And so, I have already composed in my head the plan and sequence of the intended expositions, but what form they will take on paper, I, speaking frankly, myself do not as yet know with my consciousness, but with my SUBCONSCIOUSNESS I already definitely feel that on the whole it will take the form of something which will be, so to say, “hot”, and will have an effect on the entirety of every reader such as the red pepper pods had on the poor Transcaucasian Kurd. 104 BTG I
My first act, obviously in discordance with the manifestations of others, though truly without the participation not only of my consciousness but also of my SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, occurred on exactly the fortieth day after the death of my grandmother, when all our family, our relatives and all those by whom my dear grandmother, who was loved by everybody, had been held in esteem, gathered in the cemetery according to custom, to perform over her mortal remains, reposing in the grave, what is called the “requiem service”, when suddenly without any rhyme or reason, instead of observing what was conventional among people of all degrees of tangible and intangible morality and of all material positions, that is to say, instead of standing quietly as if overwhelmed, with an expression of grief on one’s face and even if possible with tears in one’s eyes, I started skipping round the grave as if dancing and sang: 124 BTG I
At the same time, in the whole region of my spine there began a strong almost unbearable itch, and a colic in the very center of my solar plexus, also unbearable, and all this, that is these dual, mutually stimulating sensations, after the lapse of some time suddenly were replaced by such a peaceful inner condition as I experienced in later life once only, when the ceremony of the great initiation into the Brotherhood of the “Originators of making butter from air” was performed over me; and later when “I”, that is, this “something-unknown” of mine, which in ancient times one crank — called by those around him, as we now also call such persons, a “learned man” — defined as a “relatively transferable arising, depending on the quality of the functioning of thought, feeling, and organic automatism”, and according to the definition of another also ancient and renowned learned man, the Arabian Mal-el-Lel, which definition by the way was in the course of time borrowed and repeated in a different way by a no less renowned and learned Greek, Xenophon, “the compound result of consciousness, SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, and instinct”; so when this same “I” in this condition turned my dazed attention inside myself, then firstly it very clearly constated that everything, even to each single word, elucidating this quotation that has become an “all-universal life principle” became transformed in me into some special cosmic substance, and merging with the data already crystallized in me long before from the behest of my deceased grandmother, changed these data into a “something” and this “something” flowing everywhere through my entirety settled forever in each atom composing this entirety of mine, and secondly, this my ill-fated “I” there and then definitely felt and, with an impulse of submission, became conscious of this, for me, sad fact, that already from that moment I should willy-nilly have to manifest myself always and in everything without exception, according to this inherency formed in me, not in accordance with the laws of heredity, nor even by the influence of surrounding circumstances, but arising in my entirety under the influence of three external accidental causes, having nothing in common, namely: thanks in the first place to the behest of a person who had become, without the slightest desire on my part, a passing cause of the cause of my arising; secondly, on account of a tooth of mine knocked out by some ragamuffin of a boy, mainly on account of somebody else’s “slobberiness”; and thirdly, thanks to the verbal formulation delivered in a drunken state by a person quite alien to me — some merchant of “Moscovite brand”. 174 BTG I
“‘When all the above-mentioned was completely transubstantiated in me, I decided to consecrate the whole of myself from that time on to the creation here of such conditions that the functioning of the “sacred-conscience” still surviving in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, might gradually pass into the functioning of their ordinary consciousness. 2151 BTG XXVI
“When this great and, by His Reason, almost incomparable Sacred Individual became fully convinced that the ordinary sacred ways which exist for the purpose of self-perfection for all the three-brained beings of the Universe, were no longer suitable for the beings of this planet, He then, after His year of special observation and studies of their psyche, again ascended to that same mountain Veziniama, and during several terrestrial months contemplatively pondered in which way He could actualize His decision, that is to save the beings of this planet from those hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, by means of those data which survived in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS for the fundamental sacred being-impulse, Conscience. 2173 BTG XXVI
