
the VIBRATIONS required by Nature which have to be formed from the radiations issuing from beings both during their existence as well as from the process of their Rascooarno, have no significance quantitatively, but only qualitatively 1104

quality of VIBRATIONS 106 124 131 416 763 1103 1218

quality and/or quantity of VIBRATIONS 131 905 1104 1115

Experiments concerning vibration:
by Gornahoor Harharkh, concerning the Omnipresent-Okidanokh 149-76
by Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel 826-40 847-8 851
by King-Too-Toz with the Lav-Merz-Nokh 849 851-2 866
by Hadji-Asvatz-Troov 871-917
Atarnakh’s theory 1095-1104

the law of VIBRATIONS, which branch of scientific knowledge is the most important and which gives the possibility, though approximately, of recognizing reality 859f.
laws of VIBRATIONS 847 854 860 866-7 870 883 893 898-9 907 910 912
the theory of the law of VIBRATIONS 862
great laws of world VIBRATIONS 901
affinity of the number of the totality of VIBRATIONS 279
Daivibrizkar 466-7
the-law-of-the-equilibration-of-VIBRATIONS 388
Equalization-of-many-sourced-VIBRATIONS 444
Heteratogetar 169
seven-gravity-center-VIBRATIONS-of-sound 848
laws of vibration of sound 880

the Chaltandr plant 905
chords 869 904 906 color 840 903 905
disease 910ff.
emotion 905
Heptaparaparshinokh, e.g., 847 867; see Heptaparaparshinokh
Iraniranumange 763
Itoklanoz 438
odor 650
restorials 861
second being-food 1050
sight 305
smell 473 503
sound 8 75 490 828-9 837 840 847-8 851 856 859-60ff. 865 880-1 889 891 897
Nirioonossian-world-sound 489 829 867f.
the Most Great Trogoautoegocrat 388 535 848 856 866 1095 1105

absolute VIBRATIONS of the note do 868 883
aerial VIBRATIONS of inertia 869
affinity-of-vibration 171; and 785-7
artificially produced VIBRATIONS 1160
the sacred VIBRATIONS askokin 84 182
the blending-of-gravity-center-VIBRATIONS 468; the successiveness-of-the-processes-of-the-mutual-blending-of-VIBRATIONS 847; and 852
chaotic 851
chord of VIBRATIONS 904
common-integral vibration of all sources of actualizing, namely, the white ray 468-71ff. 475
complexion-VIBRATIONS 786
cosmic 870
creative 892
evolution and involution of VIBRATIONS 848 851 867
extraneously-caused-VIBRATIONS 754
the flowing-of-some-VIBRATIONS-from-others 856; and 857
genuine VIBRATIONS 891
good-carrying 897
gravity-center-VIBRATIONS 468-72 474-5 787 857 1217
harmful 291903 906-7 964; VIBRATIONS of malice 49; VIBRATIONS which act on his environment like the smell of an old goat 503; evil-carrying 897; concerning a boil 894ff.; unendurable VIBRATIONS 1053
various-sourced unusual VIBRATIONS from higher being-bodies 799
the process called Kerkoolnonarnian-actualization of Great Nature, or The-obtaining-of-the-required-totality-of-VIBRATIONS-by-adaptation 144; see nature kindred-VIBRATIONS 144 471
the momentum of VIBRATIONS 650; momentum VIBRATIONS 892
natural VIBRATIONS 891; natural world-VIBRATIONS 891
Poisonioonoskirian-VIBRATIONS 809-10
radiative 1103; arising from radiations 291 535 591 907
the six organs called receivers-of-the-varied-qualitied-VIBRATIONS 1190
Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-VIBRATIONS 157 169
seven-classes-of-VIBRATIONS 470
sevenfold sources of 867
specific-vibration and specific gravity 289
subjective 904-6
superfluity of 589
totality-of-VIBRATIONS 144 170 279 865 904-5
unique-seven-propertied-vibration 470-1
wiseacring about 862
VIBRATIONS issuing through the radiations of women during menstruation 1109 and 328 591 1105