All the further events, during this last sojourn of mine on the surface of the planet Earth, connected with the abnormal form of the USUAL BEING-EXISTENCE of those three-brained beings who please you, and, at the same time, many trifling incidents of all kinds which elucidated the characteristic details of their peculiar psyche, began from the following: “Once, walking one morning by the said Pyramids, a certain elderly being, a stranger, and in exterior appearance not a native, approached me, and greeting me in the manner customary there, addressed me with the following words: “‘Doctor! You will perhaps do me the kindness to allow me to be your companion on your morning walks? I have noticed that you always walk in this neighborhood alone. I am also very fond of walking here of a morning and as I, too, am quite alone here in Egypt, I venture to propose to you that I should accompany you on these walks of yours’. BTG XXXIV
“The first of these causes is a common cosmic law which exists under the name of ‘Solioonensius’, and the second is a sharp deterioration of the conditions of the USUAL BEING-EXISTENCE of the beings on some part or other of the surface of this planet of yours. BTG XXXIV