming from outside.BTG XXIII
“Not only absolutely nothing whatever reached them of all the various fragments of general knowledge already then known on the Earth, which the learned beings the Adherents-of-Legominism indicated in lawful divergencies from the SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh, or, as they called it the Law of Sevenfoldness, but in the interval of time between these two civilizations of theirs their being-rumination has so deteriorated that they now already do not know nor even suspect the existence of such an all-universal law on their planet.BTG XXX
“In order that you may more clearly understand how our ENDLESSNESS decided to attain immunity from the maleficent action of the merciless Heropass and of course how HE ultimately actualized it all, you must first of all know that before this, the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained and existed on the basis of the system called ‘Autoegocrat’, i.e., on that principle according to which the inner forces which maintained the existence of this cosmic concentration had an independent functioning, not depending on any forces proceeding from outside, and which were based also on those two fundamental cosmic SACRED LAWs by which at the present time also, the whole of our present Megalocosmos is maintained and on the basis of which it exists, and, namely, on the basis of those two fundamental primordial sacred cosmic laws, called the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the sacred Triamazikamno.BTG XXXIX
“About both of these fundamental cosmic primordial SACRED LAWs, I have already once told you a little; now however I shall try to explain to you about them in rather more detail.BTG XXXIX
“The first of these fundamental primordial cosmic SACRED LAWs, namely, the law of Heptaparaparshinokh, present-day objective cosmic science, by the way, formulates in the following words: “‘The-line-of-the-flow-of-forces-constantly-deflecting-according-to-law-and-uniting-again-at-its-ends’.BTG XXXIX
“And so, in the beginning as I have already told you, our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained by the help of these two primordial SACRED LAWs; but then these primordial laws functioned independently, without the help of any forces whatsoever coming from outside, and this system was still called only the ‘Autoegocrat’.BTG XXXIX
And so, our ALL-MAINTAINING ENDLESSNESS decided to change the principle of the system of the functionings of both of these fundamental SACRED LAWs, and, namely, HE decided to make their independent functioning dependent on forces coming from outside.BTG XXXIX
Our COMMON FATHER OMNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS, having decided to change the principle of the maintenance of the existence of this then still unique cosmic concentration and sole place of HIS most glorious Being, first of all altered the process itself of the functioning of these two primordial fundamental SACRED LAWs, and HE actualized the greater change in the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh.BTG XXXIX
“And the Stopinder which HE shortened, is between its last deflection and the beginning of a new cycle of its completing process; by this same shortening, for the purpose of facilitating the commencement of a new cycle of its completing process, HE predetermined the functioning of the given Stopinder to be dependent only upon the affluence of forces, obtained from outside through that Stopinder from the results of the action of that cosmic concentration itself in which the completing process of this primordial fundamental SACRED LAW flows.BTG XXXIX
“This disharmony in its subjective functioning, flowing from its asymmetry so to say in relation to the whole entire completing process of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, consists in the following: “If the completing process of this SACRED LAW flows in conditions, where during its process there are many ‘extraneously-caused-vibrations’, then all its functioning gives only external results.BTG XXXIX
“Thus from that time, the process of actualization began to proceed in the greatest as well as in the smallest cosmic concentrations with these Stopinders of this primordial SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh changed in this way in their subjective actions.BTG XXXIX
“I repeat, my boy: Try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic SACRED LAWs, since knowledge of these SACRED LAWs, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws of World-creation and World-existence. Likewise, an all-round awareness of everything concerning these SACRED LAWs also conduces, in general, to this, that three-brained beings irrespective of the form of their exterior coating, by becoming capable in the presence of all cosmic factors not depending on them and arising round about them – both the personally favorable as well as the unfavorable – of pondering on the sense of existence, acquire data for the elucidation and reconciliation in themselves of that, what is called, ‘individual collision’ which often arises, in general, in three-brained beings from the contradiction between the concrete results flowing from the processes of all the cosmic laws and the results presupposed and even quite surely expected by their what is called ‘sane-logic’; and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations. BTG XXXIX
“In short, the transmutation in themselves of an all-round understanding of the functioning of both these fundamental SACRED LAWs conduces to this, that in the common presences of three-brained beings, data are crystallized for engendering that Divine property which it is indispensable for every normal three-brained being to have and which exists under the name of ‘Semooniranoos’; of this your favorites have also an approximate representation, and they call it ‘impartiality’.BTG XXXIX
And so, my dear boy, our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ALMIGHTY, having then in the beginning changed the functioning of both these primordial SACRED LAWs, directed the action of their forces from within the Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, whereupon there was obtained the what is called ‘Emanation-of-the-Sun-Absolute’ and now called, ‘Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God’.BTG XXXIX
