“‘Many hundreds of thousands of packets of powder are used here daily all over the country and the opium this powder ought to contain is, as you know, no cheap thing and if real opium were put into this powder, the opium alone would cost us pharmacists six or eight kopecks a packet, and we have to sell this powder for three to five kopecks. Besides, even if all the opium from the whole of the globe were collected the position would be the same, there would not be enough for our Russia alone.BTG XXXI
“‘For instance, according to the prescription of Doctor Dover himself opium must enter into the composition of his powder.BTG XXXI
“‘And you know the properties of opium? If a man takes it often enough even in small doses, his organism soon gets so accustomed to it that later, if he ceases dosing himself, he suffers intensely.BTG XXXI
“‘But from the powder made from our prescription this would never happen, since it contains none of that opium or any other substance harmful to the organism.BTG XXXI
“One of these three medical means which does sometimes nevertheless produce a useful reaction is that substance, or, more strictly speaking, those active elements entering into it, which the beings of Maralpleicie learned how to obtain from the plant poppy and which they were the first to call opium.BTG XXXI
“They obtain this opium as you already know from the plant poppy, and hashish from a surplanetary formation there called ‘Chakla’ or ‘hemp’.BTG XXXIII
“Here among the beings of Russian Turkestan, one of the said ‘pernicious habits’ or as they themselves call them ‘vices’, namely, the smoking of opium, was very rare, and the chewing of anasha was even rarer, but on the other hand, the use of what is called ‘Russian vodka’ flourished luxuriantly there.BTG XXXIII
“They then began to investigate that totality of cosmic substances which still before this your favorites had learned to obtain there from the mentioned Polormedekhtian plant, and which they named opium, which then denoted in the speech of the beings of that group ‘dreammaker”.BTG XL
“These two great brothers then began to investigate this opium in consequence of the fact that they as well as many other three-brained beings of that time noticed that on the introduction into themselves of a certain species of this mass every painful sensation temporarily disappeared.BTG XL
“During these researches of theirs, they first of all noticed that this same opium consists of seven independent crystallizations with definite subjective properties.BTG XL
“And for the definition of the active elements of the Polormedekhtian product called opium they added only the number of their, what is called, ‘specific gravity’.BTG XL
“By means of this apparatus Alla-attapan, they then clearly proved to themselves and to others that in the very essence of all these three ‘transitory results’ of cosmic processes, and, namely, in the Polormedekhtian product, called there opium, in the white-ray and in sound there are the same properties, and, namely, there are in all these three outwardly quite different cosmic phenomena precisely the same what are called ‘actualizing constructions’ that is to say, for their manifestness there are in them precisely the same ‘mutually-acting-law-conformablenesses’, and in all three of these outwardly different apparently independent manifestations the functioning of these ‘mutually-acting-law-conformablenesses’ have precisely the same action on each other as they have in their own manifestations, that is to say, the Dooczako of any one result acts on the corresponding Dooczako of another, precisely the same as it functions in that Dooczako which is one of the seven aspects of this whole cosmic result.BTG XL
“On the lower, smaller ball just opposite that part of the Loosochepana through which the positive colored rays had already passed, a cavity of a special form was made, into which either the whole of the said Polormedekhtian product named opium or single active elements required for the experiments were placed during the experiments.BTG XL
“For instance, a corresponding colored ray directed upon any active element of opium transformed it into another active element which corresponded in its newly acquired vibrations to the vibrations of the colored ray which had acted on the given active element.BTG XL
“Further, if any colored ray were made to pass through any active element of opium, then, passing through it, this same ray took on another color, namely, that color the vibrations of which corresponded to the vibrations of this active element; or if any colored ray were made to pass through the manifested what are called ‘wave-of-sound-vibrations’ still acting at that given moment from any corresponding string of the Dzendvokh, then, passing through this wave, it took on another color corresponding to the vibrations manifested by means of the given string.BTG XL
