During the period of my stay in Moscow G.’s pupils had explained to me various laws relating to man and the world; among others they showed me again the “table of hydrogens,” as we called it in St. Petersburg, but in a considerably expanded form. Namely, besides the three SCALES of “hydrogens” which G. had worked out for us before, they had taken the reduction further and had made in all twelve SCALES. (See Table 4.) Fragments: Thirteen
In such a form the table was scarcely comprehensible. I was not able to convince myself of the necessity of reduced SCALES. Fragments: Thirteen
But I was unable to grasp the principle on the basis of which it would be possible to determine exactly when to make use of such a scale. P. showed me a table made up to the fifth scale and relating to parallel levels in different worlds. But I got nothing from it. I began to think whether it was not possible to unite all these various SCALES with the various cosmoses. And having dwelt on this thought I went in an absolutely wrong direction because the cosmoses of course had no relation whatever to the division of the scale. It seemed to me at the same time that I had in general ceased to understand anything in the “three octaves of radiations” from which the first scale of “hydrogens” was deduced. The principal stumbling block here was the relation of the three forces 1, 2, 3 and 1, 3, 2 and the relations between “carbon,” “oxygen,” and “nitrogen.” Fragments: Thirteen
I afterwards had a talk with G. about various SCALES, the purpose of which I did not understand. Fragments: Thirteen
“We have spoken earlier of the law of octaves, of the fact that every process, no matter upon what scale it takes place, is completely determined in its gradual development by the law of the structure of the seven-tone scale. In connection with this it has been pointed out that every note, every tone, if taken on another scale is again a whole octave. The ‘intervals’ between mi and fa and between si and do which cannot be filled by the intensity of the energy of the process in operation, and which require an outside ‘shock,’ outside help so to speak, connect by this very fact one process with other processes. From this it follows that the law of octaves connects all processes of the universe and, to one who knows the SCALES of the passage and the laws of the structure of the octave, it presents the possibility of an exact cognition of everything and every phenomenon in its essential nature and of all its interrelations with phenomena and things connected with it. Fragments: Fourteen
“So far,” he said, “we have looked upon the ‘table of hydrogens’ as a table of vibrations and of the densities of matter which are in an inverse proportion to them. We must now realize that the density of vibrations and the density of matter express many other properties of matter. For instance, till now we have said nothing about the intelligence or the consciousness of matter. Meanwhile the speed of vibrations of a matter shows the degree of intelligence of the given matter. You must remember that there is nothing dead or inanimate in nature. Everything in its own way is alive, everything in its own way is intelligent and conscious. Only this consciousness and intelligence is expressed in a different way on different levels of being — that is, on different SCALES. But you must understand once and for all that nothing is dead or inanimate in nature, there are simply different degrees of animation and different SCALES. Fragments: Sixteen