
“Here it is interesting to notice that concerning this they were warned by still another Saint-Individual, also a genuine Messenger from Above, namely, the Saint Kirmininasha.

“And this Saint and genuine Messenger gave this warning to them in the following words: “’Blessed is he that bath a SOUL; blessed also is he that hath none; but grief and sorrow are to him that hath in himself its conception’. (B246)

“Come now and let us talk about these ‘higher-perfected-being-bodies’, that is about ‘SOULs’, who came on to this holy planet Purgatory to which all my foregoing explanations have referred.

“And so . . . from the very beginning, when these higher being-parts arose in this way and were perfected in beings to the required sacred gradation of Objective Reason, that is to say, when in accordance with the lower Mdnel-In of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the body-Kesdjan was, thanks to the second being-food formed in beings, and in accordance with the higher Mdnel-In of the same sacred law, the third highest being-body was, thanks to the third being-food, coated and perfected; and when these completely perfected higher being-parts were divided from the lower being-parts, then they were deemed worthy to be immediately united with the Most Most Holy Prime-Source and began to fulfill their Divine foreordained purpose.

“This continued so right up to that time when that terrifying cosmic event occurred which, as I have already told you, is now called the ‘Choot-God-Litanical’ period. (B796)