“He said, ‘By means of this special appliance, there are first “sucked-in” separately from the atmosphere or from any intra- or SURPLANETARY fomation, all the three independent parts of the Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh present in it, and only afterwards when in a certain way, these separate independent parts are artificially reblended in the Krhrrhihirhi into a single whole, does the Okidanokh, now in its usual state, flow and is it concentrated there, in that “container”‘. – saying which, he again with the same special feather pointed to something very much like what is called a ‘generator’. 968 BTG XVIII
“After long observations he finally cleared up for himself that the cause of the phenomenon was a new habit of the beings of his community, namely, their habit of chewing the seed of a plant then called ‘Gulgulian’. This SURPLANETARY formation also arises on the planet Earth at the present time, and those of your favorites who consider themselves ‘educated’ call it ‘Pavaveroon’, but the ordinary beings simply call it the ‘poppy’. 1323 BTG XX
“Here it must without fail be noticed that the beings of Maralpleicie then only had a passion for chewing those seeds of the mentioned SURPLANETARY formation which had without fail to be gathered at the time of what is called ‘ripeness’. 1324 BTG XX
“And only after a month’s travel, according to their time-calculation, did our caravan from Arguenia come to places where in the soil the possibility had not yet been quite destroyed of Nature’s forming SURPLANETARY formations and creating corresponding conditions for the arising and existing of various one-brained and two-brained beings. 1441 BTG XXI
“In order, my boy, that the sense of this latter emblem put into the material called there amber, may become quite comprehensible to you, I must add that amber is one of those seven planetary formations, in the arising of which the Omnipresent Active Element Okidanokh takes part with all its three separate, independent, sacred parts, in equal proportion; and in the process of planetary actualization, these intraplanetary and SURPLANETARY formations serve for what is called the ‘impeding’ of the independent flow of these three localized independent sacred parts”. 1874 BTG XXIII
“The first of the enumerated means, specially invented by the German beings, namely, ‘satkaine’, is nothing else but ‘Samookoorooazar’, that is to say, one of those seven what are called ‘neutralizing gases’ which arise and are always present in the common presence of each planet and which take part in the ‘completed crystallization’ of every definite SURPLANETARY and interplanetary formation and which in separate states are always and everywhere what are called ‘indiscriminate-destroyers-of-the-already-arisen’. 2465 BTG XXIX
“The second of the chemical substances I enumerated, namely, ‘aniline’, is that chemical coloring substance, by means of which most of those SURPLANETARY formations can be dyed from which the three-brained beings there make all kinds of objects they need in the process of their ordinary being-existence. 2470 BTG XXIX
“But they placed this said cupola on only three columns; and the reciprocal thrust, or, as it is also expressed, the ‘reciprocal resistance’, ensuing from the Law of Sevenfoldness for supporting the SURPLANETARY weight, they took not from the columns alone, but also from other unusual combinations ensuing from the same Law of Sevenfoldness with which the mass of the ordinary beings of that time were also already acquainted; that is to say, they took the required degree of resistance of the columns chiefly from the force of the weight of the cupola itself. 2670 BTG XXX
“During such transformations, this said ‘common-integral-vibration’, that is the white ray, acts with its gravity-center-vibrations upon other ordinary processes proceeding nearby in intraplanetary and SURPLANETARY arisings and decompositions, and, owing to ‘kindred-vibrations’, its gravity-center-vibrations dependently upon and in accordance with the surrounding conditions blend and become a part of the whole common presence of these definite intraplanetary or SURPLANETARY formations, in which the said processes proceed. 2694 BTG XXX
“They obtain this opium as you already know from the plant poppy, and hashish from a SURPLANETARY formation there called ‘Chakla’ or ‘hemp’. 3287 BTG XXXIII
“This maleficent means is obtained there chiefly from the SURPLANETARY formation called the ‘potato’. 3290 BTG XXXIII
“Certain members of this society who already had some notion of the sacred Omnipresent Okidanokh, discovered by their persistent labors, how to obtain from their own atmosphere and also from certain SURPLANETARY formations each of its sacred parts separately, and by keeping these sacred cosmic ‘force-bearing’ substances in a concentrated state, how to perform, with their help, their definite scientific elucidatory experiments. 3313 BTG XXXIII
