And so, just at the moment when our Kurd was overwhelmed by all the unusual SENSATIONS proceeding within him from this strange repast on the bosom of Nature, there came along the same road a fellow villager of his, one reputed by those who knew him to be very clever and experienced; and, seeing that the whole face of the Kurd was aflame, that his eyes were streaming with tears, and that in spite of this, as if intent upon the fulfillment of his most important duty, he was eating real “red pepper pods”, he said to him: “What are you doing, you Jericho jackass? You’ll be burnt alive! Stop eating that extraordinary product, so unaccustomed for your nature”. BTG I
After a little time when both these strange SENSATIONS had calmed down within me, I then actually discovered that some foreign substance was in my mouth, and when I pulled it out with my fingers, it turned out to be nothing less than a tooth of large dimensions and strange form. BTG I
At the same time, in the whole region of my spine there began a strong almost unbearable itch, and a colic in the very center of my solar plexus, also unbearable, and all this, that is these dual, mutually stimulating SENSATIONS, after the lapse of some time suddenly were replaced by such a peaceful inner condition as I experienced in later life once only, when the ceremony of the great initiation into the Brotherhood of the “Originators of making butter from air” was performed over me; and later when “I”, that is, this “something-unknown” of mine, which in ancient times one crank — called by those around him, as we now also call such persons, a “learned man” — defined as a “relatively transferable arising, depending on the quality of the functioning of thought, feeling, and organic automatism”, and according to the definition of another also ancient and renowned learned man, the Arabian Mal-el-Lel, which definition by the way was in the course of time borrowed and repeated in a different way by a no less renowned and learned Greek, Xenophon, “the compound result of consciousness, subconsciousness, and instinct”; so when this same “I” in this condition turned my dazed attention inside myself, then firstly it very clearly constated that everything, even to each single word, elucidating this quotation that has become an “all-universal life principle” became transformed in me into some special cosmic substance, and merging with the data already crystallized in me long before from the behest of my deceased grandmother, changed these data into a “something” and this “something” flowing everywhere through my entirety settled forever in each atom composing this entirety of mine, and secondly, this my ill-fated “I” there and then definitely felt and, with an impulse of submission, became conscious of this, for me, sad fact, that already from that moment I should willy-nilly have to manifest myself always and in everything without exception, according to this inherency formed in me, not in accordance with the laws of heredity, nor even by the influence of surrounding circumstances, but arising in my entirety under the influence of three external accidental causes, having nothing in common, namely: thanks in the first place to the behest of a person who had become, without the slightest desire on my part, a passing cause of the cause of my arising; secondly, on account of a tooth of mine knocked out by some ragamuffin of a boy, mainly on account of somebody else’s “slobberiness”; and thirdly, thanks to the verbal formulation delivered in a drunken state by a person quite alien to me — some merchant of “Moscovite brand”. BTG I
“So, my boy, in view of this the Most High Commission then decided among other things provisionally to implant into the common presences of the three-brained beings there a special organ with a property such that, first, they should perceive reality topsy-turvy and, secondly, that every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would engender factors for evoking in them SENSATIONS of ‘pleasure’ and ‘enjoyment’. BTG X
“This standard unit has been established in Objective Science for the possibility of exactly defining and comparing the differences between the gradations of the process of the subjective SENSATIONS of separate conscious Individuals, and also of what are called ‘diverse-tempos ‘ among various objective cosmic phenomena which are manifested in various spheres of our Great Universe and which actualize all cosmic arisings both large and small.BTG XVI
“To enable you to represent to yourself and understand better the perfection of this part also of the whole of this new invention of Gornahoor Harharkh, I must not fail to tell you also about the following: “Although I personally. as a three-brained being also, had had occasion many times before, owing to certain quite particular reasons, to be in atmosphereless spaces and had had to exist, sometimes for a long time, by means of the Sacred ‘Kreemhoolazoomara’ alone; and although from frequent repetition a habit had been acquired in my presence of moving from one sphere to another gradually and almost without feeling any inconvenience from the change in the presence of the ‘second-being-food’ occurring with the change of the presences of cosmic substances undergoing transformation and which are always around both large and small cosmic concentrations; and also, although the causes themselves of my arising and the subsequent process of my being-existence were arranged in an entirely special way, in consequence of which the various being-functions contained within my common presence had perforce gradually become also special, yet nevertheless, in spite of it all, the pumping out of the atmosphere by the said ‘pump’ then proceeded with such force that such SENSATIONS were impressed on the separate parts of the whole of my presence that even today I can very clearly experience the process of the flow of my state at that time and relate it to you almost in detail.BTG XVIII
“Eh! Eh! Eh! my boy, we left there, as you can well believe, scarcely with agreeable SENSATIONS and happy reflections.BTG XXII
“As it became clear to me during my subsequent detailed investigations, although Belcultassi had become indubitably convinced of the accuracy of his observations on himself, yet he doubted the correctness of his own SENSATIONS and understandings and also the normalness of his own psychic organization; and he therefore set himself the task of elucidating first of all, whether he was in general normal in sensing and understanding all this just in this way and not otherwise.BTG XXIII
