
the fundamental aim and sense of the existence of these beings is that there must proceed through them the transmutation of cosmic SUBSTANCEs necessary for the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process B130; see transformation

the cosmic SUBSTANCE, the Sacred Askokin B84 B182 ff B1106 ff

the sacred SUBSTANCEs Abrustdonis and Helkdonis B1106 ff B1166 B1168

Hydro-oomiak and Petrkarmak are two cosmic SUBSTANCEs which are unknown to contemporary learned chemists although they are the principal necessary factors for their own existence B831

the beings of the continent Atlantis then called the second being-food Amarloos, which meant help-for-the-moon, and they called the third being-food the sacred Amarhoodan, and this last word then signified for them help-for-God B783; Amarloos B1108

those three-sourced SUBSTANCEs entering their common presences for transformation are, just as for us, a threefold kind of being-food B780; and B781 ff; see food

the sacred being-SUBSTANCE Exioëhary B792 ff.; see Exioëhary

the cosmic SUBSTANCEs called in totality blood B568f.; see blood

Hanbledzoin, and the sacred being-Hanbledzoin or Aiësakhaldan B569

concerning the body Kesdjan B569 ff B765 B768 B1106

concerning the body of the Soul, the highest being-body B194 B569 B1106

Etherokrilno is that prime-source SUBSTANCE with which the whole Universe is filled, and which is the basis for the arising and maintenance of everything existing; not only is this Etherokrilno the basis for the arising of all cosmic concentrations without exception, both large and small, but also all cosmic phenomena in general proceed during some transformation in this same fundamental cosmic SUBSTANCE as well as during the processes of the involution and evolution of various crystallizations-or of those active elements-which have obtained and continue to obtain their prime arising from this same fundamental prime-source cosmic SUBSTANCE; bear in mind, here, that it is just because of this that the mentioned Objective Science says that everything without exception in the Universe is material B137 ff; see transformation

the most sacred SUBSTANCE Theomertmalogos; see theomertmalogos the density and quality — in the sense of the vivifyingness of their vibrations — of all cosmic SUBSTANCEs B124; see density, vivifying

the Omnipresent-World-SUBSTANCE-Okidanokh; see Okidanokh

the cosmic SUBSTANCE Elekilpomagtistzen

the omnipresent SUBSTANCE Electricity; see electricity

sacred cosmic force-bearing SUBSTANCEs B587

sacred SUBSTANCE-force B588

the common presence of the planetary body of every being and in general of any other relatively independent great or small cosmic unit, must consist of all the three localized sacred SUBSTANCEs-of-forces of the holy Triamazikamno B589

the fundamental common-cosmic Ansapalnian-octave B830 B849; see octave

common-cosmic-exchange-of-SUBSTANCEs; see exchange, interchange, Iraniranumange; consider also Ansanbaluiazar

for this reciprocal maintenance certain chemical SUBSTANCEs also serve — Atarnakh B1095

Nature’s repeated reciprocal exchange of SUBSTANCEs between various great cosmic concentrations B1230

in the highest degree an interesting and curious circumstance, concerning the totality of cosmic SUBSTANCEs localized in the surplanetary formation Papaveroon B823 ff.; see active element, opium

the SUBSTANCE castor oil B553 B588

the totality of SUBSTANCEs in Dover’s powder B545 ff

of the very many particularly maleficent inventions of those German beings, let us take just those five what are called chemical SUBSTANCEs B427; and B428 ff

when this same I in this condition turned my dazed attention inside myself, then firstly it very clearly constated that everything, even to each single word, eludicating this quotation that has become an all-universal life principle became transformed in me into some special cosmic SUBSTANCE — the Author B38 and B124 B135 B436 B690 B948