
just what has now become their inner Evil-God 105 624 782 1059-60 1144

that Evil-God who became their Ideal, to-attain-to-a-complete-absence-of-the-need-for-being-effort-and-for-every-essence-anxiety-of-what-ever-kind-it-may-be 688

which has been and still is for them almost the chief evil engendering and evoking all the abnormalities of their psyche as well as of their ordinary being-existence 954

the same inner overlord, maleficent for them, which by itself became the sense and aim of their existence 609

personal weakness 385

the denying-principle inherent in the common presences of the three-brained beings 538

impulse of 1211

calming the minds of the ordinary beings of their community 692

consider also 1222

“But later, among the number of chief evils which flow from the conditions of ordinary being-existence established by them themselves, specially when in the presences of every terrestrial three-brained being, there began to be come predominant the ‘evil-inner-God’ of theirs I mentioned, named there SELF-CALMING, then it occurred that in them under the influence of the action of Solioonensius, instead of the desire and striving for a speedier self-perfection a something began to arise such as they themselves characterize by the words ‘need of freedom’, which chiefly serves the cause of the arising there of these same grievous processes of theirs similar to this last ‘Bolshevism’. BTG XXXIV

“As for those higher cosmic substances of which a certain quantity must, as I have already said, necessarily be transformed through them for the continuation of their species and for the maintenance of the general harmony of the common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar, your favorites at the present time have no need at all to trouble their inner God SELF-CALMING about it, since this is already done in them, as I have already said, quite spontaneously, without the participation of their own cognized intention. BTG XXXIX

“When these three-brained beings of your planet, particularly of the present time, who have the means of gorging to satiety and of fully satisfying all their other needs and who perhaps could do something for the struggle against this phenomenal evil prevailing on their planet are satiated, and their mentioned needs are satisfied, and they are seated on what are called their ‘soft English divans’ in order, as is said there, ‘to digest it all’ – they do not profit, even during this time so suitable for sincere thinking, by those favorable conditions, but indulge instead in the maleficent SELF-CALMING. BTG XLIII

Without any self-imagination or SELF-CALMING – impulses which have become inseparable from contemporary men – he will cognize that his whole life is nothing but a blind reacting to the said attractions and repulsions. BTG XLVIII