“It is necessary to notice further that these localizations or brains in beings serve not only as apparatuses for the transformation of corresponding cosmic substances for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, but also as the means for beings whereby their conscious SELF-PERFECTING is possible.BTG XVII
“But the great terror of it, my boy, lies just in this, that although in those three-brained beings who have interested you and who breed on the planet Earth, there arise and are present in them, up to the time of their complete destruction, these three independent localizations or three being-brains, through which separately all the three holy forces of the sacred Triamazikamno which they might also utilize for their own SELF-PERFECTING are transformed and go for further corresponding actualizations, yet chiefly on account of the irregular conditions of ordinary being-existence established by them themselves, these possibilities beat their wings in vain.BTG XVII
“I wish to recall and repeat just that talk of ours which was the last, and which served as the starting point of all the subsequent events, which though they brought the planetary existence of this terrestrial friend of- mine to a painful end, brought him nevertheless to the beginning of the possibility of continuing the task of SELF-PERFECTING.BTG XIX
“‘Firstly, by destroying the existence of other beings, you reduce for yourself the number of factors of that totality of results which alone can form the requisite conditions for the power of SELF-PERFECTING of beings similar to yourself; and secondly, you thereby definitely diminish or completely destroy the hopes of our COMMON FATHER CREATOR in those possibilities which have been put into you as a three-brained being and upon whom He counts, as a help for Him later.BTG XIX
“‘Such a distribution of forces and strength, which at first sight appears unjust, on the part of our MOST JUST CREATOR was made by Great Nature, simply because the surplus of cosmic substances foreseeingly given you by the CREATOR and by Nature to use for the purpose of your personal SELF-PERFECTING, is not given to your donkey, but in place of this, Great Nature herself transforms the same surplus of cosmic substances in your donkey’s presence for the power and strength of certain of its organs for its present existence only, but of course without the personal cognition of the donkey itself, thus enabling it to manifest the said power incomparably better than you.BTG XIX
“‘All the sacred Individuals here before me, specially and intentionally actualized from Above, have always endeavored while striving for the same aim to accomplish the task laid upon them through one or other of those three sacred ways for SELF-PERFECTING, foreordained by OUR ENDLESS CREATOR HIMSELF, namely, through the sacred ways based on the being-impulses called “Faith”, “Hope”, and “Love”.BTG XXVI
“Of course, at that period also, there continued to he all kinds of chiefs, directors and ‘adviser-specialists’, who became such chiefly from difference of age and from what is called ‘essence-power’, just as there are everywhere on all planets of the Universe on which there breed three-brained beings of varying degrees of SELF-PERFECTING, and they then became such, neither by hereditary right nor by election, as was the case before this blissful Ashiatian epoch and as again afterwards became and even till now continues to be the case.BTG XXVII
“Deteriorating century by century, the ‘sensibility-of-perception’ of that organ also — namely, the organ by means of which there chiefly proceeds for the presences of the three-brained beings what is called the ‘automatic-satiation-of-externals’ which is the basis for the possibility of natural SELF-PERFECTING — had reached such a point that at the time of our fifth stay there during the period called by the contemporary beings there the period of the ‘Greatness-of-Babylon’, that organ of theirs could perceive and distinguish the blending of the gravity-center-vibrations of the white ray at most up to the third degree only of what are called its ‘seven-fold-strata’, that is up to only 343 different ‘tonalities-of-color’.BTG XXX
“Before explaining to you further about all this, it is here appropriate to emphasize that although during the last twenty centuries almost the entire process of the ordinary waking existence of most of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, particularly of the beings of contemporary times, flows under the influence of this inherency of theirs, nevertheless they themselves give the name hypnotic state only to that state of theirs during which the processes of this particular property flow in them acceleratedly and the results of which are obtained concentratedly. And they fail to notice, or, as they would say, they are not struck by irregular results of this inherency which has recently become fixed in the ordinary process of their existences, because, on the one hand, in the absence in them in general of normal SELF-PERFECTING, they have not what is called a ‘wide horizon’, and on the other hand, arising and existing according to the principle Itoklanoz, it has already become inherent in them ‘quickly-to-forget’ what they perceive. But when the said results of this inherency of theirs are obtained ‘acceleratedly-concentratedly’, then every kind of irregular manifestation, their own and those of others, become real to such a degree that they become acutely obvious even to their bobtailed reason and therefore unavoidably perceptible.BTG XXXII
