
“Personally I liked best of all the three-centered beings breeding on the planet bearing the name SATURN, whose exterior is quite unlike ours, but resembles that of the being-bird raven. 579 BTG X

“The verbal intercourse of these beings, ravens, of that planet SATURN is something like ours. 581 BTG X

“Later, I must certainly tell you much more in detail about those three-brained beings also who arise and exist on the planet SATURN, since one of my real friends during the whole period of my exile in that solar system was a being of just that planet, who had the exterior coating of a raven and whose name was ‘Harharkh’”. 587 BTG X

“But I must tell you that I was an eyewitness of these said elucidating experiments, not on that planet Earth which has taken your fancy — nor did your favorites make them — but on the planet SATURN where they were made by that three-brained being, who during almost the whole period of my exile in that solar system was my real friend, about whom I recently promised to tell you a little more in detail”. 928 BTG XVII

“Well, then, just after my arrival in that solar system Ors, when I began visiting its various planets and first descended upon the surface of the planet SATURN, it turned out in connection with the aforesaid, that one of the beings who had undergone the sacred action of ‘Vznooshlitzval’ regarding my person, was what is called there the ‘Harahrahroohry’ of all the three-centered beings arising and existing on the planet SATURN. 934 BTG XVIII

“On the planet SATURN a being is called the ‘Harahrahroohry’ who is the sole chief over all the other beings on that planet. 935 BTG XVIII

“Well, then: “When I first descended on the surface of the planet SATURN and mingled with the three-centered beings there, it chanced that I had occasion the next day to meet the Harahrahroohry himself of the planet SATURN; and during what is called our ‘Exchange-of-subjective-opinions’ he invited me to make his own ‘Harhoory’, that is his own palace, the chief place of my existence during the whole of my sojourn on their planet. 938 BTG XVIII

“So, my boy, when we were once talking simply according to the flow of what is called ‘being-associative-mentation’, and happened to touch on the question, among other things, of the strange results actualized in the manifestations of the particularities of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, the venerable Harahrahroohry of the planet SATURN first mentioned that one of his learned beings-subjects, by name Harharkh, had recently devised for the elucidation of many of the previously unexplained properties of that cosmic substance, an exceedingly interesting appliance which he called a ‘Rhaharahr’, the chief demonstrating part of which he called a ‘Hrhaharhtzaha’. 940 BTG XVIII

“Yes . . . it must be noticed here that the word Gornahoor is used by the three-brained beings on the planet SATURN in courtesy; they utter it before the name, of one whom they are addressing. 949 BTG XVIII

“Only sometimes I flew to the planet SATURN to rest, to Gornahoor Harharkh, who, during this time, had already become my real essence-friend, and thanks to whom I had such a marvel as that big Teskooano of mine which, as I have already told you, brought remote visibilities 7,285,000 times nearer”. 1648 BTG XXII

“And how Gornahoor Harharkh came to be the cause of this descent of mine ensued from the following: “I have already told you that after my third personal descent to your planet, I occasionally for a rest ascended to the planet SATURN to this friend of mine. 1655 BTG XXIII

“The problem was that our route from the planet SATURN to the planet Mars would cross such cosmic spheres as did not correspond to the presence of Gornahoor llarharkh, a being who had as yet the possibilities only for an ordinary planetary existence. 1659 BTG XXIII

“The result of our deliberations, then, was that on the following day his chief assistant began, under his direction, to arrange a special compartment in our ship Occasion itself, and to furnish it with every kind of adaptation and apparatus for elaborating those substances of which the atmosphere of the planet SATURN consists, and to which Gornahoor Harharkh was adapted by Nature for existence. 1660 BTG XXIII

“And there, on the planet Mars, which had almost the same atmosphere as the planet SATURN, my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh very soon became acclimatized and began to exist almost freely. 1662 BTG XXIII

“The result of this ‘exchange of opinions’ of ours was that I undertook to descend on to the surface of that planet and to bring back to the planet SATURN a certain number of the beings called there ‘apes’, in order to carry out certain elucidating experiments with them concerning the fact we had noticed and which had then surprised us”. 1667 BTG XXIII

