sacred Triamazikamno

“And only after the said cosmic unit has been completely destroyed do these holy sources of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, localized in the ‘Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh’, reblend and they are again transformed into ‘Okidanokh’, but having now another quality of Vivifyingness of Vibrations.BTG XVII

“Know first that, in general, every such cosmic formation called ‘brain’ receives its formation from those crystallizations the affirming source for whose arising, according to the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, is one or another of the corresponding holy forces of the fundamental SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, localized in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh. And the further actualizings of the same holy forces proceed by means of the presences of the beings, just through those localizations.BTG XVII

Three-brained beings have the possibility personally to perfect themselves, because in them there are localized three centers of their common presence or three brains, upon which afterwards, when the process of Djartklom proceeds in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, the three holy forces of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO are deposited and acquire the possibility for their further, this time independent actualizings.BTG XVII

“But the great terror of it, my boy, lies just in this, that although in those three-brained beings who have interested you and who breed on the planet Earth, there arise and are present in them, up to the time of their complete destruction, these three independent localizations or three being-brains, through which separately all the three holy forces of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO which they might also utilize for their own self-perfecting are transformed and go for further corresponding actualizations, yet chiefly on account of the irregular conditions of ordinary being-existence established by them themselves, these possibilities beat their wings in vain.BTG XVII

“It is interesting to note that the said being-brains are found in the same parts of the planetary body of these three-brained beings who arise on the planet Earth as in us, namely: “1. The brain predetermined by Great Nature for the concentration and further actualizing of the first holy force of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, called the Holy-Affirming, is localized and found in the head. “2. The second brain, which transforms and crystallizes the second holy force of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, namely, the Holy-Denying, is placed in their common presences, also as in us, along the whole of their back in what is called the ‘spinal column’. “3. But as regards the place of concentration and source for the further manifestation of the third holy force of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, namely, the Holy-Reconciling – the exterior form of this being-brain in the three-brained beings there bears no resemblance whatever to ours.BTG XVII

“This Most Great Foundation of the All-embracing of everything that exists, constantly emanates throughout the whole of the Universe and coats itself from its particles upon planets – in certain three-centered beings who attain in their common presences the capacity to have their own functioning of both fundamental cosmic laws of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO – into a definite unit in which alone Objective Divine Reason acquires the possibility of becoming concentrated and fixed.BTG XXI

“On the planet Earth, just as on other planets of our Universe where Keschapmartnian three-brained beings breed and exist, that is to say, those three-brained beings the formation of whose Exioëhary for the purpose of creating a new being must obligatorily proceed in the presences of two distinct independent sexes, the fundamental difference between the sacred Exioeharies formed in the presences of the distinct and opposite sexes of Keschapmartnian beings, that is to say, in ‘men’ and ‘women’, is, that in the Exioëhary formed in the presences of beings of the male sex, the localized sacred ‘affirming’ or ‘positive’ force of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO participates; while for the completed formation of the Exioëhary in the presences of beings of the female sex, there participates the localized sacred ‘denying’ or ‘negative’ force of the same sacred law.BTG XXIII

“And owing to the same all-gracious foresight and command of our FATHER of Everything Existing in the Great Universe, and according to the actualizations of Great Mother Nature, then in certain surrounding conditions and with the participation of the third separately localized holy force of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, namely, the holy force called ‘Reconciling’, the blending of these two Exioeharies arising in two distinct independent different beings just gives, owing to the process called ‘the process of the sacred Elmooarno’ which proceeds between those beings of opposite sex, the beginning for the arising of a new being.BTG XXIII

“Meanwhile know, concerning this question, that in general, everywhere on normally existing planets of our Great Universe, the Exioëhary formed in the presence of a three-brained being who has perceptive and transformative organs for localizing the holy affirming part of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO, that is to say, a Keschapmartnian being of the male sex, can, owing to the just mentioned cosmic law, never be blended with the Exioëhary formed in the presence of a Keschapmartnian two-brained being of the opposite sex.BTG XXIII

