Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat

“It is just within and upon these cosmic definite formations that the processes of what are called the involution and evolution of the already formed concentrations and also of the said crystallizations take place – of course also according to the two said fundamental sacred laws – and all the results obtained from those processes in atmospheres, and further, by means of these atmospheres themselves, blend and go for the actualizing of the said ‘exchange-of-matters’ for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat. BTG XVII

“It is necessary to notice further that these localizations or brains in beings serve not only as apparatuses for the transformation of corresponding cosmic substances for the purposes of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat, but also as the means for beings whereby their conscious self-perfecting is possible. BTG XVII

“‘This fragment’, His Conformity continued, ‘has not only become an independent planet, but there has now begun on it the process of the formation of an atmosphere, which is necessary for every planet and which serves for the actualization of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat. BTG XIX

“The said pearl is formed in one-brained beings which breed in the ‘Saliakooriap’ of your planet Earth, that is to say, in that part of it which is called ‘Hentralispana’, or, as your favorites might express it, the blood of the planet, which is present in the comnon presence of every planet and which serves the actualizing of the process of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat; and there on your planet this part is called ‘water’. BTG XXI

“The religion which was then followed by most of the beings of the country Pearl-land and to become acquainted with which I then devoted my attention and about which I find it necessary to tell you a little, arose there in the following way: “As I later learned, with the multiplication of the three-brained beings of that third group, many beings among them with the properties of Hasnamusses were formed into responsible beings; and when these latter began spreading ideas more maleficent than usual among the beings of that group, there was crystallized in the presences of the majority of the three-centered beings of the third group, that special psychic property, which, in its totality, already engendered a factor which greatly hindered the normal ‘exchange-of-substances’ actualized by the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat. Well, then, as soon as this lamentable result, also issuing from this planet, was noticed by certain Most Most Sacred Individuals, it was sanctioned that a corresponding Sacred Individual should be sent there, specially to that group of beings, for the more or less tolerable regulation of their being-existence in accordance with the existence of the whole of that solar system. BTG XXI

“Although the process of the transformation of substances for the continuation of the species by means of us or by means of the common presences of your favorites does not proceed exactly as it proceeded in the first Tetartocosmoses who were transformed into beings, nevertheless we shall take them as an example, since the process itself of the transformation of cosmic substances for the needs of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat proceeds through their common presences exactly as it proceeded through the first Tetartocosmoses; at the same time you will acquire information concerning several other small details of the strange particularities of their psyche, and also gain information relating to how they in general understand, and how they regard, their being-duty in the sense of serving the common-cosmic process of Iraniranumange, destroying for the beatification of their own belly every kind of law-conformable foreseeing actualization for the welfare of the whole Megalocosmos. BTG XXXIX

“Now, my boy, as for the processes themselves of the transformation in the evolutionary and involutionary movements of all these cosmic substances by means of just such apparatuses of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat – as all your favorites also are – then those transformations proceed in them as well as in us and in general in all large and small cosmoses of our common Megalocosmoses, strictly according to those two same chief fundamental cosmic laws, namely, according to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the Sacred Triamazikamno. BTG XXXIX

“However, it must in all fairness be remarked, that if they got for themselves from this wheat nothing that enables them to serve Great Nature better or more consciously, nevertheless, by producing in themselves the said ‘worms’, they do unconsciously very very greatly assist their planet in honorable service to the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat – for are not these worms also beings through whom cosmic substances are also transformed? “At any rate, the beings breeding on this continent have already achieved by these wiseacrings of theirs with this bread, what they have greatly desired and striven to obtain, and, namely, that the beings of all the other continents should never fail to say of them, as, for instance, in the given case, something as follows: “‘Astonishingly smart fellows, these Americans; even their bread is something extraordinary; so “superb”, so “white” and simply charming – really the splendor of splendors of contemporary civilization’. BTG XLII

“Their birth rate declined because, when the three-brained beings there were already existing more or less as is becoming to three-centered beings and when the radiations issuing from them were yielding vibrations more akin to the vibrations required from them by Nature both for the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat in general and for the maintenance of the Moon and Anulios in particular, then Great Nature did not fail to adapt herself to the diminishing of their birth rate, the more so as in recent times the need for the said vibrations for the maintenance of the existence of the planet Moon had to be diminished. BTG XLIII

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