“When these newly arisen Suns had been completely actualized and their own functionings of both the fundamental laws had been finally established in them, then in them also, similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, their own results began to be transformed and to be radiated, which, together with the emanations issuing from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, became the factors for the actualization of the common-cosmic fundamental process of the SACRED LAW of Triamazikamno, and that is to say: “The Most Most Holy Theomertmalogos began to manifest itself in the quality of the third holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno; the results of any one of the newly arisen Second-order-Suns began to serve as the first holy force; and the results of all the other newly arisen Second-order-Suns in relation to this mentioned one newly arisen Sun, as the second holy force of this SACRED LAW.BTG XXXIX
“Independent names were then given also to all the, as they are called, ‘temporarily independent crystallizations’ arising in each of the innumerable cosmoses by the evolutionary and involutionary processes of these fundamental SACRED LAWs.BTG XXXIX
“I might say here, that there even exists in our Great Megalocosmos a planet on which this SACRED LAW Heptaparaparshinokh carries out its completing process for the continuation of the species of the three-brained beings through three independent individuals. YOU migl1t as well be acquainted somewhat in detail with this uncommon planet.BTG XXXIX
“The transformation through them of the cosmic substances required for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic process, according to the SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh, proceeds on these same principles on which it proceeds through our common presences and also through the presences of your favorites, the three-brained beings breeding on the planet Earth. For the continuation of their species alone does this SACRED LAW effect its completing process through three kinds of beings, wherefore such three-brained beings are called ‘Triakrkomnian’; separately, however, just as among us beings of different sexes are called Actavus and Passavus or are called on your planet man and woman, so there on the planet Modiktheo they call the beings of the different sexes ‘Martna’, ‘Spirea’, and ‘Okina’, and although externally they are all alike, yet in their inner construction they are very different from each other.BTG XXXIX
“And if now, my boy, you satisfactorily grasp the succession of the process of transformation of cosmic substances by means of beings-apparatuses, into which these cosmic substances enter as first being-food, then at the same time, you will approximately understand everything concerning the chief particularity of the SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh as well as the processes of evolution and involution of the other higher being-foods.BTG XXXIX
“Well then, owing to that change in the general functioning of the primordial common-cosmic SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh, this totality of substances named ‘being-Tritoëhary’ can in the given case evolve further from this state only with the help of forces coming from outside.BTG XXXIX
“If the transformation of substances through ‘beings-apparatuses’ proceeded according to the law of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh when certain of its Stopinders were not yet changed, that is as it still functioned before the creation of our now existing Megalocosmos, then the cosmic substances composing the first being-food, entering into such ‘apparatuses-cosmoses’ for the local process of evolution, would accomplish their ascent up to their completing transmutation into other higher definite active elements without any obstacle and without any help coming from outside – merely by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, but now since the independent functioning of this primordial SACRED LAW has been changed into a dependent functioning, the evolution or involution in its changed Stopinders must always be dependent upon external ‘extraneously caused’ manifestations.BTG XXXIX
“And so . . . from the very beginning, when these higher being-parts arose in this way and were perfected in beings to the required sacred gradation of Objective Reason, that is to say, when in accordance with the lower Mdnel-In of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the bodyKesdjan was, thanks to the second being-food formed in beings, and in accordance with the higher Mdnel-In of the same SACRED LAW, the third highest being-body was, thanks to the third being-food, coated and perfected; and when these completely perfected higher being-parts were divided from the lower being-parts, then they were deemed worthy to be immediately united with the Most Most Holy Prime-Source and began to fulfill their Divine foreordained purpose.BTG XXXIX
“For a better sensing and cognizing and at the same time for a better fairylike illumination of the meaning of these expressions which I just used – hens’ laughter and castor oil – I must tell you about some other consequences which flowed from always the same cunning wiseacring of these favorites of yours, in this case concerning the question of the ‘being-Exioëhary’, the more so since the knowledge about this will give you additional data for elucidating by a concrete example certain particularities, which I have already explained to you, of the fundamental cosmic SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh.BTG XXXIX
“So that you may understand why these mentioned two independent kinds of results are obtained among the contemporary abstaining monks, I must repeat to you once again that, according to the fundamental cosmic SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh, if everything in general existing in our Megalocosmos, the great as well as the small, does not receive in the process of evolution at the time of its passing through both ‘Mdnel-Ins’ of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh corresponding foreign help coming from outside, then it begins to involve back to those definite states from which it began its evolution.BTG XXXIX
“In any case I can already very well represent to myself the SACRED LAW of Triamazikamno with the particularities of all three of its sacred independent forces and cognize it for my personal essence quite satisfactorily; hut as regards the SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh, then, although I have not yet fully made clear to my reason certain of its, in my opinion, unimportant details, nevertheless I hope that with a little more active pondering I shall understand them as well.BTG XL
