“The first peculiarity is, that, when a new cosmic unit is being concentrated, then the ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element’ does not blend, as a whole, with such a new arising, nor is it transformed as a whole in any definite corresponding place – as happens with every other cosmic crystallization in all the said cosmic formations – but immediately on entering as a whole into any cosmic unit, there immediately occurs in it what is called ‘Djartklom’, that is to say, it is dispersed into the three fundamental sources from which it obtained its prime arising, and only then do these sources, each separately, give the beginning for an independent concentration of three separate corresponding formations, within the given cosmic unit. And in this way, this ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element’ actualizes, at the outset, in every such new arising, the sources for the possible manifestation of its own SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO.BTG XVII
“Just in this is the point, that the beings having this three-brained system can, by the conscious and intentional fulfilling of being-Partkdolg-duty, utilize from this process of Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, its three holy forces for their own presences, and bring their presences to what is called the ‘Sekronoolanzaknian-state’; that is to say, they can become such individuals as have their own SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO and thereby the possibility of consciously taking in and coating in their common presence all that ‘Holy’ which, incidentally, also aids the actualizing of the functioning in these cosmic units of Objective or Divine Reason.BTG XVII
“Concerning this cosmic law just mentioned, it is now absolutely necessary to tell you that it arose and began to exist in the Universe after the fundamental SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO was changed by OUR CREATOR for the purpose of rendering the Heropass harmless, and after its previously totally independent holy parts had begun to be dependent upon forces coming from outside.BTG XXIII
“When these newly arisen Suns had been completely actualized and their own functionings of both the fundamental laws had been finally established in them, then in them also, similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, their own results began to be transformed and to be radiated, which, together with the emanations issuing from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, became the factors for the actualization of the common-cosmic fundamental process of the SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO, and that is to say: “The Most Most Holy Theomertmalogos began to manifest itself in the quality of the third holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno; the results of any one of the newly arisen Second-order-Suns began to serve as the first holy force; and the results of all the other newly arisen Second-order-Suns in relation to this mentioned one newly arisen Sun, as the second holy force of this sacred law.BTG XXXIX
“In any case I can already very well represent to myself the SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO with the particularities of all three of its sacred independent forces and cognize it for my personal essence quite satisfactorily; hut as regards the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, then, although I have not yet fully made clear to my reason certain of its, in my opinion, unimportant details, nevertheless I hope that with a little more active pondering I shall understand them as well.BTG XL
“Further, if this dough, that is, water mixed with flour, is baked over a fire, then, thanks to substances issuing from or formed from this fire – substances which in the given case, as I have already said, serve as the third holy neutralizing force of the SACRED LAW OF TRIAMAZIKAMNO – there will result in the given case a chemical fusion, that is, a permanent fusion of substances’, as a result of which the new totality of substances obtained from this water and the flour, namely, the prosphora or bread, will now resist the merciless Heropass, that is to say, it will not decompose for a much longer time.BTG XLII