“But when the three-brained beings there, who arose and existed on the neighbouring continent, now called Europe, then began taking part in the Asiatic wars, and when ‘hordes’ with the arch-vainglorious Greek called ‘Alexander-of-Macedonia’ at their head were dispatched thence and passed almost everywhere over the continent of Asia, they made, as it is said, a ‘clean sweep’ from the surface of that ill-fated planet, of everything that had been established and had still been preserved and carried out; so clean a sweep, that it left not even the trace of the memory that there could once have existed on the surface of their planet such a ‘bliss’, specially and intentionally created for their existence by such a Reason, whose possessor is now one of our seven MOST VERY SAINTLY OMNICOSMIC INDIVIDUALS, without whose participation even our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER does not allow himself to actualize anything. BTG XXVIII

“And now, my boy, after everything that I have elucidated to you we can return to the question why and how ‘higher-being-bodies’ or, as your favorites name them, souls, began to arise in our Universe, and why our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER turned HIS Divine attention particularly to just these cosmic arisings. BTG XXXIX

“When these higher parts of three-brained beings, who are perfected to the corresponding gradation of objective Reason, get there, they fulfill precisely that function of the Okaniaki or ‘cells-of-the-head-brain’, for which function, as I have already said, our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER ENDLESSNESS condescended at the creation of the now existing World, to decide to use for the future those coatings who obtain independent Individuality in the Tetartocosmoses, as an aid for Himself in the administration of the enlarging world. BTG XXXIX

“By the way, you might as well hear still once more even if you do know it, that the said being-Autokolizikners are formed in the presences of three-brained beings in general in all three localizations exclusively only from the results of the actualization of ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’, that is to say, thanks to those factors which, from the very beginning of the arising of the three-brained beings, our UNI-BEING COMMON FATHER designed to be the means for self-perfection. BTG XLVI