
Having thus begun, I can now be quite at ease, and should even, according to the notions of religious morality existing among contemporary people, be beyond all doubt assured that everything further in this new venture of mine will now proceed, as is said, “like a pianola”. 5 BTG I

“Several days after this conversation of ours, there occurred one of the two large religious festivals of the whole of Tikliamish, called ‘Zadik’; and in the temple where my friend Abdil was the chief priest, instead of delivering the usual sermon after the temple ceremony, he suddenly began speaking about Sacrificial-Offerings. 1233 BTG XIX

“In this religious doctrine it was said, among other things, that far from our continent Ashhark was a larger island where existed our ‘Mister God’. 1340 BTG XX

“Very well knowing this aspect also of their strange psyche, I had no desire to offend them and to incur their wrath; furthermore, I was always profoundly aware that to outrage anybody’s religious feeling is contrary to all morality, so, when existing among them, I always tried to do as they did, in order not to be conspicuous and attract their attention. 1409 BTG XX

Having said only this in defining the word Hasnamuss Beelzebub continued to speak: “During my detailed studies of the mentioned religious teaching I also clarified that after this Sacred Individual had become finally coated with the presence of a three-brained being there and had seriously pondered how to fulfill the task that had been laid upon him from Above, he decided to attain this by means of the enlightenment of their Reason. 1474 BTG XXI

“There in Pearl-land also, just as in the city Cob, I first ‘invented-a-detailed-addition’ to the mentioned religious teaching, and afterwards by every possible means I began spreading this invention of mine. 1525 BTG XXI

“In the fundamental religious teaching of this sect there was a full explanation of just what manipulations and for how long a time it is necessary to produce them upon oneself in order to merit being immured in one of the strongly built cells, there to receive every twenty-four hours a piece of bread and a small jug of water. 1611 BTG XXII

“When the companions of the immured learned of the cessation of the existence of any one of them, his planetary body was removed from the improvised sepulchre and immediately, in the place of the being thus self-destroyed, another similar unfortunate fanatic of that maleficent religious teaching of theirs was immured; and the ranks of these unfortunate ‘fanatic monks’ were being filled up by other members of that peculiar sect, constantly coming from Pearl-land. 1614 BTG XXII

“In Gemchania itself all the adherents of that sect already knew of the existence of that special ‘convenient’ place for the actualization of the finale of their religious doctrine, purporting to have been based on the exact instructions of Saint Buddha; and in every big center they even had what are called agents who helped them to get there. 1615 BTG XXII

“And in general it was just in all these ‘otherwises’ that the learned beings of that group indicated in the movements of the participants in the given religious ceremony, by a conventional what is called ‘alphabet’, those ideas which they intended should be transmitted through these ceremonies to the men-beings of their remote descendants. 2666 BTG XXX

“On Thursdays, namely, the days which the learned beings of this group assigned for ‘sacred’ and ‘popular’ dances, there were demonstrated with the necessary explanations every possible form of religious and popular dances, either those already existing which they only modified, or quite new ones which they created. 2711 BTG XXX

“And so, when, on the one hand, thanks to these crystallizations, there began to be acquired in the common presences of certain terrestrial three-brained beings, the first germs of what are called Hasnamussian properties, in consequence of which such beings began, as is proper to them for their egoistic aims, to invent for the ‘confusion’ of surrounding beings similar to themselves, various fictions, among which were also every kind of fantastic, what are called ‘religious teachings’; and when, on the other hand, other of your favorites began to have faith in these fantastic religious teachings, and gradually lost their ‘sane mentation’ shanks to these same crystallizations, then from that time on there began to arise in the process of the ordinary existence of these strange three-brained beings a large number of ‘Havatvernoni’ or ‘religions’ having nothing in common with each other. 3875 BTG XXXVIII

“Although all these many, varied Havatvernoni or religions of theirs have decidedly nothing in common with each other, yet nevertheless all are built up on the religious teachings, which in their turn, are built up exclusively on that, in the objective sense, ‘maleficent idea’, which they themselves called ‘Good and Evil’, and which ‘idea’, strictly speaking, was the chief factor for the gradual ‘dilution’ of their general psyche and which still quite recently served as the cause of great events among the ‘blissful’ ‘higher-being-bodies’ or, as they are called there ‘souls’ who dwell on that holy planet in the direction of which we are at the present moment falling. 3876 BTG XXXVIII

“And so, my boy, after the sacred Rascooarno proceeds to these terrestrial three-brained beings — or, as they themselves express it, when they die — in the presences of whom are actualized the germs of Sacred Individuals, their contemporaries usually in order to remember and also in order to transmit to the beings of subsequent generations all that these Sacred Individuals had indicated and explained according to their attainments of responsible age, collect it all into one whole, and all this ‘collected-into-one-whole’ usually just serves as the beginning of all kinds of religious teachings there. 3880 BTG XXXVIII

“The strangeness of the psyche of your favorites in respect of the religious teachings which arise in this way among them, manifests itself in this, that they already from the very beginning understand ‘literally’ all that has been said and explained by these genuine Sacred Individuals actualized from Above and they never take into account in which environment and for which case this or that was said and explained. 3881 BTG XXXVIII

