the second fundamental cosmic law, consists of three independent forces, that is to say, this sacred law manifests in everything, without exception, and everywhere in the Universe, in three separate independent aspects; and these three aspects exist in the Universe under the following denominations: the first, under the denomination, the Holy-Affirming; the second, the Holy-Denying; and the third, the Holy-Reconciling; and this is also why, concerning this sacred law and its three independent forces, the said Objective Science has, among its formulations, specially concerning this sacred law, the following: a law which always flows into a consequence and becomes the cause of subsequent consequences, and always functions by three independent and quite opposite characteristic manifestations, latent within it, in properties neither seen nor sensed 138-9
common-cosmic objective science also formulates: a new arising from the previously arisen through the Harnel-miaznel, the process of which is actualized thus: the higher blends with the lower in order to actualize the middle and thus becomes either higher for the preceding lower, or lower for the succeeding higher; and as I already told you, this Sacred-TRIAMAZIKAMNO consists of three independent forces, which are called: the first, Surp-Otheos; the second, Surp-Skiros; the third, Surp-Athanotos; which three holy forces of the sacred TRIAMAZIKAMNO the said science calls as follows: the first, the Affirming-force or the Pushing-force or simply the Force-plus; the second, the Denying-force or the Resisting-force or simply the Force-minus; and the third, the Reconciling-force or the Equilibrating-force or the Neutralizing-force 751
the three-brained beings of this planet already began to be aware of these three holy forces of the Sacred-TRIAMAZIKAMNO and then named them: the first, God-the-Father; the second, God-the-Son; and the third, God-the-Holy-Ghost 751-2
that sacred law which they call the Holy Trinity 1109
beings having this three-brained system can, by the conscious and intentional fulfilling of being-Partkdolg-duty, utilize from this process of Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, its three holy forces for their own presences, and bring their presences to what is called the Sekronoolanzaknian-state; that is to say, they can become such individuals as have their own sacred law of TRIAMAZIKAMNO and thereby the possibility of consciously taking in and coating in their common presence all that Holy which, incidentally, also aids the actualizing of the functioning in these cosmic units of Objective or Divine Reason 145; and 244 780 802; consider also 779
when each separate higher-perfected-being-body becomes an independent Individual and acquires in itself its own law of Sacred TRIAMAZIKAMNO it begins to emanate similarly to the Most Holy Sun Absolute but in miniature 798
in this constant struggle of theirs, the equilibrating harmonizing principle is their second being-body, which in their own individual law of TRIAMAZIKAMNO represents the neutralizing source 802
askokin 84
the Trogoautoegocratic process 137 753ff. 784
changing of the sacred law of TRIAMAZIKAMNO by Our Creator for the purpose of rendering the Heropass harmless 279 750ff.
Autoegocrat 750ff.
Omnipresent-Okidanokh 138 140
Aieioiuoa or Remorse 141
being-brains 143ff.
the teachings of Buddha 243ff.
Exioëharies of the male and female sex 278ff. 793; consider also 691 771
the cosmic law called the affinity of the number of the totality of vibrations 279
engendering of being-Egoaitoorassian-will 564
Rascooarno resulting from a superfluity of the vibrations of any one of the three sacred forces 589
the impossibility of females being major or attaining majority 691-2 984
Theomertmalogos 757 829
Geneotriamazikamnian contact 798
Hassein’s opinion about the law 813
making bread 965-6
second being-food 1050
the Reason-of-knowing and the Reason-of-understanding 1167-8
the common-cosmic TRIAMAZIKAMNO 757 780 1050
the sacred being-TRIAMAZIKAMNO 243 see Djartklom, force, source, three