
Oh, the devil! Will there indeed be repeated that same exceedingly unpleasant and highly strange SENSATION which it befell me to experience when about three weeks ago I was composing in my thoughts the scheme and sequence of the ideas destined by me for publication and did not know then how to begin either? BTG I

This SENSATION then experienced I might now formulate in words only thus: “the-fear-of-drowning-in-the-overflow-of-my-own-thoughts”. BTG I

To stop this undesirable SENSATION I might then still have had recourse to the aid of that maleficent property existing also in me, as in contemporary man, which has become inherent in all of us, and which enables us, without experiencing any remorse of conscience whatever, to put off anything we wish to do “till tomorrow”. BTG I

In this respect, the extraordinarily curious fact and one even in the highest degree worthy of your love of knowledge, perhaps even higher than your usual conception, is that from my earliest childhood, that is to say, since the birth in me of the need to destroy birds’ nests, and to tease my friends’ sisters, there arose in my, as the ancient theosophists called it, “planetary body”, and moreover, why I don’t know, chiefly in the “right half”, an instinctively involuntary SENSATION, which right up to that period of my life when I became a teacher of dancing, was gradually formed into a definite feeling, and then, when thanks to this profession of mine I came into contact with many people of different “types”, there began to arise in me also the conviction with what is called my “mind”, that these languages are compiled by people, or rather “grammarians”, who are in respect of knowledge of the given language exactly similar to those biped animals whom the esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin characterizes by the words: “All they can do is to wrangle with pigs about the quality of oranges”. BTG I

Accordingly, in the brains of people of different races and conditions dwelling in different geographical localities, there are formed about one and the same thing or even idea, a number of quite independent forms, which during functioning, that is to say, association, evoke in their being some SENSATION or other which subjectively conditions a definite picturing, and which picturing is expressed by this, that, or the other word, that serves only for its outer subjective expression. BTG I

In other words, if in the entirety of any man who has arisen and been formed in any locality, from the results of the specific local influences and impressions a certain “form” has been composed, and this form evokes in him by association the SENSATION of a definite “inner content”, and consequently of a definite picturing or notion for the expression of which he employs one or another word which has eventually become habitual, and as I have said, subjective to him, then the hearer of that word, in whose being, owing to different conditions of his arising and growth, there has been formed concerning the given word a form of a different “inner content”, will always perceive and of course infallibly understand that same word in quite another sense. BTG I

If before my acquaintance with this “all-universal principle of living” I had actualized all manifestations differently from other biped animals similar to me, arising and vegetating with me on one and the same planet, then I did so automatically, and sometimes only half consciously, but after this event I began to do so consciously and moreover with an instinctive SENSATION of the two blended impulses of self-satisfaction and self-cognizance in correctly and honorably fulfilling my duty to Great Nature. BTG I

“But actually from the point of view of the SENSATION of the duration of Time by our favorites of the planet Earth, the whole length of the existence of the ‘beings-Microcosmoses ‘, lasts only a few of their of their ‘minutes ‘ and sometimes even only a few of their ‘seconds ‘. BTG XVI

“Well, then, my boy. Owing to the fact that most of the three-brained beings of the planet Earth thereafter carried out the process of the removal from themselves of this sacred substance — which is constantly formed in them — not at certain periods normally established by Great Nature for beings in accordance with their organization, simply for the purpose of the continuation of their species, and also owing to the fact that most of them ceased to utilize this sacred substance consciously for coating their higher being bodies, the result was obtained that when they do not remove it from themselves by ways which had then already become mechanical, they naturally must experience a SENSATION called ‘Sirkliniamen’, or as your favorites there would say, the state defined by the words ‘out of sorts’, which state is invariably accompanied by what is called ‘mechanical suffering’. BTG XXIII

“A greater misfortune for them arising from this particular ‘inherency’ in their common presences is that the mentioned SENSATION due to the possession of the said metal is strengthened by the beings around the possessor and also by beings who learn about it only by what is called ‘hearsay’ and have not themselves been convinced by personal corresponding perceptions; and it is, moreover, the established custom there never to consider through which kind of being-manifestations he becomes the possessor of a great quantity of this metal, and such a being there becomes for all those around him one who evokes in their presences the functioning of that crystallized consequence of the property of the organ Kundabuffer called ‘envy’. BTG XXIV

“‘One would explain this SENSATION in the sexual sense; another in the sense of pity; a third in the sense of desire for submission; a fourth, in a common craze for outer things, and so on and so forth; but not one of the ten could describe even remotely, the SENSATION of genuine Love. BTG XXVI

“‘And none of them would, because in none of the ordinary beings-men here has there ever been for a long time, any SENSATION of the sacred being-impulse of genuine Love. And without this “taste” they cannot even vaguely describe that most beatific sacred being-impulse in the presence of every three-centered being of the whole Universe, which, in accordance with the divine foresight of Great Nature, forms those data in us, from the result of the experiencing of which we can blissfully rest from the meritorious labors actualized by us for the purpose of self-perfection. BTG XXVI