“At the same time, the Exioëhary formed in the three-brained Keschapmartnian being of the female sex can sometimes – in those cases when a special combination of the blending of cosmic forces is obtained and the mentioned law comes into effect – be completely blended under certain surrounding conditions with the Exioëhary formed in two-brained Keschapmartnian beings of the male sex, but only as the active factor in such an actualizing process of the fundamental SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO.BTG XXIII

“In order that you may more clearly understand how our ENDLESSNESS decided to attain immunity from the maleficent action of the merciless Heropass and of course how HE ultimately actualized it all, you must first of all know that before this, the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained and existed on the basis of the system called ‘Autoegocrat’, i.e., on that principle according to which the inner forces which maintained the existence of this cosmic concentration had an independent functioning, not depending on any forces proceeding from outside, and which were based also on those two fundamental cosmic sacred laws by which at the present time also, the whole of our present Megalocosmos is maintained and on the basis of which it exists, and, namely, on the basis of those two fundamental primordial sacred cosmic laws, called the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO.BTG XXXIX

“And in regard to the second primordial fundamental cosmic law, and, namely, the Sacred-Triamazikamno, common-cosmic objective science also formulates with the words: “‘A new arising from the previously arisen through the “Harnel-miaznel”, the process of which is actualized thus: the higher blends with the lower in order to actualize the middle and thus becomes either higher for the preceding lower, or lower for the succeeding higher; and as I already told you, this Sacred-Triamazikamno consists of three independent forces, which are called: the first, ‘Surp-Otheos’; the second, ‘Surp-Skiros’ the third, ‘Surp-Athanotos’; which three holy forces of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO the said science calls as follows: the first, the ‘Affirming-force’ or the ‘Pushing-force’ or simply the ‘Force-plus’; the second, the ‘Denying-force’ or the ‘Resisting-force’ or simply the ‘Force-minus’ and the third, the ‘Reconciling-force’ or the ‘Equilibrating-force’ or the ‘Neutralizing-force’.BTG XXXIX

“When these newly arisen Suns had been completely actualized and their own functionings of both the fundamental laws had been finally established in them, then in them also, similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, their own results began to be transformed and to be radiated, which, together with the emanations issuing from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, became the factors for the actualization of the common-cosmic fundamental process of the sacred law of Triamazikamno, and that is to say: “The Most Most Holy Theomertmalogos began to manifest itself in the quality of the third holy force of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO; the results of any one of the newly arisen Second-order-Suns began to serve as the first holy force; and the results of all the other newly arisen Second-order-Suns in relation to this mentioned one newly arisen Sun, as the second holy force of this sacred law.BTG XXXIX

“Thanks to the process of the common-cosmic SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO thus established in the space of the Universe, crystallizations of different what is called ‘density’ gradually began to be formed around each of the Second-order-Suns out of that same prime-source Etherokrilno, and grouping themselves around these newly arisen Suns, new concentrations began to take form, as a result of which more new Suns were obtained, but this time ‘Third-order-Suns’.BTG XXXIX

“I will explain to you a little later about the meaning of the definition Nirioonossian-World-sound first adopted by the then great learned beings of the Earth, but meanwhile for the clarity of the understanding of my subsequent elucidations of the given theme, you must also know that everywhere on the planets genuine scientists take as the standard unit for their confrontative calculations of specific gravity and specific-vibrations that part, established by objective science, of the most most sacred Theomertmalogos which still contains all the fullness of what is called the ‘vivifyingness’ of all the three holy forces of the SACRED TRIAMAZIKAMNO; but on your planet genuine scientists as well as those of new formation of all periods took and until today still take, as such a standard unit, what is called the ‘atom of Hydrogen’, for the same purpose – namely, for the confrontative calculations of all those diversely propertied definite parts of some or other whole which had become known to them, as for instance, for the specific gravity of various active elements which had become known to them among the number which ought to be present in the spheres surrounding their existenceconsidering this atom of Hydrogen for some unknown reason to be in general the smallest and also indivisible.BTG XL