
For one who desires to study human mechanicality in general and to make it clear to himself, the very best object of study is he himself with his own mechanicality; and to study this practically and to understand it sensibly, with all one’s being, and not “psychopathically”, that is, with only one part of one’s entire presence, is possible only as a result of correctly conducted SELF-OBSERVATION. BTG XLVIII

And as regards this possibility of correctly conducting SELF-OBSERVATION and conducting it without the risk of incurring the maleficent consequences which have more than once been observed from people’s attempts to do this without proper knowledge, it is necessary that the warning must be given – in order to avoid the possibility of excessive zeal – that our experience, based on the vast exact information we have, has shown that this is not so simple a thing as at first glance it may appear. This is why we make the study of the mechanicality of contemporary man the groundwork of a correctly conducted SELF-OBSERVATION. BTG XLVIII

Before beginning to study this mechanicality and all the principles for a correctly conducted SELF-OBSERVATION, a man in the first place must decide, once and forever, that he will be sincere with himself unconditionally, will shut his eyes to nothing, shun no results wherever they may lead him, be afraid of no inferences, and be limited by no previous, self-imposed limits; and secondly, in order that the elucidation of these principles may be properly perceived and transubstantiated in the followers of this new teaching, it is necessary to establish a corresponding form of “language”, since we find the established form of language quite unsuitable for such elucidations. BTG XLVIII

As regards the first condition, it is necessary now at the very outset to give warning that a man unaccustomed to think and act along lines corresponding to the principles of SELF-OBSERVATION must have great courage to accept sincerely the inferences obtained and not to lose heart; and submitting to them, to continue those principles further with the crescendo of persistence, obligatorily requisite for this. BTG XLVIII

Thanks to correctly conducted SELF-OBSERVATION, a man will from the first days clearly grasp and indubitably establish his complete powerlessness and helplessness in the face of literally everything around him. BTG XLVIII