“And so, in consequence of the fact that the body Kesdjan of the being is coated with those substances which in their totality make this cosmic formation much lighter than that mass of cosmic substances which surrounds the planets and is called the planetary atmosphere, then as soon as the body Kesdjan of the being is separated from the planetary body of the being, it at once rises according to the cosmic law called ‘Tenikdoa’, or as it is sometimes called the ‘law of gravity’, to that sphere in which it finds the weight proper to it equally balanced and which is therefore the corresponding place of such cosmic arisings; then, in consequence of all this, the preliminary preparation consists in this, that beforehand, still during the planetary existence of that being, on the body Kesdjan of whom it is intended after his decease to produce the sacrament of the sacred Almznoshinoo, a particle of his Hanbledzoin must be taken and this particle must be either kept in some corresponding SURPLANETARY formation, or be introduced into those beings themselves who produce this ‘ritual’, and intentionally blend with the Hanbledzoin of their own body Kesdjan. 4054 BTG XXXVIII
“In order to be clear in our subsequent talks upon this question, you must now be told just here that the said connection — one end of which is kept in the body Kesdjan which has risen to its corresponding sphere and the other end of which stays either within those SURPLANETARY formations in which the particle from the general mass of the Hanbledzoin of the given body Kesdjan was fixed, or in those beings who intentionally blended the Hanbledzoin of the given body Kesdjan with the Hanbledzoin of their own body Kesdjan — can exist in space only for a limited period, namely, only until the completion of the appointed movement of that planet, on which the given being had arisen, around its sun. 4056 BTG XXXVIII
“So, my boy! Until these completed movements have come to an end, those beings existing on planets who either have in themselves a particle of the Hanbledzoin of any body Kesdjan or have at their disposal the SURPLANETARY formation in which that part of the Hanbledzoin was fixed, can — assuming, of course, that they have all the corresponding data for carrying it out — at any time attract such a body back to the sphere of the solid part of the planet, and saturating it to the condensation corresponding to their own Hanbledzoin, in this way establish relations with the Reason of that already completely formed independent cosmic unit. 4059 BTG XXXVIII
“And it was thanks to that contact there, on that small area of that ill-starred planet, that that accelerated cosmic phenomenon resulted called ‘Noughtounichtono’, that is to say, the sudden and instantaneous evolution of all cosmic formed crystallizations, and, namely, all the neighboring SURPLANETARY formations, were immediately transformed into the prime-source substance Etherokrilno. 4066 BTG XXXVIII
“This Sobrionolian contact, or as it would be said on your planet Earth this ‘explosion’, was so powerful that during this Noughtounichtono there, everything without any exception was transformed into Etherokrilno, both the planetary body of the chief of this small group of beings as well as all the six other brethren there who had completed this sacred sacrament, and likewise in general all the spiritualized or only concentrated SURPLANETARY formations which were in the given region within an area of one ‘Shmana’, or as your favorites would say ‘one square kilometer’. 4067 BTG XXXVIII
“And as for the SURPLANETARY formations, such as ‘flowers’, ‘fruits’, ‘berries’, and all others of the same kind, words are inadequate. It can be said that there are collected and acclimatized there almost the whole ‘flora’, ‘fauna’, and ‘foscalia’ from all the planets of our Great Universe. 4154 BTG XXXIX
“Before continuing to relate further how this was actualized, it is necessary to tell you that the functioning of the mentioned common-cosmic Iraniranumange is harmonized in such a way that all the results obtained from transformations in different cosmoses localize themselves together according to what is called ‘qualitativeness ol vibrations’, and these localizations penetrate everywhere throughout the Universe and take a corresponding part in planetary as well as in SURPLANETARY formations, arid generally have as the temporary place of their free concentration the what are called atmospheres, with which all the planets of our Megalocosmos are surrounded and through which connection is established for the common cosmic Iraniranumange. 4319 BTG XXXIX
