
Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already said, on three secondary specific data formed in me at different times during my preparatory age. The first of these data, from the very beginning of its arising, became as it were the chief directing lever of my entire wholeness, and the other two, the “vivifying-sources”, as it were, for the feeding and perfecting of this first datum. 113 BTG I

“The sacred members of this Most High Commission then reasoned that if the said mechanical instinct in these biped three-brained beings of that planet should develop towards the attainment of Objective Reason — as usually occurs everywhere among three-brained beings — then it might quite possibly happen that they would prematurely comprehend the real cause of their arising and existence and make a great deal of trouble; it might happen that having understood the reason for their arising, namely, that by their existence they should maintain the detached fragments of their planet, and being convinced of this their slavery to circumstances utterly foreign to them, they would be unwilling to continue their existence and would on principle destroy themselves. 555 BTG X

“But as in general, my boy, you do not yet know of the exceptional peculiarity of this cosmic phenomenon Time, you must first be told that genuine Objective Science formulates this cosmic phenomenon thus: 795 BTG XVI

“Meanwhile, remember this also, that since Time has no source of its arising and cannot like all other cosmic phenomena in every cosmic sphere establish its exact presence, the already mentioned Objective Science therefore has, for its examination o Time, a standard unit, similar to that used for an exact definition of the density and quality – in the sense of the vivifyingness of their vibrations – of all cosmic substances in general present in every place and in every sphere of our Great Universe. 804 BTG XVI

“This standard unit has been established in Objective Science for the possibility of exactly defining and comparing the differences between the gradations of the process of the subjective sensations of separate conscious Individuals, and also of what are called ‘diverse-tempos ‘ among various objective cosmic phenomena which are manifested in various spheres of our Great Universe and which actualize all cosmic arisings both large and small. 806 BTG XVI

“Exactly like the beings of other cosmoses, they are born, they grow up, they unite and separate for what are called ‘sexresults ‘ and they also fall sick and suffer, and ultimatly like everything existing in which Objective Reason has not become fixed, they are destroyed forever. 812 BTG XVI

“And for this comparing of ours we too must take the same standard unit of Time, which, as I have already told you, Objective Science employs for such calculations. 827 BTG XVI

“Bear in mind, first of all, that according to the data about which you will also learn when I shall later have specially explained to you the fundamental laws of World-creation and Worldmaintenance, it is also established by the same Objective Science that in general all normal three-brained beings, and amongst them certainly even the beings arising on our planet Karatas, sense the sacred ‘Egokoolnatsnarnian’ action for the definition of Time forty-nine times more slowly than the same sacred action is sensed by the sacred Individuals dwelling on the Most Holy Sun Absolute. 828 BTG XVI

“Bear in mind, here, that it is just because of this that the mentioned Objective Science says that ‘everything without exception in the Universe is material’. 880 BTG XVII

“And this is also why, concerning this sacred law and its three independent forces, the said Objective Science has, among its formulations, specially concerning this sacred law, the following: ‘A law which always flows into a consequence and becomes the cause of subsequent consequences, and always functions by three independent and quite opposite characteristic manifestations, latent within it, in properties neither seen nor sensed’. 885 BTG XVII

“Just in this is the point, that the beings having this three-brained system can, by the conscious and intentional fulfilling of being-Partkdolg-duty, utilize from this process of Djartklom in the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, its three holy forces for their own presences, and bring their presences to what is called the ‘Sekronoolanzaknian-state’; that is to say, they can become such individuals as have their own sacred law of Triamazikamno and thereby the possibility of consciously taking in and coating in their common presence all that ‘Holy’ which, incidentally, also aids the actualizing of the functioning in these cosmic units of Objective or Divine Reason. 916 BTG XVII

“That you may better represent to yourself the events of this tale of mine, you must first of all know that at the beginning of my exile to that solar system, certain corresponding essence-friends of mine who had not taken part in those events from which the causes of my exile had issued, performed concerning my personality that sacred process which exists in the Universe under the name of the ‘Sacred Vznooshlitzval’, that is to say, concerning my personality there was implanted in the presences of those three-brained beings by means of another sacred process called ‘Askalnooazar’, that which Objective Science defines by the notion, ‘Trust-another-like-yourself’. 933 BTG XVIII

“‘And these variously powered manifestations of beings of diverse forms actualize in their totality just those exterior conditions in which alone it is possible for those similar to you — that is, for three-brained beings — consciously to perfect the “germ-of-Reason” placed in their presences, to the necessary gradation of Pure Objective Reason. 1190 BTG XIX

“By the way, my dear boy, concerning the reciprocal relations of beings, a former famous prophet from the planet ‘Desagroanskrad’, the great ‘Arhoonilo’, now already the assistant to the chief investigator of the whole Universe in respect of the details of Objective Morality, once said: “‘If by his Reason a being is higher than you, you must always bow down before him and try to imitate him in everything; but if he is lower than you, you must be just towards him, because you once occupied the same place according to the sacred Measure of the gradation of Reason of our CREATOR and ALL-MAINTAINER. 1230 BTG XIX

“‘No sooner was this lamentable fact which proceeded in the presences of the three-brained beings breeding on this planet Earth first made clear, than by All-Gracious sanction of our COMMON FATHER, a suitable Sacred Individual was immediately sent here, so that, being coated with a presence like your own and having become perfected by Objective Reason under the conditions already established here, he might better explain and show you the way of eradicating from your presences the already crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer as well as your inherited predispositions to new crystallizations. 1484 BTG XXI