“Having accomplished this, I telepathically signalled our ship Occasion which descended to us, it must be said on the first, very dark night; and when we had loaded these ape-beings into that special section of the ship Occasion which had been constructed for Gornahoor Harharkh under his directions, we at once reascended to the planet Mars; and three Martian days later, on the same ship and together with these apes, I ascended to the planet SATURN. 1883 BTG XXIII

“Though we had previously decided to carry out the experiments with these apes only on the following year, when they would have become thoroughly acclimatized and orientated to existence under the new conditions, I ascended then to the planet SATURN so soon because at my last personal meeting with Gornahoor Harharkh, I had promised him to be present at his family solemnity which had soon to take place. 1884 BTG XXIII

“Just at the time of one of my sojourns on the planet SATURN with my essence-friend, Gornahoor Harharkh, he, having already previously in some way heard about this apparatus, requested me during conversation, to bring him one of these experimental apparatuses from the planet Earth if I again happened to be there. 4850 BTG XL

“And when afterwards I again visited the surface of this planet of yours, I procured there one of these apparatuses and took it with me to the planet Mars in order to send it on a convenient occasion to the planet SATURN to Gornahoor Harharkh. 4852 BTG XL

“And so, in consequence of the fact that for a long time our ship Occasion did not happen to go to the planet SATURN, this apparatus Alla-attapan remained at my home on the planet Mars and it often came within the sphere of the automatic perception of the organs of my sight; and during a period of rest from active mentation I attentively examined it and ultimately became familiar with all the details of its construction and action. 4854 BTG XL

“Arriving there on the planet Mars we soon received a command from Above that I and all other beings of our tribe who wished to return to the place of their arising should assemble on the planet SATURN, using the ship Occasion, on which planet that large intersystem ship Omnipresent would land which would bring us all to our destination. 6905 BTG XLV

“Several Martian days after the interview of which I have told you, we left this hospitable planet forever and ascended to the planet SATURN. 6934 BTG XLV

“No sooner had we arrived on the planet SATURN, than the chief of our tribe there at once came and announced to us the contents of the etherogram he had just received in which it was stated that the big intersystem ship Omnipresent would land on the planet SATURN only early in the ‘Hre-Hree-Hra’. 6935 BTG XLV

“There are in one year seven of these definitely established periods there on the planet SATURN, and each of them has its own name. 6937 BTG XLV

“One part of our beings remained on the ship Occasion itself, another found accommodation in the places offered us by the amiable beings of the planet SATURN, and I with Ahoon went to Rirkh, that is, to just that large populated center of beings there where my friend Gornahoor Harharkh existed. 6939 BTG XLV

“‘Although you are only my “Kesdjanian Lather”, yet, in view of the fact that during my “Hirr-Hirr” (Hirr-Hirr on the planet SATURN is the name given to the sacred ceremony which is similar to what is called on the planet Earth “baptism”.) you assuredly fulfilled with the feeling of full and thorough cognizance the divine obligations taken upon yourself in respect of me, there have been crystallized in my common presence in respect of you data equivalent to those which should be in the common presence of each three-brained being in respect of his own producer, and it is, without doubt, just because of this that I very often remember you and each time in my thoughts I wish for you such ensuing circumstances at all times as can lead in general to, in the objective sense, a good and happy future’. 6953 BTG XLV

“And the solution of this question was thus obtained because my very old friend had in view individuals with quite other data and possibilities than these SATURN friends of mine possessed, who were only ordinary three-brained beings; my friend probably did not suspect that in most cases concerning these questions, just these ordinary three-brained beings, who acquire information about every kind of genuine cosmic fact exclusively only thanks to their being-Partkdolg-duty, are more competent than any of the Angels or Cherubim with their prepared Being, who, though perfected in Reason to high gradations, yet as regards practical confrontation may appear to be only such Individuals as our always respected Mullah Nassr Eddin defines in the following words: 6978 BTG XLV