“Or finally, if a definite colored ray and definite sound-vibrations from the strings were simultaneously directed upon any active element of opium from among those composing this Polormedekhtian product and which had a smaller number of vibrations than the totality of vibrations of the colored ray and of the said sound, then this active element was transformed into such another active element of opium the number of whose vibrations exactly corresponded to the totality of the numbers of the said two differently caused vibrations and so on and so forth.BTG XL
“Among those unimportant fragments which automatically reached most of the contemporary favorites of yours there are, firstly, several methods of separating from the Polormedekhtian product named opium certain of its independent active elements; secondly, what is called ‘the law of combination of colors’; and thirdly, what is called, the ‘seven-toned scale of sound’.BTG XL
“As regards the first of the enumerated three fragments of the practical results attained by the Reason of three-brained beings of this ancient China and which reached to your contemporary favorites, it is necessary to tell you that in consequence of the fact that certain of the constituent parts of this whole product called there opium became from then on — thanks to the special properties of their agreeable action on the abnormal general-psyche of the beings — to be continuously used by them, therefore the knowledge of many methods of getting certain of its independent active elements began to be transmitted from generation to generation and reached down to your contemporary favorites.BTG XL
“Of the number of nearly four hundred active elements of opium which then became known to the great brothers knowledge of how to obtain only forty-two active elements has reached the contemporary ‘chemists of the Earth’ and these active elements have now the following names there: ( 1 ) Morphine ( 2 ) Protopine ( 3 ) Lanthopine ( 4 ) Porphiroksine ( 5 ) Opium or nicotine ( 6 ) Paramorphine or thebaine ( 7 ) Pholmine or pseudophormine ( 8 ) Metamorphine ( 9 ) Gnoskopine ( 10 ) Oilopine ( 11 ) Atropine ( 12 ) Pirotine ( 13 ) Dephteropine ( 14 ) Tiktoutine ( 15 ) Kolotine ( 16 ) Khaivatine ( 17 ) Zoutine ( 18 ) Trotopine ( 19 ) Laudanine ( 20 ) Laudanosine ( 21 ) Podotorine ( 22 ) Arkhatozine ( 23 ) Tokitozine ( 24 ) Liktonozine ( 25 ) Makanidine ( 26 ) Popoverine ( 27 ) Krintonine ( 28 ) Kodomine ( 29 ) Kolomonine ( 30 ) Koilononine ( 31 ) Katarnine ( 32 ) Hydrokatarnine ( 33 ) Opianine (mekonine) ( 34 ) Mekonoiozine ( 35 ) Pistotorine ( 36 ) Phykhtonozine ( 37 ) Codeine ( 38 ) Nartzeine ( 39 ) Pseudocodeine ( 40 ) Microparaine ( 41 ) Microtebaine ( 42 ) MessaineBTG XL
“The last time I was on your planet I heard that the contemporary learned beings of the community Germany found, as it were, methods of separating several other independent active elements from opium.BTG XL
“‘And every normal Persian — normal in the sense of not being under the influence of tambak, alcohol, or opium, the consumption of which has in recent times been unfortunately spreading among us ever more and more — can always unmistakedly tell which woman represents a “woman-mother” and which a “woman-female”, that is, a prostitute.BTG XLII
“‘For example, even suppose it should happen somehow or other that the youngest and most beautiful woman of any district should find herself in the same had with a man of the same district, this Persian man, even with all his willingness, provided, I repeat, that he were not under the influence of opium or alcohol, would be organically unable to treat her as a female.BTG XLII
I say “of the kind”, because in general in the process of my life, from the moment I began to distinguish a boy from a girl, I have always done everything, absolutely everything, not as it is done by other, like myself, biped destroyers of Nature’s good. Therefore, in writing now I ought, and perhaps am even on principle already obliged, to begin not as any other writer would. BTG I
As a result of this conviction of mine which as yet doubtlessly seems to you the fruit of the fantasies of an afflicted mind, I cannot now, as you yourself see, disregard this second consciousness and, compelled by my essence, am obliged to construct the general exposition even of this first chapter of my writings, namely, the chapter which should be the preface for everything further, calculating that it should reach, and in the manner required for my aim “ruffle”, the perceptions accumulated in both these consciousnesses of yours. BTG I
“In short, the invention of ‘perpetual motion’ was, as they say, ‘the rage’, and every crank felt obliged to be interested in this question. BTG VI
“Among other things there was included in this agreement that for obtaining from his subjects of all that was necessary King Appolis should be obliged to employ thereafter only those measures and means which should be indicated by our countryman.BTG XV
“In any case for the further elucidation of the strangeness of the psyche of these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, you must know this also, that in the beginning, after the organ Kundabuffer with all its properties had been removed from their presences, the duration of their existence was according to the ‘Foolasnitamnian ‘ principle, that is to say, they were obliged to exist until there was coated in them and completely perfected by reason what is called the ‘body–Kesdjan ‘, or, as they themselves later began to name this being-part of theirs – of which, by the way, contemporary beings know only by hearsay – the ‘Astral–body ‘.BTG XVI