“The tension in all the planets acts also on the common presences of all beings arising and breeding on them, always engendering in the beings, besides desires and intentions of which they are not aware, the feeling called ‘sacred Iabolioonosar’, or as your favorites would say, the feeling of religiousness, namely, that ‘being-feeling’ which at times appears in the desire and striving for, as I have already said, speedier SELF-PERFECTING in the sense of Objective-Reason.BTG XXXIV
“This group consisted of these seven beings who, following the indications of Saint Lama for freeing themselves from the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, had brought their SELF-PERFECTING up to the final degree.BTG XXXVIII
“And your favorites, the beings of the planet Earth, particularly the beings of the present time, do not use these same substances of being-Exioëhary at all consciously, neither for SELF-PERFECTING nor for conscious reproduction outside of themselves of new beings similar to themselves.BTG XXXIX
“The difference between the plutocrats and the theocrats there is only this, that the first act upon their surroundings for the satisfaction of their Hasnamussian needs through that function which is called among them ‘trust’; while the second act through that function which has gradually replaced in your favorites the sacred function that serves all the three-brained beings as one of the three sacred paths for SELF-PERFECTING, and this function they call by the name ‘faith’.BTG XLIII
“The result of it all was that all of the inhabitants of the holy planet chose fifty righteous souls from among their number to investigate jointly and to find out the true reason why such an absurdity exists in the psyche of the three-brained beings of that planet Earth, which makes the SELF-PERFECTING impossible for that ‘higher being-part’ which for various reasons sometimes arises also in certain of them.BTG XLIV
“It was then established by them that this universally disseminated maleficent idea, the data for which gradually became crystallized in each of them during their formation into preparatory age, already dominates their common psyche at their responsible existence and becomes on the one hand a tranquillizer and justifier of all their manifestations and on the other hand the fundamental impeding factor for the possibility which arises in certain of them for the SELF-PERFECTING of their higher being-parts.BTG XLIV
“And indeed at the present time there, your favorites have already based all questions without exception, questions concerning ordinary being-existence as well as questions about SELF-PERFECTING and also about various ‘philosophies’ and every kind of ‘science’ existing there, and of course also about their innumerable ‘religious teachings’ and even their notorious what are called ‘morality’, ‘politics’, ‘laws’, ‘morals’, and so on, exclusively on that fantastic but for themselves in an objective sense very maleficent idea.BTG XLIV
“But now the whole terror lies in this, that their abnormal existence already begins to have a repercussion and a harmful influence on the normal existence of the three-brained beings who breed on quite different planets, though, it is true, belonging to the same solar system, and also have a harmful influence on the possibilities of the normal SELF-PERFECTING of their higher being-parts coated in their common presences.BTG XLV
“And so, my boy, when during our general conversation on various topics, I, by the way, became interested to learn from my godson what was the reason which led to the crystallizing in his presence of data for the engendering of the impulse to interest himself seriously in the sphere of the elucidating of the details of the Omnipresent cosmic-substance Okidanokh, thanks to which, he also like his producer, had become worthy to make cortain great cosmic discoveries; then after young Bakhoorkh’s reply with explanatory details to this question of mine, the fact became clear to me that the abnormal existence of your favorites already began to act harmfully on the normal existence and on the conscious SELF-PERFECTING of beings breeding on the planet Mars, and at the same time, thanks to this detailed reply of his, which was based on scientific foundations, I drew also data for the elucidating of that question for the solution of which my old Martian friend, the Great Toof-Nef-Tef had applied to me with his request.BTG XLV