
Common Mother:
walking at sunset over the hills and dales, and willy-nilly perceiving the exterior visibility of those enchanting parts of the bosom of Great Nature, the Common Mother, and involuntarily inhaling a pure air uncontaminated by the usual exhalations of industrial towns, our Kurd quite naturally suddenly felt a wish to gratify himself with some ordinary food also; so sitting down by the side of the road, he took from his provision bag some bread and the fruit, one of the gifts of Great Nature, he had bought which had looked so good to him, and leisurely began to eat B20; see food
let us imbibe this gift of Nature in the devout hope that it may redound to her glory — Hadji-Asvatz-Troov B889
in everything under the care of Mother Nature the possibility is foreseen for beings to acquire the kernel of their essence, their own I, even after the beginning of their responsible age also B1231

Duty and service to Nature:
honorably fulfilling my duty to Great Nature B39
better-pull-ten-hairs-a-day-out-of-your-mother’s-head-than-not-help-Nature — Mullah Nassr Eddin B432
if they got for themselves from this wheat nothing that enables them to serve Great Nature better or more consciously, nevertheless, by producing in themselves the said worms, they do unconsciously very very greatly assist their planet in honorable service to the Trogoautoegocrat — for are not these worms also beings through whom cosmic substances are also transformed B952
when I had begun to study their strange psyche only then did I finally understand to which end both Great Nature herself and the Most High and Most Saintly Individuals always patiently adapt themselves to everything, and the following personal opinion was formed in me: that if they would at least properly ponder over this and serve Nature honestly in this respect, then perhaps their being-self-perfecting might proceed automatically even without the participation of their consciousness and in any case the poor Nature of their ill-fated planet would not have to puff and blow in order to adapt Herself to remain within the common cosmic harmony B1106 ff
but unfortunately for everything existing in the Megalocosmos, there is no honesty in respect of the fulfillment of their duties to Nature, not even to that Nature to which, strictly speaking, they owe their very existence B1107
consider also, Nature-helping direct heirs of ancient Greece, concerning the inventions of contemporary Germany B426 ff

Adaptations of Nature:
Kerkoolnonarnian-actualization: that process of Great Nature which means The-obtaining-of-the-required-totality-of-vibrations-by-adaptation B144
as the quality of their radiations went steadily from bad to worse, Great Nature was compelled gradually to transform their common presences by means of various compromises and changes, in order to regulate the quality of the vibrations which they radiated and which were required chiefly for the preservation of the well-being of the former parts of that planet, and to increase the numbers of beings B106
the gradual diminution of the average length of their existence to almost nothing B129
Great Nature Herself was compelled to take stock of their presences and to form them into new presences B130
when they ceased to emanate the vibrations required; when they had begun to destroy beings of other forms; and when they had ceased actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty; then Nature Herself was compelled to actualize their presences according to the second principle of being-existence, Itoklanos, from B131 and B437; and B438 B570 B1050
Great Nature was compelled to regenerate this brain B146
Great Nature was compelled to degenerate the functioning of their organ of sight B305
according to the foreseeing adaptation of Great Nature, for the demands of the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic process, there had to issue from this region more of those vibrations arising from the destruction of being-existence B327 ff; and B416
how Nature-when something unforeseen hinders its correct functioning for the purposes of Trogoautoegocrat-adapts itself for the harmony of this most great cosmic law B1091
the cosmic law of self-adaptation-of-Nature B564; consider also B388 B444
two independent consciousnesses and Nature’s adaptation to two Inkliazanikshanas of different tempos B564 ff
the functioning of the planetary body is adapted by Nature in general in such a way that the process of their nourishment with the second being-food proceeds in them B647; and B650
to hinder Nature from producing the necessary formation B686
women’s hair adapted by Great Nature for certain exchanges of cosmic substances B690
concerning the absence in the psyche of a cognized need of absorbing these higher sacred cosmic substances, and together with the cessation of the intentional absorption of substances necessary for the arising and existing of higher being-parts, there disappeared from their common presences not only the striving itself for perfection, but also the possibility of intentional contemplativeness, the principal factor for the assimilation of those sacred cosmic substances; Nature gradually had to adapt herself to arrange that for each of them such unexpectednesses should occur B783f.
Great Nature most wisely adapted the inner organization of beings, concerning being-foods B788
it follows that life in general is given to people not for themselves, but that this life is necessary for the said Higher Cosmic Purposes, in consequence of which Great Nature watches over this life so that it may flow in a more or less tolerable form and takes care that it should not prematurely cease; in the same way that we feed, watch over our sheep and pigs, Nature takes all measures to ensure that we shall live without seeing the terror and then, when we are required, She slaughters us; under the established conditions of the ordinary life of people, this has now become an immutable law of Nature B1226
Great Nature has already long since ceased to have need for such a phenomenon as mass psychosis for Her equilibrium; rather the contrary, such a periodically arising inherency in people compels Her always to new adaptations, as for instance increasing the birth rate, changing the tempo of the general psyche B1234 ff; consider also B981 B1098
the action of the appendix, as appointed by Great Nature B956 ff
demanded by Nature for the automatic continuation of their species B782
the time destined by Great Nature B1058
certain periods established by Great Nature for the removal of the sacred substance Exioëhary B276; and B277

Foresight of Nature concerning:
the distribution of forces and strength B196
being-Partkdolg-duty B437 ff
Iransamkeep B445
Bobbin-kandelnosts B446
Hlodistomaticules B489
the transformation of cosmic substances needed for serving the aims of the Trogoautoegocrat B570 ff
the fulfillment of being-duty in continuation of their species B794
the surplus of cosmic substances foreseeingly given by the Creator and Nature for the purpose of personal self-perfecting B196

Given by Nature:
time to work for the salvation-of-their-soul B364
data for evoking the objective impulse of DivineLove B370
those inner possibilities of becoming particles of the whole of the Reasonable Whole B384
sacred data for forming in them their real being-consciousness B566
factors for the protection of these organs B1009
data for impulses of essence-initiative B1081
the possibility of acquiring for himself imperishable Being B1227
good sense B1236

Required by Nature:
vibrations B131 B388 B1103 B1105; consider also B106
deaths B1098; consider also B1105

Concerning the river of life: as long as we remain passive, not only shall we have inevitably to serve solely as a means for Nature’s involutionary and evolutionary construction, but also for the rest of our lives we shall have to submit slavishly to every caprice of all sorts of blind events; but even for you, it is not yet too late; the foresight of Just Mother Nature consists in this, that the possibility is given to us, in certain inner and outer conditions, to cross over from one stream into the other B1231 ff

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