in consequence of the fact that for this new system of functioning of the forces which until then maintained the existence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, there were required outside of the Sun Absolute corresponding sources in which such forces could arise and from which they could flow into the presence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, our Almighty Endlessness was just then compelled to create our now existing Megalocosmos with all the cosmoses of different scales and relatively independent cosmic formations present in it, and from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat B753
every three-brained being represents in himself an exact similarity of the whole Megalocosmos B775; see similar
AND B52 B706 B749 ff B760 B769 B771 B773 ff B778 B780 B783 ff B786 B789 B799 ff B808 B815 B817 B819 B823 B848 B857 B867 B1072 B1121 B1148 B1166 B1171 ff B1179 ff