sacred process

“And this sacred process ‘Aieioiuoa’ or ‘Remorse’ always proceeds with the ‘OmnipresentActiveElementOkidanokh’ also. BTG XVII

“The peculiarity of this latter during this sacred process is that while the direct action either of the sacred Theomertmalogos or the emanation of any ordinary sun is round about the whole of its presence, this ActiveElement is dispersed into its three prime parts which then exist almost independently, and when the said direct action ceases, these parts blend again and then continue to exist as a whole. BTG XVII

“For the further clarification of the phenomena taking place in the atmospheres and concerning the ‘OmnipresentActiveElement’ in general, you must know and remember this also, that during the periods when, owing to the sacred process ‘Aieioiuoa’, ‘Djartklom’ proceeds in the Okidanokh, then there is temporarily released from it the proportion of the pure – that is, absolutely unblended – Etherokrilno which unfailingly enters into all cosmic formations and there serves, as it were, for connecting all the active elements of these formations; and afterwards when its three fundamental parts reblend then the said proportion of Etherokrilno is re-established. BTG XVII

“That you may better represent to yourself the events of this tale of mine, you must first of all know that at the beginning of my exile to that solar system, certain corresponding essence-friends of mine who had not taken part in those events from which the causes of my exile had issued, performed concerning my personality that sacred process which exists in the Universe under the name of the ‘Sacred Vznooshlitzval’, that is to say, concerning my personality there was implanted in the presences of those three-brained beings by means of another sacred process called ‘Askalnooazar’, that which Objective Science defines by the notion, ‘Trust-another-like-yourself’. BTG XVIII

“This I had to do on account of the same sins of my youth. And I was obliged to do so, because when I was pardoned by HIS UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS, and allowed to return to my native land, certain Sacred Individuals decided to demand of me for any eventuality, to have performed over my essence, this sacred process in order that I might not manifest myself, as in the days of my youth, and that the same might not thereby occur again in the Reason of most individuals dwelling here at the center of the Great Universe. BTG XVIII

“‘And it is just about this that I have decided to apply to you, your Reverence, and to request you to consent to undertake in the Name of the UNI-BEING CREATOR, the task of trying to spare us the necessity of resorting to some extreme sacred process, unbecoming for three-centered beings, and to remove this undesirable phenomenon in some ordinary way through the “being-Reason” they have in their presences’. BTG XIX

“‘This custom is at present so widespread there, and the destruction of the existence of beings of various forms for this maleficent purpose has reached such dimensions, that there is already a surplus of the “Sacred Askokin” required from the planet Earth for its former parts, that is to say, a surplus of those vibrations which arise during the sacred process of “Rascooarno” of beings of every exterior form arising and existing on that planet from which the said sacred cosmic arising is required. BTG XIX

“Well then, in consequence of the aforesaid, and because just like us they are also only Keschapmartnian beings, and the normal removal from their presences of this sacred substance which constantly and inevitably arises in them can proceed exclusively only with the opposite sex when they utilize it for the continuation of the species by means of the sacred process ‘Elmooarno’; and also because they were not in the habit of utilizing it for the purpose of coating their higher being-bodies; these chance surviving three-brained beings there – namely, those who had already been existing as it is not becoming for three-brained beings to exist, that is to say, when during several of their years they had existed without beings of the opposite sex – began to turn to various anti-natural means for the removal from themselves of the sacred substance Exioëhary formed in them. BTG XXIII

“And later, when the same constant abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence were finally established as a consequence of which Great Nature was compelled, for reasons of which I have already once told you, among other limitations, also to degenerate the functioning of their organ of sight into what is called ‘Koritesnokhnian’, that is to say, into the sight proper to the presences of one-brained and two-brained beings, then thereafter they were able to perceive the visibility of their great as well as their small concentrations situated beyond them only when the sacred process ‘Aieioiuoa’ proceeded in the Omnipresent Active Element Okidanokh in the atmosphere of their planet, or, as they themselves say – according to their understanding and their own perceptions – ‘on dark nights’. BTG XXIII

“Thanks to this sacred process, intentionally actualized by our ALL-FORESEEING COMMON EDLESS FATHER, it is foreseen that in the three-brained beings of the given planet, during the process in their presences of the fundamental cosmic holy law of Triamazikamno, the superfluity of its third holy force thereby obtained, namely, the force of the ‘sacred reconciling’, should by itself crystallize data in them for engendering that something which is what is called ‘being-Egoaitoorassian-will’. BTG XXXII

“You must without fail also know that when beings of the period of the Tikliamishian civilization constated for the first time about this particular psychic property of theirs, and soon made it clear that by its means they could destroy in each other certain properties particularly unbecoming to be in them, then the process itself of bringing someone into this state began to be regarded by them as a sacred process and was performed only in their temples before the congregation. BTG XXXII

“You, probably, my dear boy, know nothing yet about this sacred process? BTG XXXVIII

“This sacred process can be produced upon the body Kesdjan of that being who also during his existence had brought his higher being-body up to the completed functioning, and in whom, in addition, the Reason of this body had been brought up to the degree called the sacred ‘being-Mirozinoo’. BTG XXXVIII