“This Most Great Foundation of the All-embracing of everything that exists, constantly emanates throughout the whole of the Universe and coats itself from its particles upon planets – in certain three-centered beings who attain in their common presences the capacity to have their own functioning of both fundamental cosmic laws of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the sacred Triamazikamno – into a definite unit in which alone Objective Divine Reason acquires the possibility of becoming concentrated and fixed. 1512 BTG XXI

“This quite definite explanation of Saint Buddha was well understood by his contemporaries and many of them began, as I have already said, to strive with eagerness, first to absorb and to coat in their presences the particle of this Most Great Greatness and afterwards to ‘make-inherent’ to it Divine Objective Reason. 1516 BTG XXI

“First of all, you should know about that ordinary cosmic something actualized for these same terrestrial types which is in general always actualized of itself for every cosmic unit and which serves for beings with Objective Reason as what is called an ‘issuing source’ for pondering about the explanation of the sense and meaning of any given cosmic result. 1768 BTG XXIII

“The point is that, even before this fifth sojourn of mine there, that is to say before that period when Babylon, as I have told you, flourished in every respect, those beings who became learned and were regarded by others as learned were not such beings as become and are regarded as learned everywhere in the Universe, nor such as first became learned even on your planet, namely, such beings as acquire by their conscious labors and intentional sufferings the ability to contemplate the details of all that exists from the point of view of World-arising and Worldexistence, owing chiefly to which, they perfect their highest body to the corresponding gradation of the sacred measure of Objective Reason in order that they might later sense as much about cosmic truths as their higher being-body is perfected. 1932 BTG XXIV

“In the name of Justice, I must now say that the prime initiative for the destruction of the holy labors of Ashiata Shiemash did not spring, however, from these learned of the Earth who were then assembled in the city of Babylon, but from the invention of a learned being very well known there, who also existed there on the continent Asia several centuries before these Babylonian events, namely, from the invention of a being named ‘Lentrohamsanin’ who, having coated his higher-being-part into a definite unit, and having perfected himself by Reason up to the required gradation of Objective Reason, also became one of those three hundred and thirteen Hasnamussian-Eternal-individuals who now exist on the small planet bearing the name of Retribution. 2076 BTG XXIV

“The name of one of these two terrestrial three-brained beings of that time, who had become genuine initiates there, was ‘Poundolero’ and of the other ‘Sensimiriniko’. “I must remark by the way, that both of these two terrestrial genuine initiates of that time had already by then ‘coated’ in their common presences their higher being-parts to the gradation called ‘completion’ and hence they had time during their further existence to perfect these higher parts of theirs to the required gradation of Sacred Objective Reason, and now their perfected higher being parts have even ‘become worthy’ to have and already now have the place of their further existence on the holy planet Purgatory. 2182 BTG XXVII

“As a result of his inner what is called ‘double-gravity-centered’ existence, the ‘highest being-part’ of the presence of this terrestrial three-brained being was coated and perfected up to the required gradation of Objective Reason, and later this ‘highest being-part’ became, as I have once already told you, one of those three hundred and thirteen ‘highest being-bodies’ who are called ‘Eternal-Hasnamussindividuals’ and who have the place of their further existence in the Universe on a small planet existing under the name of ‘Eternal-Retribution’. 2281 BTG XXVIII

“This question arising in my essence, the answer to which has already become necessary to the whole of my presence, consists in this: To inquire about the reasons why, namely, if these unfortunate three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth do not have the possibility, owing to reasons not depending on themselves, of acquiring and having in the period of their responsible existence Divine Objective Reason, why since they arose so long ago and their species has continued to exist such a long time, could not those customs have been gradually formed by now, only thanks to the flow of time, in the process of their ordinary existence even under those abnormal conditions, and those proper ‘instinctive-automatic-habits’ have been acquired in the presences of every being in general, thanks to which their ordinary existence, both ‘egoistically personal’ as well as ‘collectively general might flow more or less tolerably in the sense of objective reality?” 3586 BTG XXXIV

“And so . . . from the very beginning, when these higher being-parts arose in this way and were perfected in beings to the required sacred gradation of Objective Reason, that is to say, when in accordance with the lower Mdnel-In of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the bodyKesdjan was, thanks to the second being-food formed in beings, and in accordance with the higher Mdnel-In of the same sacred law, the third highest being-body was, thanks to the third being-food, coated and perfected; and when these completely perfected higher being-parts were divided from the lower being-parts, then they were deemed worthy to be immediately united with the Most Most Holy Prime-Source and began to fulfill their Divine foreordained purpose. 4587 BTG XXXIX

“Just these same various results served as a cause for this, that these cosmic formations, even if they had in their perfecting reached to the required gradation of Objective Reason, yet they had ceased to correspond in their common presences to the conditions of existence in the sphere of the Most Most Holy Protocosmos, and from that time on they lost the possibility of being deemed worthy to unite themselves with it. 4609 BTG XXXIX

‘And since especially during recent times only those beings can become famous and important among them in whom the mentioned sacred function, namely, ‘being-conscience’, is entirely absent, then in consequence of the fact that this sacred function in the presences of beings is in general always associated with everything that represents and is Objective Reason, then, of course, those three-brained beings with Objective Reason always have conscience as well, and consequently such a being with conscience, will never be ‘important’ among the other beings. 6445 BTG XLIII

“That is wily in all my tales about the three-brained beings who breed on the planet Earth I was guided by this, that on the one hand there should be crystallized in the corresponding localizations of your common presence many diversely formed data for your future being-association concerning all the ‘totalities’ or ‘branches’ of Objective Knowledge; and on the other hand that the process of Zernofookalnian-friction should proceed intensively in your common presence, and that that result should be obtained which I have just witnessed in the way you answered my question, ‘Why are you weeping?’ 7032 BTG XLVI

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