“Now, however, after I had – while trying to assimilate well these SACRED LAWs – clearly sensed and become aware that they are very complicated and in general difficult for a ‘complete understanding’, it suddenly greatly astonished me and continues to astonish and interest me how the three-brained beings who arise and exist on the planet Earth could not only understand these sacred cosmic laws, but could even have constated them among the surrounding cosmic results, because, from all your tales about them, I got the full impression that since the second Transapalnian perturbation there, when each of the newly arising results of theirs becomes a responsible being, he becomes, thanks to the abnormal prevailing Oskiano, the possessor of only ‘automatic-Reason’.BTG XL
“I wish to explain to you about this in even as great detail as possible, with all the sequence of the historical course of development both as regards the constatation of the cognizance concerning this SACRED LAW, as well as the gradual forgetting about it, because such information relating to all this will greatly help you, first of all, to elucidate those, as you expressed it, ‘unimportant details’ of this SACRED LAW, which you have not yet completely transubstantiated in your Reason; and secondly, thanks to these elucidations of mine, you will likewise learn that among the number of your favorites, even the contemporary ones, such responsible beings do occasionally appear in the sphere of genuine learned beings; and assuming that the other three-brained beings there existed more or less normally, then thanks to the impartial and modest conscious efforts of these beings, genuine objective learning might arise and gradually develop also on this ill-fated planet, as a result of which that welfare might be obtained also for them, which the three-brained beings of all the other planets of our great Megalocosmos have long ago deservedly enjoyed.BTG XL
“What is most interesting however of all the history related by me concerning the cognizance of the SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh by three-brained beings who bred on your planet and which concerns chiefly the contemporary beings, is, that although a great number of all kinds of ‘totalities of special information’ or, as they themselves express it, ‘separate branches of scientific knowledge’ again arose among them at the present time and began by them, so to say, to be ‘learned by rote, yet concerning the ‘law of vibrations’ – which branch is the most important and which gives the possibility, though approximately, of recognizing reality – there is among them absolutely nothing, if, of course, one does not reckon that celebrated what is called ‘theory of sound’, which arose comparatively recently, and which is ‘seriously’ studied and, as it were, ‘known’ by their contemporary, as they are called, ‘learned physicists’ and ‘learned musicians’.BTG XL
“This last particularity of the SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh is absolutely certain in this given case, that is to say on the piano, but uniquely in consequence of the fact that if the vibrations of ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ are produced in a hermetically sealed room, these vibrations either cease instantaneously or else the notes ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ by reason of the momentum obtained from the first shock given for their arising undergo involution and immediately cease, that is to say as soon as the note ‘ml’ reaches the note ‘do’ and the note ‘ti’ the lower ‘fa’.BTG XL
There was a rather long silence after which he said to the latter: “Ekh! my dear child, I must now speak to you willy-nilly about an experiment of which I was a witness on that same planet Earth and which refers to the laws of vibrations. I shall moreover speak to you about it in all possible detail for the two following reasons: “The first is because I have already said much to you about this first fundamental SACRED LAW of Heptaparaparshinokh. I would therefore be very distressed if for some reason or other you should not succeed in understanding clearly the particularities of this law. This is why I now find myself constrained to hide nothing from you concerning these experiments because I am sure that they will enable you to form for yourself an exhaustive representation.BTG XL
“In this bread the crystallization of cosmic substances is also obtained according to the law of Triamazikamno, the substances from the following three relatively independent sources serving as the three holy forces of this SACRED LAW, namely: the holy affirming or active principle is the totality of those cosmic substances composing what your favorites call ‘water’; the denying or passive principle is the totality of the substances composing what your favorites call the ‘flour’ obtained from the divine wheat grain; and the holy reconciling or neutralizing principle is the substance issuing or obtained as the result of burning, or, as your favorites say, from ‘fire’.BTG XLII
“Further, if this dough, that is, water mixed with flour, is baked over a fire, then, thanks to substances issuing from or formed from this fire – substances which in the given case, as I have already said, serve as the third holy neutralizing force of the SACRED LAW of Triamazikamno – there will result in the given case a chemical fusion, that is, a permanent fusion of substances’, as a result of which the new totality of substances obtained from this water and the flour, namely, the prosphora or bread, will now resist the merciless Heropass, that is to say, it will not decompose for a much longer time.BTG XLII
“And they did this deliberately and with full consciousness in order that this certain sacred substance, liberated in them, and issuing through their radiations for its further vivifyingness, should become the active part of that SACRED LAW which they call the ‘Holy Trinity’.BTG XLIII
“In the sacred Gynekokhrostiny, built for the beings of the female sex, each of these beings were obliged at certain periods, namely, at those periods which contemporary beings call ‘menstruation’, to stay without leaving. Moreover, the women, acknowledging themselves to be passive beings, had to be, the whole time of their stay there, only passive, in order that the vibrations issuing through their radiations should serve as the passive part of that same SACRED LAW for their further vivifyingness.BTG XLIII