“As regards the third kind of being-Reason, this is nothing else but only the action of the automatic functioning which proceeds in the common presences of all beings in general and also in the presences of all SURPLANETARY definite formations, thanks to repeated shocks coming from outside, which evoke habitual reactions from the data crystallized in them corresponding to previous accidentally perceived impressions. 4373 BTG XXXIX
“That is to say, those substances which, on the path of their returning evolutionary ascent from the sacred ‘Ashagiprotoëhary’ — i.e., from the last Stopinder of the fundamental Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh toward the Most Most Holy Protocosmos — were transmitted with the aid of their own planet itself into definite higher corresponding SURPLANETARY formations, and enter into them for further transformation as their ‘first being-food’, which is their ordinary ‘food’ and ‘drink’. 4457 BTG XXXIX
“It is in the highest degree an interesting and curious circumstance that the initial source for this constatation of theirs was the totality of cosmic substances localized in just that same SURPLANETARY formation which is now called there ‘Papaveroon’ or as it is still called poppy; and owing to the implanting of the habit of chewing the seeds of this poppy, their great grandfather, the great King Konuzion first invented his, as already mentioned by me, ‘religious teaching’. 4776 BTG XL
“In order that you may better represent to yourself and well understand, why just such a small planetary formation as I mentioned, named Papaveroon or poppy, was the cause of the constatation by these great terrestrial learned beings of that most great cosmic law, you must first of all know, that on all planets, for the purposes of the transformation of common-cosmic substances during the process of ‘Iraniranumange’, there arise, among all kinds of SURPLANETARY and intraplanetary formations in general as well as among formations called ‘flora’ in particular, three classes of formations. 4780 BTG XL
“The SURPLANETARY flora-formation mentioned by me, named on your planet the plant Papaveroon, belongs to the class of Polormedekhtian-arisings and through it there evolves or involves, what is called, the ‘totality-of-the-results-of-the-transformation’ of all other cosmic ‘gravity-center-concentrations, which come into the atmosphere of this planet of yours through the common-cosmic process of what is called ‘ubiquitous-diffusion-of-the-radiationsof-all-kinds-of-cosmic-concentrations’. 4790 BTG XL
“These scientists of new format there are of course very far from apprehending that when any SURPLANETARY formation is artificially grafted or manipulated in any such fashion it arrives in a state defined by objective science as ‘Absoizomosa’, in which it absorbs from its surrounding medium cosmic substances serviceable only for the coating of what is called its ‘automatically self-reproducing subjective presence’. 5779 BTG XLII
“The action of this organ, as appointed by Great Nature, is that various connective cosmic substances separated by the transformation of the various SURPLANETARY crystallizations which compose the ‘first being-food’, are gathered in it in the form of what are called ‘gases’, in order that later, at the time of the elimination from the common presences of the beings of the already waste residue of the said food, these ‘gases’ should by this pressure assist this act. 5808 BTG XLII
“‘As a result, from the very beginning of my subsequent experimental elucidations, I came to possess an immeasurable number of every kind of proof for the elucidation, both for myself and for others, of the fact that the Omnipresent substance Okidanokh is such a particle of the common presence of the atmosphere of our planet, and evidently of the presence of the atmosphere of other planets, as takes part both in the arising of every planetary and SURPLANETARY formation — among which of course there is also the “Hraprkhabeekhrokhnian” part of every being — as well as in the maintenance of their existence. 6965 BTG XLV
“‘Finally, I still further very definitely and from every aspect made clear to my reason and proved to others that the Omnipresent cosmic-substance Okidanokh present in our atmosphere and which is constantly being replenished, is for the common presence of our planet not only necessary and most important for every kind of arising and maintaining of existence, but also that the essence of every “relatively independent” intraplanetary and SURPLANETARY formation as well as of the beings of every system of brains and external coating depends on this substance, and likewise that the possibilities for three-brained beings to perfect themselves and ultimately to blend with the Prime Cause of everything existing depends exclusively also on it. 6968 BTG XLV