“These ponderings of His then first of all fully convinced Him that though it were indeed possible to save them by means of the data which survived in their common presences for engendering this sacred being-impulse, nevertheless, it would only be possible if the manifestations of these data which survived in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS were to participate without fail in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs, under the direction of which their daily-waking existence flows, and furthermore if this being-impulse were to be manifested over a long period through every aspect of this consciousness of theirs”. 2174 BTG XXVI
“Later, when, with the participation of these brethren of the former brotherhood Tehaftantouri, everything had been worked out and organized, the Very SaintlyAshiata Shiemash sent these same brethren to various places and commissioned them under his general guidance to spread the information that in the SUBCONSCIOUSNESS of people there are crystallized and are always present the data manifested from Above for engendering in them the Divine impulse of genuine conscience, and that only he who acquires the ‘ableness’ that the actions of these data participate in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs in which they pass their everyday existence, has in the objective sense the honest right to be called and really to be a genuine son of our COMMON FATHER CREATOR of all that exists. 2187 BTG XXVII
“When the organization of the first brotherhood Heechtvori in the city Djoolfapal had been more or less regulated and was so established that the further work could already be continued independently, by means only of the directions issuing from the Reason then present in the brotherhood, then the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash himself selected from among those .ho had become All-the-rights-possessing brothers of the brotherhood, those who had already sensed the said Divine impulse, consciously by their Reason and unconsciously by the feelings in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, and who had full confidence that by certain self-efforts this Divine being-impulse might become and forever remain an inseparable part of their ordinary consciousness. And those who had sensed and become aware of this Divine conscience, and who were called ‘first-degree-initiates’, he set apart, and he began to enlighten their Reason separately concerning these ‘objective truths’, which before that time were still quite unknown to the three-brained beings. 2197 BTG XXVII
“However it might have been, my boy, it then so turned out that almost all of your favorites — those strange three-brained beings — also wished and began to strive with all their spiritualized being-parts to have in their ordinary waking-consciousness the Divine genuine objective conscience, and in consequence, most of the beings of Asia at that time began to work upon themselves under the guidance of initiates and priests of the brotherhood Heechtvori, in order to transfer into their ordinary consciousness the results of the data present in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS for engendering the impulse of genuine Divine conscience, and in order to have the possibility, by this means, on the one hand of completely removing from themselves, perhaps forever, the maleficent consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, both those personally acquired and those passed to them by heredity and, on the other hand, of consciously taking part in diminishing the sorrow of OUR COMMON ENDLESS FATHER. 2210 BTG XXVII
“This became fully evident to me when, during the period of my last sojourn on the surface of this planet of yours, I became deeply interested in the mentioned Legominism concerning the deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash entitled ‘The Terror-of-the-Situation’. I began in the course of my further detailed researches and investigations relating to his subsequent Very Saintly Activities and their results, to investigate the causes in which way and why the crystallization of the mentioned factors obtained from the particles of the emanation of the Sorrow of OUR COMMON FATHER CREATOR for the actualizing of the Divine being-impulse of objective conscience, proceeded in their presences, that is to say, just in their said SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, and thus avoided that final degeneration to which are subject all the data placed in them for engendering in their presences the being-impulses Faith, Love, and Hope, and I was convinced that this strange anomaly there fully justifies one of the numerous wise sentences of our highly esteemed irreplaceable, and honorable Mullah Nassr Eddin which states: “‘Every – real – happiness – for – man – can – arise – exclusively – only – from – some – unhappiness – also – real -which – he – has – already – experienced’. 2218 BTG XXVII
“The mentioned duality of their general psyche proceeded because on the one hand various what are called ‘individual-initiatives’ began to issue from that localization arising in their presences, which is always predominant during their waking existence, and which localization is nothing else but only the result of the accidental perceptions of impressions coming from without, and engendered by their abnormal environment, which perceptions in totality are called by them their ‘consciousness’; and on the other hand, similar individual-initiatives also began to issue in them, as it is proper to them, from that normal localization existing in the presences of every kind of being and which they called their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS. 2219 BTG XXVII
