“But having now no other possibility of learning all the secret sacraments, except only by attempting to enter into relations with the Reason of their deceased chief, they decided to try to carry out this sacred sacrament upon the body Kesdjan of their former chief, even without the said preliminary preparation.BTG XXXVIII
“This Sobrionolian contact, or as it would be said on your planet Earth this ‘explosion’, was so powerful that during this Noughtounichtono there, everything without any exception was transformed into Etherokrilno, both the planetary body of the chief of this small group of beings as well as all the six other brethren there who had completed this sacred sacrament, and likewise in general all the spiritualized or only concentrated surplanetary formations which were in the given region within an area of one ‘Shmana’, or as your favorites would say ‘one square kilometer’.BTG XXXVIII
“Your acquaintance with this fact will be another example for you for enlightening you about the sense and essential significance of the sacred sacrament Almznoshinoo, and in addition you will also have a clear example of what I have already told, how – thanks only to the strange inherency in their general psyche, called wiseacring – the sense of even those crumbs ‘collected-from-bits-here-and-there-into-one-whole’ spoken and indicated to them by the genuine Sacred Individuals intentionally actualized among them from Above, were already so distorted by the first generation of the contemporaries of the given Sacred Individuals, that from all what they call religious teachings information reached the beings of subsequent generations suitable perhaps only for the inventing of what are called ‘children’s fairy tales’.BTG XXXVIII
“He then decided, together with these twelve terrestrial beings intentionally initiated by Him, to have recourse to the sacred sacrament Almznoshinoo – the process of the actualization of which sacred sacrament was already well known to all of them, as they had already acquired in their presences all the data for its fulfillment – so that He should have the possibility, while He still remained in such a cosmic individual state, to finish the preparation begun by Him for the fulfillment of the plan designed for actualization of the mission imposed on Him from Above.BTG XXXVIII
“And so, my boy, when having decided on this and being ready to begin the preliminary preparation required for this sacred sacrament, it then became clear that it was utterly impossible to do this, as it was too late; they were all already surrounded by beings called ‘guards’, and their arrest and everything that would follow from it was expected at any moment. And it was just here that this Judas, now a Saint and formerly the inseparable and devoted helper of Jesus Christ and who is ‘hated’ and ‘cursed’ owing to the naive non-reasonableness of the peculiar three-brained beings of your planet, manifested himself and rendered his great objective service for which terrestrial three-brained beings of all subsequent generations should be grateful.BTG XXXVIII
“Even many two-brained and one-brained beings of this same planet, such as for instance the beings called there ‘hyenas’, cats’, ‘wolves’, ‘lions’, ‘tigers’, ‘wild dogs’, ‘bagooshis’, ‘frogs’, and many others who have not in their what are called ‘law-conformable–presences’ any data at all which give the possibility of ‘comparative logic’, at the present time still continue, of course only instinctively, to sense this act as sacred, and manifest it only during those periods which were foredesigned by Great Nature for this sacred sacrament, namely, chiefly at the period of the beginning of a new completing movement of that cosmic concentration on which they have their place of arising and existence, that is, during the period which three-brained beings everywhere call the ‘Dionosks-of-the-sacred–sacraments-of-Serooazar’, and which on the planet which has interested you are called ‘spring days’.BTG XXXIX
To this question of Beelzebub’s his grandson Hassein replied thus: “No, dear Grandfather, the details of this I do not yet know; I only know that these Dionosks arc regarded among us on the planet Karatas as great holy days and are called ‘Helping-God-Dionosks’, and I know that for these great holy days, the Dionosks, all our beings, ‘Actavus’ as well as ‘Passavus’, prepare themselves almost from the end of the previous holy day, and that one ‘Loonies’ before the beginning of these sacred sacraments, both old and young among us cease to introduce the first beingfood into themselves and, by various sacred ceremonies, mentally give thanks to our COMMON CREATOR for their existence.BTG XXXIX
“There I will explain to you sometime in detail where and how the sacred sacrament of Serooazar proceeds with the substances being-Exioëhary for the continuation of one’s species and on what occasions and in what way the mixing and subsequent results of the two kinds of Exioëhary are obtained; one kind is transformed for the affirming principle in those ‘beings-apparatuses’ which on our planet Karatas are the beings ‘Actavus’ and on your planet Earth the beings of the ‘male sex’; and the other kind is transformed for the denying principle in those ‘beings-apparatuses’ which among us on the planet Karatas are the beings ‘Passavus’ and on the planet Earth the beings of the ‘female sex’.BTG XXXIX
When Beelzebub, Hassein, and Ahoon had returned from the “Djamdjampal” and had resumed their usual places, Hassein, again turning to Beelzebub, said: “Dear Grandfather! Although thanks to your exhaustive explanations relating to different episodes which proceeded in the planet Earth during the process of the existence of the three-brained beings, I obtained a clear conception and convincing understanding of the surprising strangeness of their psyche, nevertheless the question still arises in me about one particularity of this psyche of theirs which I cannot yet understand at all and which, even taking their strange psyche into account, appears to me not logical. My thoughts constantly return to this perplexing question and were even concentrated on it during the sacred sacrament in the Djamdjampal.BTG XLIII