“Here that strangeness of the psyche of your favorites then manifested itself just as it now manifests itself, by their not having considered and not considering the obvious fact-obvious, that is, to every more or less sane Reason-that the Divine Teacher, Saint Buddha, in advising them to employ that kind of ‘endurance’, of course had in view that they should produce this ‘endurance’ while existing among other beings similar to themselves, and so that by frequently producing in their presences this sacred being-actualization toward the manifestations displeasing to them of other beings similar to themselves, there might thereby be evoked in them what are called those ‘Trentroodianos’, or, as they themselves would say, those ‘psychic-chemical-results’ which, in general, in the presence of every three-centered being, from those sacred being-data, which actualize in the common presences of the three-centered beings, one of the three holy forces of the sacred being-Triamazikamno; and this holy force in beings always becomes affirming towards all the denying properties already present in them.BTG XXI