“Before beginning his explanations I think it not inadvisable to warn you once and for all that all my conversations with various three-centered beings arising and existing on various planets of that system where I was obliged to exist for the ‘Sins of my youth’ -, as for instance in the present case, the conversations with this Gornahoor Harharkh which I am now about to relate to you while we travel on the space-ship Karnak – all proceeded in dialects still quite unknown to you, and sometimes even, by the way, in such dialects the consonances of which were quite ‘indigestible’ for perception by normal being-functions assigned for this purpose.BTG XVIII
“This I had to do on account of the same sins of my youth. And I was obliged to do so, because when I was pardoned by HIS UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS, and allowed to return to my native land, certain Sacred Individuals decided to demand of me for any eventuality, to have performed over my essence, this sacred process in order that I might not manifest myself, as in the days of my youth, and that the same might not thereby occur again in the Reason of most individuals dwelling here at the center of the Great Universe.BTG XVIII
“So, my boy, the Party-Pythoness there was able to warn those beings of our tribe who had been obliged to exist on that planet, and thereby to save them, as I have already told you, from the inevitable ‘Apocalyptic-fate’, owing only to one special being-property which, by the way, can be acquired by beings only intentionally, by means of what is called being-Partkdolg-duty, about which I shall tell you later.BTG XIX
“This true information began to spread, thanks chiefly to the superlative wise provision of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash which obliged everyone striving to become an All-the-rights-possessing brother of the brotherhood Heechtvori to attain, as I have already told you, in addition to all kinds of definite self-merits, the ‘ableness’ to know how to convince all the three separate spiritualized and associating parts of a further hundred three-brained beings there, concerning the Divine impulse conscience.BTG XXVII
“And having during my investigations repeatedly constated that a fundamental cause of the various abnormalities of the general psyche of the contemporary beings was what is called ‘civilization’ sown by those two large groups of beings called Greeks and Romans, I was obliged to inquire into certain details about them also.BTG XXIX
“Thus it was that those two communities arose there, which afterwards, as it often happens there, became very solid and powerful for a definite period. And the history of their further maleficent ‘prepared inheritance’ for the beings of subsequent generations is as follows: “According to the investigations of our mentioned countryman, it seems that the earliest ancestors of the beings of the community, which was later called ‘Greece’, were often obliged, on account of the frequent storms at sea which hindered them in their marine occupations, to seek refuge during the rains and winds, in sheltered places, where out of boredom, they played various ‘games’ which they invented for their distraction.BTG XXIX
“A law was then established and strictly enforced that those petty criminals among them who, after trial and sentence by seven elderly beings of the given district, had been assigned to one of the four already previously established categories of ‘immorality’ and ‘crime’ — with which beings all of what are called their ‘prisons’ are now usually crowded — should for a definite term go about always and everywhere with one of the four corresponding sides of their heads shaved; and, furthermore, any such convicted being was obliged to uncover his head whenever he met or spoke with others.BTG XXX
“And a woman who attempted to violate her chief what is called ‘wifely duty’, that is who deceived or who only tried to deceive her legal husband or who attempted to destroy a new being conceived in her, was obliged by the same procedure to be always and everywhere, also for a definite term, made up and painted white and red, this time over the whole of her face”.BTG XXX
“For the purpose of these elucidating experiments of mine I was even obliged this time to have recourse to the help of those branches of general knowledge which we call ‘Samonoltooriko’, ‘Gasometronoltooriko’, and ‘Sakooki noltooriko’, that is, to those branches the similarities to which are found among your favorites also, these specialties being named ‘medicine’, ‘physiology’, and ‘hypnotism’.BTG XXXI
“During this conversation he suddenly and hastily took his watch from his pocket, automatically looked at it, stood up quickly and, once on his feet, said: “‘How vexing! I am obliged to interrupt our chat, interesting to the highest degree, as I must hurry home where doubtless the great friend of my youth and his charming wife are already waiting for me.BTG XXXIV