“Consequently, in their presences there arise more and more frequently the causes for the manifestation of the said being-impulse of Remorse of Conscience. And as the SENSATIONs thereby induced, which are similar to those which arise from ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’, infallibly lead to the suppression and the enslaving of the ‘denying-principle’ inherent in the common presences of the three-brained beings, called ‘self-calming’; then in them, during every kind of inner and outer manifestation of their common presences, which flow from the natural stimuli of one or another separately independently spiritualized localizations proper to be present in the three-centered beings, each time with the arising of this SENSATION of self-remorse, disagreeable to them, at first intentionally on the part of their ruminating parts, and later, thanks already to the habit which they had created, there began to be stifled and gradually to cease, ‘self-criticism’. And so, by reason of this ‘impotency’ arising and always increasing in their organization, which involved, by constant repetition, the whole disharmony of all the functioning of their psyche, there gradually almost disappeared from their common presences such data also infallibly inherent in every three-brained being of all our Great Universe for manifesting sincerity even towards themselves. BTG XXXI

“And this latter can be obtained in them either from an intense expectation, or from that process proceeding in them which they express by the word ‘faith’, or from the arising emotion of the SENSATION of fear of something about to happen, or finally from the functions already contained within the presence of the given being which they call ‘passions’, as for instance ‘hate’, ‘love’, ‘sensuality’, ‘curiosity’, and so on and so forth. BTG XXXIII

“These two great brothers then began to investigate this opium in consequence of the fact that they as well as many other three-brained beings of that time noticed that on the introduction into themselves of a certain species of this mass every painful SENSATION temporarily disappeared. BTG XL

“In addition to the fact that this maleficent invention was and still is one of the chief factors in the said disharmonization now proceeding in them themselves and also in almost all the beings of the other continents — who, by the way, have already begun in recent times very jealously imitating them in all their peculiar methods of ‘assisting’ their transformatory functioning — your favorites thanks to this invention of theirs, now striving to fulfill even this inevitable being function of theirs with the greatest possible SENSATION of pleasant tranquillity, have got, as it were, a new incentive for the jealous service of their god ‘self-calming’, which as I have already said more than once, has been and still is for them almost the chief evil engendering and evoking all the abnormalities of their psyche as well as of their ordinary being-existence. BTG XLII

“When I began to explain to you, my boy, the causes of the disharmony in the presences of these American beings of the function of the transformation of the first being-food and when I mentioned the ‘comfortable seats’ invented by them, I said among other things, that these strange three-brained beings who have taken your fancy and who breed on the planet Earth, were ‘again’ striving to perform even this indispensable being-function of theirs with the greatest possible SENSATION of self-satisfaction for themselves. I said ‘again’ because previously in various periods of the flow of time, these strange three-brained beings there who have taken your fancy had already several times introduced something similar into the usages of their ordinary existence. BTG XLII

“Thanks to that peculiar inherency of theirs called ‘suggestibility’, which I mentioned before and which had been acquired in their common presences, all the surrounding beings, of course, believed this as they call it ‘propaganda’ of theirs, and, there usually being in these cases a quantity of talk about it, there was gradually crystallized in each of them the periodically arising factor which actualizes in their common presences that strange and relatively prolonged ‘psychic state’, which I should call the ‘loss of SENSATION of self’; in consequence of which, as also usually happens there, they set about destroying everywhere, not only these ‘wonder beds’, but also the existence of those beings who used them. BTG XLII

“This document contained, among other things, several very interesting details about the action of this said preparation of Asiman. It was stated that when this preparation was introduced into the presence of a being it had besides its nourishing property, a particular action upon what are called the ‘wandering nerves of the stomach’, from which action not only did the need for food immediately cease in beings, but furthermore, every desire to introduce into oneself any other edible product whatsoever entirely disappeared. And if something should be forcibly introduced, it took a long time before the disagreeable SENSATION and state thus provoked would pass. BTG XLII

“‘Thus it came about that every time I began to feel the same unpleasant SENSATION I began to drink this alcohol, even with a feeling of some self-justification, and in this way became gradually accustomed to this, as you have quite justly called it, poison’. BTG XLII

“‘On account of this itching children begin, unconsciously at first, to rub or scratch these places. Later, as there are concentrated in these parts of the organism all the ends of the nerves created by Nature for the special SENSATION required for the completion of the sacred process Almuano, which normally arises in adult people at the end of what is called copulation, and as, especially at a certain period when according to the providence of Great Nature there proceeds in these organs of children a process of preparation for future sex functioning, they experience from this rubbing or scratching a certain peculiar pleasant SENSATION, they therefore begin intentionally — having instinctively realized from which of their actions this pleasant SENSATION is evoked in them — to rub these places even when there is no itching; and thus the ranks of the little “Moordoortenists” on the Earth are always increasing by leaps and bounds. BTG XLII

“‘Such cultured parents know very well that if even once the SENSATION of the climax of what is called the “Ooamonvanosinian process” occurs in what is called the “nervous system” of their children before they reach majority, they will already never have the full possibility of normal mentation when they become adult; and hence it is that such cultured parents always consider it their first and chief duty towards their children to educate them in this respect. BTG XLII

“Only such a SENSATION and such a cognizance can now destroy the egoism completely crystallized in them that has swallowed up the whole of their Essence and also that tendency to hate others which flows from it — the tendency, namely, which engenders all those mutual relationships existing there, which serve as the chief cause of all their abnormalities unbecoming to three-brained beings and maleficent for them themselves and for the whole of the Universe”. BTG XLVII