“Thanks to all this, the conscience which might be in the consciousness of the beings of that planet is, from their earliest infancy, gradually ‘driven-back-within’, so that by the time they are grown up the said conscience is already found only in what they call their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS. 2226 BTG XXVII
“That is why, my boy, the crystallization in their common presences of the Divine manifestation issuing from Above for the data of the arising of this sacred being impulse in them, proceeds only in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS — which has ceased to participate in the process of their ordinary, daily existence — and that is why these data have escaped that ‘degeneration’ to which all the other sacred being-impulses were subject, and which they also ought to have in their presences, namely, the impulses Faith, Love, and Hope. 2228 BTG XXVII
“Furthermore, if, for some reason or other, the actions of the Divine data, crystallized in their presences for the said being-impulse, should now begin to manifest themselves in them from their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS and should strive to participate in the functioning of their abnormally formed ordinary ‘consciousness’, then no sooner are they aware of it, than they at once take measures to avoid it, because it has already become impossible in the conditions already existing there for anyone to exist with the functioning in their presences of this Divine impulse of genuine objective conscience. 2229 BTG XXVII
“Well, then, my boy, when the data arose in the common presences of your favorites for engendering this ‘Unique-particular’ being-impulse egoism and when gradually evolving and giving rise to factors ensuing from it for other also particular but now secondary strange being-impulses, this said ‘Unique-property’ egoism usurped the place of the ‘Unique-All-Autocratic-Ruler’ in their general organization; then, not only every manifestation but even what is called the ‘desire-for-the-arising’ of such a Divine being-impulse became a hindrance to the actions of this ‘All-Autocratic-Ruler’. And in consequence of this, when eventually your favorites had already, by force of necessity, both consciously and unconsciously, always and in everything, prevented it partaking in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs through the control of which it had become proper for them to actualize their waking-existence, the actions of those Divine data were gradually, as it were, removed from the functioning of their ordinary ‘consciousness’ and participated only in the functioning of their said SUBCONSCIOUSNESS. 2232 BTG XXVII
“My later detailed researches and investigations very definitely and clearly showed me that, in that consciousness of theirs, which they call their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, even in the beings of the present time, the said data for the acquisition in their presences of this fundamental Divine impulse conscience does indeed still continue to be crystallized and, hence, to be present during the whole of their existence. 2234 BTG XXVII
“In consequence, there is then automatically obtained, in these three-brained beings there, such a combination of functioning in their common presences as temporarily frees the data present in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS for the manifestation of the Divine impulse conscience and for its participation in the functioning of their ordinary consciousness, with the result that this said Remorse-of-Conscience proceeds in them. 2239 BTG XXVII
“Well then, my boy, at the time when the results of the Very Saintly Labors of the Essence-loving Ashiata Shiemash had already begun to blend with the processes of what is called their ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ being-existence, and when thanks to this, data for the Divine impulse conscience, surviving in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, gradually began to share in the functioning of their ‘waking-consciousness’, then the being-existence both personal and reciprocal began to proceed on this planet also, almost as it does on the other planets of our great Universe on which three-brained beings exist. 2249 BTG XXVII
“This SUBCONSCIOUSNESS is, however, just that part of their general psyche about which . . . do you remember? I have told you already that it was first noticed by the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash who constated that in that part of their psyche there are not yet atrophied the data for the fourth sacred impulse which is named ‘Objective-Conscience’. 2974 BTG XXXI
“Well, my boy . . . when I commenced my investigations, in regard this time to the fundamental aim I had set myself, in order to become assuredly aware of all the causes which produced such a peculiar psyche in the presences of the three-brained beings of the planet pleasing to you, and when therefore it soon became necessary for me to make clear certain of what are called ‘hidden details’ in the common presence of this psyche of theirs, there unexpectedly arose for me just at the beginning of this last personal stay of mine among them a very serious difficulty consisting in this: that the bringing to light of these properties hidden within them, namely, the properties found in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, turned out to be possible exclusively only with the intentional help on the part of them themselves, that is, with the help of that consciousness of theirs, which with the flow of time had become proper to be possessed by them during their waking state. Furthermore, I made clear to myself that it was necessary that this said voluntary help should come from the three-brained beings there of all the types of which in general during recent times they had begun to be completely formed. 3002 BTG XXXI