“‘The first form’, he said, ‘is the conversational language for a man who is obliged to earn here among us our American dollars.BTG XLII
‘A good example, and even, so to say, an ‘illuminatingly enlightening picture for your being-representation’ of what extraordinary perspectives are opened for the future by just this invention of theirs, is the fact that already certain of these contemporary American beings who have acquired, of course also by a variety of accidents, a quantity of their famous dollars, now arrange in their ‘water closets with comfortable seats’ such accessories as a small table, a telephone and what is called a ‘radio apparatus’, so that when so sitting, they may continue their ‘correspondence’, discuss over the telephone with their acquaintances all their dollar businesses, quietly read the newspapers which have become indispensable to them, or finally, listen to those musical compositions, the work of various Hasnamusses there which, because they are, as is said, ‘fashionable’, every contemporary American businessman is also obliged to know.BTG XLII
“‘For instance, I now live in Paris, where owing to my means I could well afford to live at the very best hotel with every modern comfort, but, thanks to this habit of mine, I cannot do this but am obliged to live in some dirty hotel situated far from the “center” and from all those places where I have to be almost every day.BTG XLII
“The ‘rite of self-fumigation’ consists in this, that every member of the family and every guest of either sex before going into the principal section of the hut, is obliged to enter this sacred Mungull in order as they say to purify himself from the influence of those evil spirits by which man is surrounded when he is busy with honest work.BTG XLII
“‘The members of the men’s club have in general the following privileges: they have the right to choose and to command as many as they like and whom they please of the pupils who are members of the women’s club; and these latter are obliged always to gratify every wish of the given member of the men’s club and do their utmost to make her stay in our boarding school easy for her, as, for example, to make her bed in the morning, copy her lessons, share with her the presents sent from home, and so on and so forth.BTG XLII
“This ingenious and energetic Persian dervish Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly, here, there, and everywhere, very cleverly persuaded these other dervishes of the ‘truth’ of his idea and these in their turn now everywhere persuaded the ordinary beings of the continent Asia that the destruction of the existence of beings of other forms is not only not pleasing to God, but that the destroyers would even be obliged to bear ‘in another world’ in hell, a double punishment, one for their own what are called ‘sins’ and one for the ‘sins’ of the beings destroyed by them, and so on.BTG XLIII
“In the sacred Gynekokhrostiny, built for the beings of the female sex, each of these beings were obliged at certain periods, namely, at those periods which contemporary beings call ‘menstruation’, to stay without leaving. Moreover, the women, acknowledging themselves to be passive beings, had to be, the whole time of their stay there, only passive, in order that the vibrations issuing through their radiations should serve as the passive part of that same sacred law for their further vivifyingness.BTG XLIII
“In these Anoroparionikima, beings of this kind were obliged to remain without stirring from them during those periods indicated by the surrounding beings; but they were under no compulsion to do anything, but existed as they liked. In regard to them there was only one aim, that they neither met nor spoke with normal beings of the given locality.BTG XLIII
“They somewhat resembled the Gynekokhrostiny, such as had existed in Atlantis, and beings also of the female sex, were put into them, and they were obliged to remain there during the whole of their menstruation.BTG XLIII
Like all hired coachmen in general, he is a type called “cabby”. He is not entirely illiterate because, owing to the regulations existing in his country for the “general compulsory teaching of the three R’s”, he was obliged in his childhood to put in an occasional attendance at what is called the “parish church school”.BTG XLVIII
As a result of the loss of this capacity and in view, at the same time, of the necessity to convey thoughts more or less exactly to others, they are obliged, in spite of the endless number of words already existing in all contemporary languages, either to borrow from other languages or to invent always more and more words; which has finally brought it about that when a contemporary man wishes to express an idea for which he knows many apparently suitable words and expresses this idea in a word which seems, according to his mental reflection, to be fitting, he still instinctively feels uncertain whether his choice is correct, and unconsciously gives this word his own subjective meaning.BTG XLVIII