“And this most sacred process consists in this, that when there is intentionally first produced the coating of the highest being-body, namely, the ‘body of the soul’, only afterwards, as in the first case, is the sacred Almznoshinoo produced. BTG XXXVIII

“Thus, those six remaining members of the small ‘group-of-Seven’ might have had recourse to this same sacred process Almznoshinoo for communication with the Reason of their destroyed chief, if they, having foreseen the possibility of this sudden decease of their chief, had made beforehand while he still existed a certain preparation, necessary for completing this process. BTG XXXVIII

“In order that you may understand about the essence of this preparation for the sacred process, the sacrament Almznoshinoo, it is necessary for you to know about two particular properties of the ‘being-Hanbledzoin’, i.e., the ‘blood’ of the being-body Kesdjan. BTG XXXVIII

“Several times, even before this Tibetan case, this sacred process Almznoshinoo had already been produced on your planet by the three-centered beings of different periods, and about the information concerning these sacred processes of former times, several Legominisms existed. BTG XXXVIII

“It was through these Legominisms also that this small group of Tibetan beings already knew all the details of the procedure relating to this sacred process, and of course they also knew about the need of the special preliminary preparation for it. BTG XXXVIII

“The point is, that when this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ was actualized in the planetary body of a terrestrial three-brained being, and when afterwards he had to be separated from his exterior planetary coating, then just this same sacred process ‘Almznoshinoo’ was also produced on his body Kesdjan by certain terrestrial three-brained beings in order to have the possibility – in view of the violent interruption of his planetary existence – of continuing to communicate with his Divine Reason and of obtaining in this way the information about certain cosmic Truths and certain instructions for the future which he did not finish giving them. BTG XXXVIII

“The information concerning this great event was accurately noted by certain participants in the performance of this sacred process and was intentionally related, for a definite purpose, to the ordinary beings around them. BTG XXXVIII

“And so, my boy, in consequence of the fact that that period of time coincided with that ‘particularly sharp functioning’ which I already once mentioned, of the strange reason of these three-brained beings pleasing to you – in the sense of the periodic ‘Ekbarzerbazia’ which had long been an inherent need for them ‘to-lead-into-error-beings-around-them-similar-to-themselves’ – at which period, many of them strove to be called ‘learned’, of course, of ‘new format’, and also on account of the fact that at that time there were many such beings among the mentioned ordinary beings around them, then they ‘inserted’ for transmission to subsequent generations, in most of the notes and expressions of those stories of the witnesses about this sacred process, such ‘absurdities’ that in addition to this indubitable information, that Jesus Christ was crucified on a cross, and that after the crucifixion he was buried, they also proved just as convincingly that after His crucifixion and burial, Jesus Christ was resurrected and continued to exist among them and to teach this and that, and only afterwards did He raise Himself with His planetary body to Heaven. BTG XXXVIII

“The others, indeed without hindrance, finished everything necessary for the possibility of accomplishing this sacred process Almznoshinoo. BTG XXXVIII

“‘On account of this itching children begin, unconsciously at first, to rub or scratch these places. Later, as there are concentrated in these parts of the organism all the ends of the nerves created by Nature for the special sensation required for the completion of the sacred process Almuano, which normally arises in adult people at the end of what is called copulation, and as, especially at a certain period when according to the providence of Great Nature there proceeds in these organs of children a process of preparation for future sex functioning, they experience from this rubbing or scratching a certain peculiar pleasant sensation, they therefore begin intentionally – having instinctively realized from which of their actions this pleasant sensation is evoked in them – to rub these places even when there is no itching; and thus the ranks of the little “Moordoortenists” on the Earth are always increasing by leaps and bounds. BTG XLII

“According to all the information I learned and also according to every other special method of my investigation, it transpired that this terrestrial three-brained being named Makary Kronbernkzion arose and began to exist there on the continent Atlantis from the sacred process of ‘Elmooarno’ which proceeded between two terrestrial beings there of different sex who had just reached responsible age. BTG XLIV

“Owing to the fact that this couple had a healthy heredity in every respect, and that the external conditions of ordinary being-existence in general there were still relatively normal and for this couple happened to be specially favorable, hence the result of this sacred process, that is to say, this same, according to them, ‘son’ of theirs who was later called Makary Kronbernkzion, already received in his presence from the beginning of his arising and during his early existence almost the same data for the Being of a future responsible being as every Keschapmartnian three-brained being should possess at his arising anywhere on any other planet of our Great Megalocosmos, and as a desire happened to arise in his producers, or as it is said there in his ‘parents’ to prepare their ‘result’ to become a responsible being with a ‘scientific career’, and as they also happened to find successful guides for him, then when this result of theirs became a responsible being, he became a very good ‘scientist’ – of course, very good for the planet Earth. BTG XLIV

“And this notion then arose there evidently because the beings of our tribe had an incommensurably longer duration of existence than theirs, and hence the cases of the sacredRascooarno’ among our tribe were rare, and perhaps it happened that in those periods this sacred process did not even occur to any of our tribe. BTG XLIV

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