“Only thanks to the single fact that your favorites, especially the contemporary ones, do not know at all and even do not suspect the necessity of at least adapting their famous education to the said SUBCONSCIOUSNESS of their offspring, but that they always and in everything intentionally assist every one of the rising generation to perceive impressions only from the abnormally artificial, then thanks only to this, when every one of them reaches the age of a responsible being all his being-judgments and all his deductions from them are always purely peculiarly-subjective in him and have no connection not only with the genuine being-impulses arising also in him, but also neither with those general cosmic lawful phenomena, to sense which by Reason is proper to every three-brained being, and by means of which there is established that connection between all the three-brained beings of all our Great Universe for the collective fulfilment of the common universal functioning, for which purpose everything existing in the Universe just exists. 3198 BTG XXXII
“And the totality of these localized data, existing in their presences and spiritualized in them for the genuine being-consciousness which they call SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, not having and not acquiring any ‘logicnestarian-growths’ for confrontation and criticism, but having from the very beginning only possibilities of engendering the sacred being-impulses called ‘faith’, ‘love’, ‘hope’, and ‘conscience’, always believes, always loves, and always hopes in everything newly perceived. 3200 BTG XXXII
“By means of this hindering I obtained the result that although the already mechanized tempo of the blood circulation of their waking state remained in beings, yet at the same time their real consciousness, that is, the one which they themselves call SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, began also to function. 3271 BTG XXXIII
“Here it is extremely important also to notice that the existence itself of these terrifying processes could not in any way take place there among the three-brained beings of the planet Earth if those data which had remained intact in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS for the engendering of the being-impulse conscience, to which data the Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was the first to turn his attention and upon which he relied for the fulfillment of his mission, had taken part in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs which has become habitual for them during their waking state. 3508 BTG XXXIV
“Justice demands it to be admitted that although in the common presences of the three-brained beings there of the old ruling class the data present in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS for the engendering of real being-conscience also did not take part in the functioning of their what is called waking-consciousness, yet, at least, they usually have the habit of ruling, acquired by heredity and improving automatically from generation to generation. 3524 BTG XXXIV
“‘After long impartial labors they discovered, in the first place, that the men who contracted this disease were exclusively those in whose SUBCONSCIOUSNESS, for some reason or other, there never arose any impulse of faith in anybody or in anything, and secondly, that those adult men who periodically performed the normal ritual of intercourse with women were not at all subject to this disease. 5942 BTG XLII
“Such societies of power-possessing beings usually arise there at the beginning of the end of the great processes of reciprocal destruction. And almost each time they arise in the following way: “A number of them, namely, from among those power-possessors, personally suffered during their last process of reciprocal destruction such ‘heavy losses’ — the ‘momentum of the action’ of which had not yet ceased in their common presence and had engendered for the general functioning of their psyche a certain combination — that the data in their SUBCONSCIOUSNESS for the arising of the being-impulse named ‘conscience’, had begun by itself to take part in the functioning of that ‘automatic consciousness’ of theirs, which had already long ago become habitual to them; that is to say, there was obtained by itself in their general psyche that combination about which the Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash had dreamed for all the three-brained beings of that ill-fated planet. 6434 BTG XLIII
“In this same SUBCONSCIOUSNESS of theirs, owing to many causes formed in them, that particularity of the common psyche of the three-brained beings also accidentally survived which, in general, might function under certain conditions and which is called the ‘seeing-and-sensing-of-what-has-occurred-in-the-remote-past’. 6841 BTG XLIV