the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE where our Lord Sovereign Endlessness has the fundamental place of His Dwelling B52 B136 B749
there, Beelzebub, among others like himself had become an attendant upon His Endlessness, until his banishment B52
when Ashiata Shiemash returned to the SUN ABSOLUTE, he earnestly besought His Endlessness to pardon Beelzebub B54
higher being-bodies, or souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations our Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain the vivific power for coating higher being-bodies B60 ff; and B524
in the Great Universe, all phenomena are simply successively law-conformable Fractions of some whole phenomenon which has its prime arising on the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE B123
for the definition of Time, the standard unit has from long ago been the moment of the sacred Egokoolnatsnarnian – sensation which always appears in the Most Holy Cosmic Individual-dwelling on the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE whenever the vision of our Uni-Being Endlessness is directed into space and directly touches their presences B124; and B128
the Trogoautoegocratic-process was actualized so that the exchange of substances might proceed and thereby that the merciless Heropass might not have its maleficent effect on the SUN ABSOLUTE B136 ff; and B753
our sacred Theomertmalogos, the prime emanation of the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE, acquires the lawfulness of Triamazikamno at its prime arising; and during its further actualizations gives results in accordance with it; and so, the Omnipresent-Okidanokh obtains its prime arising in space outside of the Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE itself B139
the sacred being-Hanbledzoin which serves the highest part of a being called the soul, is formed from the direct emanation of our Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE B569
in the beginning, all these higher-being-bodies on this holy planet went direct on to our Most Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE, concerning the Choot-God-Litanical period B745; and B765 ff B797 ff
in the beginning, when nothing yet existed and when the whole of our Universe was empty endless space with the presence of only the prime-source cosmic substance Etherokrilno, our present Most Great and Most Most Holy SUN ABSOLUTE existed alone in all this empty space, concerning the averting the destruction of the SUN ABSOLUTE B748 ff.
and they named the Most Most Holy Prime-Source SUN ABSOLUTE itself, Protocosmos B760 B777 ff B797 B866
the system of the Protocosmos B771
the sphere of the Most Most Holy Protocomos B799 and B1123 B1125 B1127