“‘In the presences of the beings of contemporary times, there also arises and is present in them as much as you please of that strange impulse which they call love; but this love of theirs is firstly also the result of certain crystallized consequences of the properties of the same Kundabuffer; and secondly this impulse of theirs arises and manifests itself in the process of every one of them entirely subjectively; so subjectively and so differently that if ten of them were asked to explain how they sensed this inner impulse of theirs, then all ten of them — if, of course, they for once replied sincerely, and frankly confessed their genuine SENSATIONS and not those they had read about somewhere or had obtained from somebody else — all ten would reply differently and describe ten different SENSATIONS.BTG XXVI
“‘For instance, in accordance with this Law, there are in the white ray seven independent colors; in every definite sound there are seven different independent tones; in every state of man, seven different independent SENSATIONS; further, every definite form can be made up of only seven different dimensions; every weight remains at rest on the Earth only thanks to seven “reciprocal theists”, and so on.BTG XXX
“Let us suppose that according to the character and purpose of some building or other it is required that from the interiors of the given building, in accordance with the Law of Sevenfoldness and with the mechanical practice of centuries, definite SENSATIONS must be evoked in a certain lawful sequence.BTG XXX
“Then utilizing the law of Daivibrizkar they combined the interiors of this proposed building in such a way that the required SENSATIONS were evoked in the beings who entered them, not in the anticipated familiar lawful sequence but in some other order.BTG XXX
“And it was just in these deviations from the lawful sequence of SENSATIONS that they placed whatever they wished in a certain way.BTG XXX
“Owing to these sequences of sounds which they combined simultaneously in the presences of beings, different kinds of impulses arose, which evoked various quite opposite SENSATIONS, and these SENSATIONS in their turn produced unusual experiencings in them and reflex movements not proper to them.BTG XXX
“The point is that the tempo of the deterioration of this being-capacity does not proceed in the common prespresences of beings in the psychic and organic functioning of their planetary bodies in everyone in every generation uniformly, but it alternates, as it were, at different times ,and on different parts of the surface of this planet, affecting at one time more the psychic and at another time the organic part of the functioning of the planetary body. A very good elucidating example of what I have just said is afforded by the SENSATIONS of the taste and the capacity to pronounce those two definite consonants or those letters known there at the present time and used among almost all the contemporary beings who breed on all parts of the surface of your planet, and which passed to them through the ancient Greeks from times long past. BTG XXX
“Consequently, in their presences there arise more and more frequently the causes for the manifestation of the said being-impulse of Remorse of Conscience. And as the SENSATIONS thereby induced, which are similar to those which arise from ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’, infallibly lead to the suppression and the enslaving of the ‘denying-principle’ inherent in the common presences of the three-brained beings, called ‘self-calming’; then in them, during every kind of inner and outer manifestation of their common presences, which flow from the natural stimuli of one or another separately independently spiritualized localizations proper to be present in the three-centered beings, each time with the arising of this sensation of self-remorse, disagreeable to them, at first intentionally on the part of their ruminating parts, and later, thanks already to the habit which they had created, there began to be stifled and gradually to cease, ‘self-criticism’. And so, by reason of this ‘impotency’ arising and always increasing in their organization, which involved, by constant repetition, the whole disharmony of all the functioning of their psyche, there gradually almost disappeared from their common presences such data also infallibly inherent in every three-brained being of all our Great Universe for manifesting sincerity even towards themselves.BTG XXXI
“‘And the cause of my further serious interest in the laws of vibrations was the following: “‘Once the Sheikh of our monastery called me to him and said: “‘”Hadji! In the monastery where I was still an ordinary dervish, whenever during certain mysteries our musician dervishes played the melodies of the sacred canticles, all of us dervishes always experienced from these melodies of the sacred canticles particular SENSATIONS corresponding to the text of the given sacred canticle.BTG XLI
” ‘The same terrible feelings and SENSATIONS which I experienced then from the moment when our physicians announced to me the imminent death of my mother until her death, are now being repeated in me.BTG XLI
“‘Just as then, in the midst of those terrible feelings and SENSATIONS, there was still a hope that perhaps she would not die, so also at this moment, something like that hope also still flickers in me.BTG XLI
“She had been brought to that stifling noisy city of St. Petersburg and had been kept for a long time in an improvised box. Suddenly she had found herself in an environment where every fresh impression evoked all kinds of memories of former pleasantly perceived SENSATIONS.BTG XLII
“During their responsible existence these intelligentsia beings there always act or manifest only when they receive corresponding shocks from outside, and it is these same shocks proceeding from outside which give them the possibility of becoming correspondingly animated and of experiencing, only through the unrolling of the series of former corresponding automatic perceptions already present in them and not depending at all on their own wish or will; and these external shocks of theirs for the said kind of experiencing are usually in the first place animate or inanimate things accidentally coming within the sphere of their organs of perception of visibility; secondly, the various beings they meet; thirdly, the sounds or words reverberating where they happen to be; fourthly, scents accidentally perceived by their sense of smell; and finally, unaccustomed SENSATIONS that proceed from time to time during the functioning of their planetary body, or as they say, their ‘organism’ and so on.BTG XLIII