sacred vessels

“The point is that, according to what is called the ‘religion’ of the beings of this country, it was the custom among others during ‘religious ceremonies’ which proceeded in special places to put before each ordinary being who went to these ceremonies special ‘clay vessels’, so that each ordinary being there had to put into these SACRED VESSELS each time after the utterances of certain prayers, vegetables or fruit specially designated for the given day. BTG XXXIV

“Further in this announcement it was stated that he who would have on the day of the elections the most kroahns in his sacred vessel would be appointed as chief of the whole of Egypt, and in the remaining towns and villages those would be appointed as chiefs who in their SACRED VESSELS had the correspondingly greatest number of kroahns. BTG XXXIV

“You may picture to yourself, my boy, what on that day began to be accomplished everywhere on that Egypt, in order to have in their SACRED VESSELS the greatest number of eyes of the beings who belonged in that period of the flow of time to the caste of the ruling class. BTG XXXIV