“And further, already during the transmission from generation to generation of these religious teachings, the sense of which had already from the very beginning been distorted, they begin to adopt in regard to them the following two factors, which had already become fixed in the general existence of these strange three-brained beings. The first of these consists in this, that those beings, who in the given period of the ‘flow-of-time’ belong to the caste called the ruling class, immediately hook on to these religious teachings just that, for them, most maleficent ‘question’ which exists on this ill-starred planet under the name of ‘Religion-for-the-State-or-the-State-for-Religion’, and corresponding to this, they gradually begin with every kind of artfulness to juggle with the previously fixed facts for the justification of their own egoistic aims; and the second consists in this, that certain ordinary beings there, owing to the fault of their producers, acquired in their common presences, during their arising as well as during their formation into responsible beings, the inherency of what is called ‘psychopathy’ and ‘parasitism’ — in consequence of which they do not have and cannot have in themselves any data at all for the manifestation of any being-duty whatever it might be — and become, as it were, authorities for all the trifling details of the new religious teachings which have already arisen in the mentioned way, and begin, as it is said, ‘to-peck-like-crows-at-a-jackal’s-carcass’, that totality, already ‘pecked’ from the very beginning without this, of what had been spoken and indicated by the genuine Sacred Individuals, intentionally actualized from Above. 3882 BTG XXXVIII

“Speaking briefly, the result of the mentioned two factors among the three-brained beings of this strange planet, which had been fixed in the process of ordinary existence, and, namely, the inherency in the beings belonging to the caste of the ruling class, and the psychopathy of certain of their ordinary beings, is that they always get divided on questions of religion — soon after its foundation, on whatever religious doctrines these religions may have been built up — into their famous ‘sects’, and these sects in their turn get divided into other sects, and thanks to this, just the same occurs there in all epochs on this comparatively not large planet in the sense of religions, as with the large number of the spoken languages there, referring to which our highly esteemed Mullah Nassr Eddin called it ‘a thousand-tongued hydra’, and in the present case he would say ‘varied-titillating-titillations’. 3883 BTG XXXVIII

“During my observations on the process of the existence of these peculiar three-brained beings, there had been many times actualized from Above, in the common presences of certain of them, the germs of these Sacred Individuals and almost on each occasion — with the exception only of the Most Most Sacred Ashiata Shiemash, and all connected with Him which flowed from His own Most Great Labors — after their completed formation and their fulfillment of the mission imposed on them from Above, when the process of the sacred Rascooarno was completed with them, such religious teachings always began in the mentioned way to arise among these peculiar beings there, i.e., they, at first, as I said, collected into one whole all that was indicated and explained in detail by these Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized from Above, for the purpose of remembering it all themselves and also for the purpose of transmission to subsequent generations, yet, of course, into one whole which they collected from the very beginning, as it is said there, ‘from-bits-here-and-there’, and later, as all of this which was collected together fell into the hands of just those two mentioned types there, well, just then they began, as I already expressed it, ‘to peck at’ all this, and further dividing themselves up into their famous what are called sects, already compose new fantastic religious teachings thought out by themselves, as a result of which there always obtains on this planet of yours, firstly, a large number of religions as numerous as the colors in the ‘rainbow’, and secondly, as it is said, ‘the-same-old-story’. 3884 BTG XXXVIII

“During recent centuries your favorites had many hundreds of these peculiar independent religious teachings in the common-planetary-process of their being-existence and the basis for all of them was tile totality of the indications and explanations which had still survived and which had arisen in the mentioned way, given to them by the Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized among them from Above. 3885 BTG XXXVIII

“On these survived totalities, by which, during recent times, they were in a strange manner inspired and from which with their bobtailed reason they borrowed ideas for the inventions of their still newer and newer religious teachings, there were based five relegions which still exist today, namely, those religions called: 1)The Buddhistic 2)The Hebrew 3)The Christian 4)The Mohammedan 5)The Lamaist. 3886 BTG XXXVIII

“Your favorites of already the first generation of the contemporaries of Saint Moses, evidently found it profitable for their special aims to insert in these religious teachings almost the entire fantastic teaching which I already told you when I related that among the ancient three-brained beings of the second grouping on the continent Ashhark or contemporary Asia, there was a king named Konuzion, a subsequent Saint, who, for the purpose of saving his subjects from the pernicious habit of chewing the seed of the poppy first invented his fantastic ‘religious doctrine’. 3892 BTG XXXVIII

“At the present time, the first of the five religious teachings I mentioned, and, namely, the Budclhistic, is spread chiefly among the beings dwelling in the country India, the former ‘Gemchania’, and in the countries called China and Japan. 3897 BTG XXXVIII

“The followers of the second religious teaching, and, namely, the Hebrew are now scattered over the whole planet. 3898 BTG XXXVIII

