“Before telling you more about this priest Abdil, I must make clear to your Reason, that there on the continent of Ashhark, the mentioned terrible custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS was at that time, as it is said, at its ‘height’, and the destruction of various weak one-brained and two-brained beings proceeded everywhere in incalculable numbers. 1136 XIX
“These SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS were made not only in their own houses by private beings, but were also made by whole groups, and sometimes even in public. There even then existed special places for slaughterings of this kind which were situated mostly near buildings in memory of something or somebody, chiefly of saints — of course, of the saints they themselves had elevated to ‘sainthood’. 1140 XIX
“I therefore intentionally began to lead all our conversation towards the question of the custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS. 1150 XIX
“I then explained to him frankly the utter stupidity and absurdity of this custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS. 1154 XIX
“‘I am quite sure that if any one of them should become aware that in destroying another’s existence he is not only committing an evil deed against the true GOD and every real Saint, but is even causing them, in their essences, sorrow and grief that there should exist in the great Universe “in-the-likeness-of-God” beings-monsters who can manifest towards other creations of our COMMON CREATOR so consciencelessly and pitilessly; I repeat, if any of them should become aware of this, then certainly not one among them could with all his heart ever again destroy the existence of beings of other forms for SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS. 1197 XIX
“In short, the final outcome of it all was that this priest Abdil eventually began to cognize and sense concerning the custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS almost as in reality he should have done. 1231 XIX
“Several days after this conversation of ours, there occurred one of the two large religious festivals of the whole of Tikliamish, called ‘Zadik’; and in the temple where my friend Abdil was the chief priest, instead of delivering the usual sermon after the temple ceremony, he suddenly began speaking about SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS. 1232 XIX
“He delivered many such speeches concerning SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS, and each time the number of his admirers grew and grew, so that he soon became popular not only among the beings of the town Koorkalai, but also of the whole of Tikliamish. 1240 XIX
“Evidently these colleagues of his were afraid, that if the custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS were to disappear, their own excellent incomes would disappear also, and that their authority would first totter and finally crumble. 1242 XIX
“This sad end of my friend’s existence did not prevent his preachings and persuasions about the cessation of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS having a strong effect on many, even on a great many. 1262 XIX
“And indeed, the quantity of slaughterings for SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS began very perceptibly to diminish and one could see that even if the custom were not abolished completely with time, it would at least be considerably mitigated. 1263 XIX
“It must be noticed that although the custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS was also flourishing at that period in the country of Maralpleicie, it was not on the large scale on which it had flourished in the country Tikliamish. 1363 XX
“But we people not only fail to pay them their due honor and respect, but we even destroy their existences for our food as well as for our SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS. 1372 XX
“The result of it all was that there in the country of Maralpleicie, not only were SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS indeed diminished, but they even began to treat the beings of other forms with unprecedented attention. 1389 XX
“It is needless to say”, he continued, “that there also in this second center of culture of the three-brained beings of your planet, breeding there on the continent of Ashhark the destruction of beings of other forms for SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS entirely ceased; and, if isolated instances occurred, the beings of that group themselves settled accounts with the offenders without compunction. 1417 XX
“Having thus become convinced that there also, among that second group of beings of the continent Ashhark, I had succeeded so easily in uprooting, for a long time, the custom of SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS, I decided to leave; but I had it in mind, in any event, to visit also the nearest large points where the beings of the same second group were breeding; and I chose for this purpose the region of the course of the river ‘Naria-Chi’. 1418 XX
“Soon after this decision, I sailed with Ahoon to the mouth of this river, and began to sail up against its current, having become persuaded that there had already passed from the beings of the city Gob tq the beings of this group populating these large centers the same new customs and the same notions concerning SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS by the destruction of the existence of other beings. 1419 XX
“And there in Pearl-land, owing simply to my invention, your favorites so greatly changed their essence-relations towards the beings of other forms, that they not only eased to destroy the existence of these beings for their famous SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS, but even began very sincerely with the whole of their being to regard these beings of other forms as beings like themselves. 1531 XXI
“Rules existed in all such societies prohibiting not only their destruction for SACRIFICIAL-OFFERINGS, but also the use of their planetary bodies for the ‘first-being-food’. 1537 XXI