
that TRANSFORMATION which should in general proceed in the entirety of a man and give him, from his own conscious mentation the results he ought to have, which are proper to man B25

man is a transforming machine, a kind of transmitting station of forces B1203

and so, the three-brained beings of the planet Earth are not only, as we also are, apparatuses for the TRANSFORMATION of the cosmic substances required for the Most Great Trogoautoegocrat with the qualities of all the three forces of the fundamental common-cosmic Triamazikamno, but also, themselves absorbing these substances for TRANSFORMATION from three different sources of independent arisings, have all the possibilities of assimilating besides the substances necessary for the maintenance of their own existence, also those substances which go for the coating and perfecting of their own higher-being-bodies B780; consider also B762 ff

the TRANSFORMATION, transmutation, transubstantiation of cosmic substances B38 B130 B137 B144 B163 B196 B266 B570 ff B691 ff B772 ff B780 ff B797 B824 ff B943 B956 B1106 ff

Transformation of:
the substances being-Exioëhary B796
substances required for passive and active existence B507 ff
their ableness of normal being-mentation B450
all the varieties of being-energy B480 B506
three separate independent general-cosmic-sources-of-actualizing, concerning blood B569 ff.
active elements B692
crystallizations B762 B768
happy achievements into unhappy ones B643
their psyche into the psyche called Hasnamussian B1188
mineraloids, gases, metaloids, metals B170 ff

Kundabuffer B236
Korkaptilnian thought tapes B293
Hasnamuss-individuals B405
the making of bread B967
Heptaparaparshinokh B758
the process Iraniranumange B824 ff
the apparatus Alla-attapan, where the rays of daylight were transformed into a concentrated-white-ray B834

in the contemporary average man, every inner experience and even every painful experience which engenders mentation and which has obtained logical results which might in other circumstances be very beneficient to those round about, is not manifested outwardly but is only transformed into an enslaving factor for him himself B1213 ff
in the common presences of almost half of all the three-brained beings I met there, in America, the proceeding functioning of the TRANSFORMATION of the first being-food is disharmonized; their digestive organs are spoiled B943; and B956 ff
are not these worms also beings through whom cosmic substances are also transformed? B952

SEE transmute, transubstantiate