
It is difficult for me to reconstruct the beginning of the conversation with G.’s pupils. Some of the things I heard surprised me. I tried to discover in what their work consisted, but they gave me no direct answers, insisting in some cases on a strange and, to me, unintelligible TERMINOLOGY. Fragments: One

“These four bodies are defined in different teachings in various ways.” G. drew a diagram and said: “The first is the physical body, in Christian TERMINOLOGY the ‘carnal’ body; the second, in Christian TERMINOLOGY, is the ‘natural’ body; the third is the ‘spiritual’ body; and the fourth, in the TERMINOLOGY of esoteric Christianity, is the ‘divine’ body. In theosophical TERMINOLOGY the first is the ‘physical’ body, the second is the ‘astral,’ the third is the ‘mental,’ and the fourth the ‘causal.’1 Fragments: Two

“In the TERMINOLOGY of certain Eastern teachings the first body is the ‘carriage’ (body), the second body is the ‘horse’ (feelings, desires), the third the ‘driver’ (mind), and the fourth the ‘master’ (I, consciousness, will). Fragments: Two

“All that has been said before about work on oneself, about the formation of inner unity and of the transition from the level of man number one, number two, and number three to the level of man number four and further, pursues one and the same aim. What is called according to one TERMINOLOGY the ‘astral body,’ is called in another TERMINOLOGY the ‘higher emotional center,’ although the difference here does not lie in the TERMINOLOGY alone. These are, to speak more correctly, different aspects of the next stage of man’s evolution. It can be said that the ‘astral body’ is necessary for the complete and proper functioning of the ‘higher emotional center’ in unison with the lower. Or it can be said that the ‘higher emotional center’ is necessary for the work of the ‘astral body.’ Fragments: Nine

“But do you really mean that the concept Microcosmos cannot be used in relation to man?” asked one of the audience. “This creates a strange difference in TERMINOLOGY.” Fragments: Ten

I began to draw the diagram on the board. It was the diagram of radiations in three octaves: Absolute-sun-earth-moon. We were already accustomed to this TERMINOLOGY and to G.’s form of exposition. But I did not know at all what I would say beyond what they knew already. Fragments: Thirteen