
“‘They also believe, but this sacred impulse in them does not function independently, as it does in general in all the three-centered beings existing on the various other planets of our Great Universe, upon which beings with the same possibilities breed; but it arises dependent upon some or other factors, which have been formed in their common presences, owing as always to the same consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer – as for instance, the particular properties arising in them which they call “VANITY”, “self-love”, “pride”, “self-conceit”, and so forth. BTG XXVI

“‘It is perfectly easy to convince beings of this planet of anything you like, provided only during their perceptions of these “fictions”, there is evoked in them and there proceeds, either consciously from without, or automatically by itself, the functioning of one or another corresponding consequence of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer crystallized in them from among those that form what is called the “subjectivity” of the given being, as for instance: “self-love”, “VANITY”, “pride”, “swagger”, “imagination”, “bragging”, “arrogance”, and so on. BTG XXVI

“‘And they concoct this “melange” in the following way: the branch of the firm here, advertising itself well by American methods, is already widely known to my compatriots, and therefore, many of them, owing to always their same “VANITY” and to other weaknesses, proper by the way to those beings of whom my compatriots mostly consist, always order their so-called fashionable dresses from this branch here, and the branch here sends to them “from the capital of the world” “real French models”. BTG XXXVII