“But thereafter they began gradually to ‘strip’ also this religious teaching based on ‘resplendent Love’, and transformed it into something also ‘resplendent’, but already, as our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin says, into a ‘resplendent-Terasakhaboora’ from the fairy tale ‘Kasoaadjy’. 3903 BTG XXXVIII

“In the case of this great religious teaching, indeed, it also happened among them, that its followers divided themselves, on account of exterior details of small importance, into various sects, and came to be called not just ‘Christians’ as all the first followers of this teaching called themselves — but ‘Orthodox’, ‘Sevrodox’, ‘Ypsylodox’, ‘Hamilodox’, and various other cognomens also ending in ‘dox’. 3904 BTG XXXVIII

“And into this teaching of truth and verity, they began also to mix for various egoistic and political reasons, fragments taken from other religious teachings already existing there, but fragments such as had not only nothing in common with the teaching of Jesus, but which sometimes even flatly contradicted the truths this Divine Teacher taught. 3905 BTG XXXVIII

“They call ‘elders of the church’ there, those beings who become professional dignitaries of the highest rank of any religious teaching”. 3910 BTG XXXVIII

“Your acquaintance with this fact will be another example for you for enlightening you about the sense and essential significance of the sacred sacrament Almznoshinoo, and in addition you will also have a clear example of what I have already told, how — thanks only to the strange inherency in their general psyche, called wiseacring — the sense of even those crumbs ‘collected-from-bits-here-and-there-into-one-whole’ spoken and indicated to them by the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized among them from Above, were already so distorted by the first generation of the contemporaries of the given Sacred Individuals, that from all what they call religious teachings information reached the beings of subsequent generations suitable perhaps only for the inventing of what are called ‘children’s fairy tales’. 4080 BTG XXXVIII

“And as regards the remaining terrestrial three-brained beings, who by the way in general represent in themselves the majority, then they, becoming usually transformed at the corresponding age — owing to many causes, but chiefly because already from the earliest years of their existence it became proper to them to occupy themselves with what is called ‘Moordoorten’ — into what are called ‘psychopaths’, accept blindly, literally, and word for word, entirely without any being-logical mentation, all these ‘fantastic absurdities’ which reached them; and a kind of special peculiar ‘faith’ in all this religious teaching becomes automatically formed in them as if it represented in itself the totality of all the ‘truths’ connected with and related to just this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ who was indeed intentionally actualized among them from Above. 4088 BTG XXXVIII

“Almost as many of these restorials of the voice or as they are still sometimes named ‘light sounds of voice are formed among your favorites and until today are still formed, as there are independent groups into which they are divided and still continue to be divided, and this proceeds so because these light sounds of voice arc in general formed among the beings from many outer as well as inner surrounding conditions not depending on them themselves, as for instance: geographical, hereditary, religious, and even from the ‘quality-of-nourishment’ and the ‘quality-of-reciprocal-influences’, and so on and so forth. 5099 BTG XL

“Or again, beings who one day had been as pacific as the little butter ‘lambs’ which the pious place on the festal table at their most important religious feasts, would on the next day get as exasperated as a German professor when some Frenchman, also a professor, discovers something new in contemporary science. 5887 BTG XLII

“‘Are there not? On the contrary; in that religion there were many more good customs than in any of the religions of today; in none of the ancient religious teachings were so many good regulations for ordinary everyday life laid down as in just that teaching on which this same Christian religion was founded. 6057 BTG XLII

“‘The only things new in these religious teachings, as I have said, are the small details, intentionally adapted by the great founders to the degree of mental perfection of the people of the given epoch. And so as the root of this same doctrine upon which the Christian religion is based there was placed almost the whole of the previously existing great teaching which is now called Judaism, whose followers once also numbered almost, as is said, half the “world”. 6062 BTG XLII

“‘This custom which you call sooniat was first created and introduced into the Judaic religious doctrine by the Great Moses. 6069 BTG XLII

“From the contents of this papyrus it could be clearly seen that the Great Moses gave practical effect to the thoughts set down on this question in the book Tookha Tes Nalool Pan, by creating for his people those two religious rites, one of which is called ‘Sikt ner chore” and the other “Tzel putz kann”. 6087 BTG XLII

“‘They did this because at that time there were clearly manifest both the decline of the Christian religion and the disappearance in ordinary people of the capacity for contemplation, that is, for the state in which alone the truths indicated in the detailedly genuine religious teachings can be understood. 6103 BTG XLII

“When this new religious teaching was widely spread, certain of them, according to the tales of your ancestors, had information about the existence in former times among them of those beings who, as it were, were immortal and who suddenly disappeared; and it was just these beings who decided to spread the supposition that evidently they were just these same Devils who, foreseeing the arising of a true religious teaching and fearing that people in consequence would perhaps ‘find them out’, made themselves invisible but continued in reality to exist among them. 6884 BTG XLIV

“It was then that the real names of many beings of our tribe, which also chanced to reach in the said manner to the beings of the period when this mentioned religious teaching appeared, acquired a greater special meaning and passing from generation to generation; these names oven reached to your contemporary favorites. 6885 BTG XLIV

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