“Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain the vivific power for coating higher being-bodies. BTG III
“In consequence of this report, a whole commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World–maintenance, under the direction of the Most Great Archangel Sakaki, was immediately sent from the Most Holy Sun Absolute to that solar system ‘Ors’. BTG IX
“It is necessary to notice that in the Great Universe all phenomena in general whitout exception wherever they arise and manifest, are simply successively law-conformable ‘Fractions ‘ of some whole phenomenon which has its prime arising on the ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute. ‘BTG XVI
“And for the definition of Time this standard unit has from long ago been the moment of what is called the sacred ‘Egokoolnatsnarnian-sensation ‘, which always appears in the Most Holy Sun Absolute whenever the vision of our UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS is directed into space and directly touches their presences.BTG XVI
“Bear in mind, first of all, that according to the data about which you will also learn when I shall later have specially explained to you the fundamental laws of World-creation and World–maintenance, it is also established by the same Objective Science that in general all normal three-brained beings, and amongst them certainly even the beings arising on our planet Karatas, sense the sacred ‘Egokoolnatsnarnian’ action for the definition of Time forty-nine times more slowly than the same sacred action is sensed by the sacred Individuals dwelling on the Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XVI
“This Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process was actualized by our ENDLESS UNI-BEING, when our Most Great and Most Holy Sun Absolute had already existed on which our ALL-GRACIOUS ENDLESS CREATOR had and still has the chief place of His existence.BTG XVII
‘You must also know further, that only one cosmic crystallization, existing under the name ‘OmnipresentOkidanokh’, obtains its prime arising – although it also is crystallized from Etherokrilno – from the three Holy sources of the sacred Theomertmalogos, that is, from the emanation of the Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XVII
“Our sacred Theomertmalogos also, that is, the prime emanation of our Most Holy Sun Absolute, acquires just this same lawfulness, at its prime arising; and, during its further actualizations, gives results in accordance with it.BTG XVII
And so, my boy, the Omnipresent-Okidanokh obtains its prime arising in space outside of the Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, from the blending of these three independent forces into one, and during its further involutions it is correspondingly changed, in respect of what is called the ‘Vivifyingness of Vibrations’ according to its passage through what are called the ‘Stopinders’ or ‘gravity-centers’ of the fundamental ‘common-cosmic sacred Heptaparaparshinokh’.BTG XVII
He began thus: “I was on that planet for the sixth time just before I received my full pardon and permission to leave that most remote solar system situated even almost beyond the reach of the immediate emanations of the Omni Most Holy Sun Absolute, that is, just before my return here to the center of the Universe to the place of my arising, to the immediate bosom of our COMMON UNI-BEING-ENDLESSNESS.BTG XXXI
“Finally, that part of the being-blood which almost everywhere is called the sacred being-Hanbledzoin, and only on certain planets is called the ‘sacred Aiesakhaldan’, and which part serves the highest part of the being called the soul, is formed from the direct emanations of our Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XXXII
“In the beginning all these ‘higher-being-bodies’ who at the present time have the place of their existence on this holy planet, went directly on to our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, but later when that all-universal calamity which we call the ‘Choot-God-litanical period’ occurred in our Great Universe, then after this terrifying common-cosmic calamity, similar ‘higher-being-bodies’ who now dwell on this holy planet, ceased to have the possibility of blending directly with our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XXXIX
“In the beginning, when nothing yet existed and when the whole of our Universe was empty endless space with the presence of only the prime-source cosmic substance ‘Etherokrilno’, our present Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute existed alone in all this empty space, and it was on this then sole cosmic concentration that our UNI-BEING CREATOR with HIS cherubim and seraphim had the place of his most glorious Being.BTG XXXIX
And so, my boy, in view of this, our ENDLESSNESS was then just compelled to take certain corresponding measures, so that from this Heropass the destruction of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute could not eventually occur.BTG XXXIX
“In order that you may more clearly understand how our ENDLESSNESS decided to attain immunity from the maleficent action of the merciless Heropass and of course how HE ultimately actualized it all, you must first of all know that before this, the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained and existed on the basis of the system called ‘Autoegocrat’, i.e., on that principle according to which the inner forces which maintained the existence of this cosmic concentration had an independent functioning, not depending on any forces proceeding from outside, and which were based also on those two fundamental cosmic sacred laws by which at the present time also, the whole of our present Megalocosmos is maintained and on the basis of which it exists, and, namely, on the basis of those two fundamental primordial sacred cosmic laws, called the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the sacred Triamazikamno.BTG XXXIX
“And so, in the beginning as I have already told you, our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained by the help of these two primordial sacred laws; but then these primordial laws functioned independently, without the help of any forces whatsoever coming from outside, and this system was still called only the ‘Autoegocrat’.BTG XXXIX
“And so, in consequence of the fact that for this new system of functioning of the forces which until then maintained the existence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute there were required outside of the Sun Absolute corresponding sources in which such forces could arise and from which they could flow into the presence of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, our ALMIGHTY ENDLESSNESS was just then compelled to create our now existing Megalocosmos with all the cosmoses of different scales and relatively independent cosmic formations present in it, and from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat.BTG XXXIX
And so, my dear boy, our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ALMIGHTY, having then in the beginning changed the functioning of both these primordial sacred laws, directed the action of their forces from within the Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, whereupon there was obtained the what is called ‘Emanation-of-the-Sun–Absolute’ and now called, ‘Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God’.BTG XXXIX
