
“Although later, your Right Reverence, the inconveniences of this system gradually became more and more apparent, nevertheless it continued to displace all the SYSTEMS that had existed before. BTG IV

“But in spite of the said drawbacks of the system of Saint Venoma, it gradually, as I have already said, displaced all the previous SYSTEMS. BTG IV

“This new system was unanimously acknowledged to be the best, and very soon it was adopted for general Universal service and thereafter gradually all previous SYSTEMS were entirely superseded. BTG V

“But nevertheless, my boy, this Most High Commission, having then calculated all the facts at hand, and also all that might happen in the future, came to the conclusion that although the fragments of the planet Earth might maintain themselves for the time being in their existing positions, yet in view of certain so-called ‘Tastartoonarian-displacements’ conjectured by the Commission, they might in the future leave their position and bring about a large number of irreparable calamities both for this system ‘Ors’ and for other neighboring solar SYSTEMS. BTG IX

“It is interesting, by the way, to remark that for some reason or other, the form of being-bird raven breeds not only on almost all the planets of this solar system, but also on most of those other planets of the whole of our great Universe upon which beings of various brain SYSTEMS arise and are coated with planetary bodies of different forms. BTG X

“It is chiefly necessary to touch upon this question because you will then have still another very striking and illuminating fact for the better understanding of the difference between the various brain-SYSTEMS of beings, namely, the SYSTEMS called ‘one-brained’, ‘two-brained’, and ‘three-brained’. BTG XVII

“‘I repeat, all beings, of all brain SYSTEMS, without exception, large and small, arising and existing on the Earth or within the Earth, in the air or beneath the waters, are all equally necessary for our COMMON CREATOR, for the common harmony of the existence of Everything Existing. BTG XIX

“Remind me at some opportune moment about the said periods fixed by Nature for the normal process of the utilization of Exioëhary by beings of different brain SYSTEMS for the purpose of the continuation of their species, and I shall explain it to you in detail. BTG XXIII

“In short, during the said terrible years on this planet of yours, a result very rare in the Universe was obtained, that is to say, there was obtained the blending of the Exioeharies of two Keschapmartnian beings of different brain SYSTEMS of opposite sexes; and as a result, there arose the ancestors of these terrestrial ‘misconceived’ beings now called apes, who give your favorites no peace and who from time to time agitate their strange Reason. BTG XXIII

“They began, in relation to the horizon, from different places of the surface of the planet occupied by the observatory, but they all met at a small underground common hollow which was something like a cave. From there the specialists, then called Astrologers, made their observations for the purpose of studying, as I have already told you, the visible presences and results of the reciprocal action of other cosmic concentrations belonging to their own solar system as well as to other SYSTEMS of the Great Universe. BTG XXIII

“The Bobbin-kandelnost in the brains of beings existing only according to the principle Itoklanoz corresponds to the spring in mechanical watches of various SYSTEMS. BTG XXIX

“In all the mechanical watches of various SYSTEMS they use this said simple secret for regulating what is called the ‘tension’ of the said spring or the corresponding part of the general mechanism of the watch; and it is called, it seems, the ‘regulator’. BTG XXIX

“In this latter system however, such a center-of-gravity-of-causes arises because among the number of its ‘concentrations’ there is a great comet Solui, which, according to certain known combinations of the common-cosmic Harmonious-Movement at times approaches on its falling very near to its sun Baleaooto, which is forced by this to make a ‘strong tension’ in order to maintain the path of its own falling. This tension provokes the tension of the suns of the neighboring SYSTEMS, among the number of which is the system Ors; and when the sun Ors strains itself not to change its path of falling inherent to it, this sun Ors in its turn provokes the same tension in all the concentrations of its own system, among which is also the planet Earth. BTG XXXIV

“Thereupon the action of the results of this ‘Geneotriamazikamnian contact’ soon became harmonized with the already existing actions of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, and from that time the sacred Theomertmalogos began to issue changed, but nevertheless the primary consequences of the results of this contact had already had time during a certain period to change the harmonious movement of many solar SYSTEMS and to produce a disharmony in the inner functioning of certain of their planets. BTG XXXIX

“It must not be overlooked that these sorry scientists from among your favorites do not even suspect that if this atom of Hydrogen of theirs is indeed the smallest and indivisible, there in all spheres of their planet, then this does not mean that it cannot be broken up many times more within the limits of other solar SYSTEMS or even in the spheres of certain other planets of their own solar system. BTG XL

“A mammoth”, replied Beelzebub, “is a two-brained being, in the beginning it also bred on your planet and had, in comparison with other beings there of all brain SYSTEMS, a large exterior form. BTG XL

“‘Upon my further experimental elucidations I also became aware, beyond all doubt, that although our solar system like all the other solar SYSTEMS of the Great Universe has its own Ansanbaluiazar, and each planet with its atmosphere is a special place of concentration of one or another class of cosmic substances of the given “Systematic-Ansanbaluiazar”, yet nevertheless the cosmic-substance Okidanokh is an indispensable and predominant part of the presence of each planet. BTG XLV