This attracted my attention at once. Nothing had ever seemed to me more artificial, unreliable, and dogmatic than all the usual theories of the origin of planets and SOLAR SYSTEMS, beginning with the Kant-Laplace theory down to the very latest, with all their additions and variations. The “general public” considers these theories, or at any rate the last one known to it, to be scientific and proven. But in actual fact there is of course nothing less scientific and less proven than these theories. Therefore the fact that G.’s system accepted an altogether different theory, an organic theory having its origin in entirely new principles and showing a different universal order, appeared to me very interesting and important. Fragments: One
“Everything in the world, from SOLAR SYSTEMS to man, and from man to atom, either rises or descends, either evolves or degenerates, either develops or decays. Bur nothing evolves mechanically. Only degeneration and destruction proceed mechanically. That which cannot evolve consciously — degenerates. Help from outside is possible only in so far as it is valued and accepted, even if it is only by feeling in the beginning. Fragments: Four
“For the sun, in its turn, ‘world’ is our world of stars, or the Milky Way, an accumulation of a vast number of SOLAR SYSTEMS. Fragments: Four