“When these newly arisen Suns had been completely actualized and their own functionings of both the fundamental laws had been finally established in them, then in them also, similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, their own results began to be transformed and to be radiated, which, together with the emanations issuing from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, became the factors for the actualization of the common-cosmic fundamental process of the sacred law of Triamazikamno, and that is to say: “The Most Most Holy Theomertmalogos began to manifest itself in the quality of the third holy force of the sacred Triamazikamno; the results of any one of the newly arisen Second-order-Suns began to serve as the first holy force; and the results of all the other newly arisen Second-order-Suns in relation to this mentioned one newly arisen Sun, as the second holy force of this sacred law.BTG XXXIX
“And so, my boy, thanks to this new system of the reciprocal feeding of everything existing in the Universe in which our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute Itself participated, there was established in it that equilibrium which at the present time no longer gives the merciless Heropass any possibility of bringing about anything unforeseen whatsoever to our Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute; and thus, the motive for the Divine anxiety of our ALMIGHTY UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS concerning the wholeness of HIS eternal place of dwelling, disappeared forever.BTG XXXIX
(1) The emanation of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute Itself they called, as I have already told you, ‘Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God’.BTG XXXIX
“Further, when their ‘higher being-bodies’ were finally coated and all the corresponding functions had been acquired in them, and chiefly when it became possible for the data for engendering the sacred function, named ‘objective Reason’, to become crystallized in them, which data can become crystallized exclusively only in the presences of those cosmic arisings, and when what is called ‘Rascooarno’ occurred to these ‘Tetartocosmoses’ or ‘beings’, i.e., the separation of these diverse-natured ‘three-in-one’ formations from each other, only then did this ‘higher-being-part’ receive the possibility of uniting itself with the Cause-of-Causes of everything now existing, i.e., with our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, and began to fulfill the purpose on which our ALL-EMBRACING ENDLESSNESS had placed his hope.BTG XXXIX
“And only there, at the end of a certain time, does the principal and final sacred Rascooarno occur to this two-natured arising, after which such a ‘higher being-part ‘ indeed becomes an independent individual with its own individual Reason. Previously – i.e., before the Choot-God-Litanical period – this sacred cosmic actualization, was, only after this second process of the sacred Rascooarno, either thought worthy of uniting with the presence of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute or went into other cosmic concentrations where such independent holy Individuals were needed.BTG XXXIX
“This localization, which is concentrated in their head, they call the ‘head-brain’. The separate, what are called ‘Okaniaki’ or ‘protoplasts’ of this localization in their head, or, as the terrestrial learned call them, the ‘cells-of-thehead-brain’, actualize for the whole presence of each of them exactly such a purpose as is fulfilled at the present time by the higher-perfected-bodies’ of three-brained beings from the whole of our Great Universe, who have already united themselves with the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute or Protocosmos.BTG XXXIX
“The point is, that before this terrifying cosmic event of which I am speaking, the sacred Theomertmalogos which issued from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was still in a pure state without the admixture of any extraneously caused arisings whatsoever with their own subjective properties, and when this sacred Theomertmalogos came into the spheres of those planets on which the sacred crystallizations arose and from the results of the transformations of which higher being-bodies were coated and perfected through beings-apparatuses, then these latter received their presences exactly as they had to, to correspond to the required conditions of existence in the sphere of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XXXIX
“But afterwards, when the mentioned common-cosmic misfortune occurred, on account of which the sacred Theomertmalogos began to issue from the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute with the admixture of subjective properties of extraneously caused arisings, then from that time these sacred cosmic arisings ceased to have the possibility of corresponding to the required conditions of existence in the sphere of the Most Most Holy Prime-Source.BTG XXXIX
“When each separate ‘higher-perfected-being-body’ becomes an independent Individual and acquires in itself its own law of Sacred Triamazikamno it begins to emanate similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute but in miniature; and when many of these perfected independent Sacred Individuals had been assembled on the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, then between the emanations of these Sacred Individuals and the atmosphere of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute there was established what is called a ‘Geneotriamazikamnian contact’ and those results were obtained which brought on this terrifying misfortune for the ‘higher-being-perfected-parts’ of which I have already told you.BTG XXXIX
“Thereupon the action of the results of this ‘Geneotriamazikamnian contact’ soon became harmonized with the already existing actions of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, and from that time the sacred Theomertmalogos began to issue changed, but nevertheless the primary consequences of the results of this contact had already had time during a certain period to change the harmonious movement of many solar systems and to produce a disharmony in the inner functioning of certain of their planets.BTG XXXIX
“This Geneotriamazikamnian contact occurred because, in the atmosphere itself of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, various-sourced unusual vibrations began, as I have already said, to issue from these higher being-bodies and to unite with the emanations of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, and together with them also to penetrate everywhere in the Megalocosmos and to reach even to those planets on which higher being-bodies were continuing to arise in beings; and these unusual vibrations began to be transformed and crystallized together with the sacred Theomertmalogos and to take part in the coating of the higher-parts’ in the beings.BTG XXXIX
“Namely, your father liked to observe and study the mutual influence and maintenance of cosmic concentrations situated in the spheres nearest to the Prime Source, the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, and your uncle Tooilan manifested an interest in the observations on the planet Earth and in the process which proceeded on it of the being-existence of the three-brained beings who have interested you. When I happened to be occupied with something else, I often commissioned him to keep note of all the changes which proceeded there.BTG XLIV
“And according to this elucidation, it turned out that that three-brained being who was the first to give the beginning of the crystallizing of that maleficent idea was a certain Makary Kronbernkzion whose higher being-part perfected to the required gradation of Reason had not only become worthy to go to the holy planet, but was even already considered one of the first candidates to be taken on to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XLIV