“Although the present generation of ‘Jews’ are not direct enemies of Jesus Christ, yet they each also now have the conviction that this Jesus who appeared among their ancestors and came to be regarded as a Sacred Personality by all the followers of the Christian religion, was, quite simply, a fervent and sick ‘visionary’.BTG XXXVIII
“‘”During fasts and especially during Lent, our homes are made happy by the frequent visits of the: Most Honorable ‘Sturgeon’ and the Estimable ‘Sterlet’ and the Respected ‘Dried Sturgeon’ and the Ever-memorable ‘Turbot’ and Her Illustrious Highness The ‘Salmon’ and the Musical ‘White Sturgeon’ and the Serenely Plastic ‘Mackerel’ and the Eternally Angry ‘Pike’ and the Ever-demure ‘Gwyniad’ and the Leaping-alive ‘Trout’ and the Beauty ‘Trioshka’ and the Proud ‘Shamai’ and that Worthy Personality ‘Bream’, and all our other like benefactors and protectors.BTG XLII