Sacred Triamazikamno

“In order that you may be able to understand, at least approximately, concerning this Omnipresent-Okidanokh also, I must tell you, first of all, that the second fundamental cosmic law – the Sacred Triamazikamno – consists of three independent forces, that is to say, this sacred law manifests in everything, without exception, and everywhere in the Universe, in three separate independent aspects.BTG XVII

“And this cosmic law is, that there proceeds within every arising large and small, when in direct touch with the emanations either of the Sun Absolute itself or of any other sun, what is called ‘Remorse’, that is a process, when every part that has arisen from the results of any one Holy Source of the Sacred Triamazikamno, as it were, ‘revolts’, and ‘criticizes’ the former unbecoming perceptions and the manifestations at the moment, of another part of its whole – a part obtained from the results of another Holy Source of the same fundamental sacred Cosmic Law of Triamazikamno.BTG XVII

“Now, my boy, as for the processes themselves of the transformation in the evolutionary and involutionary movements of all these cosmic substances by means of just such apparatuses of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat – as all your favorites also are – then those transformations proceed in them as well as in us and in general in all large and small cosmoses of our common Megalocosmoses, strictly according to those two same chief fundamental cosmic laws, namely, according to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the Sacred Triamazikamno.BTG XXXIX

“And these sacred cosmic substances, formed in them in such a manner, serve either only for the purposes of the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat entirely without the participation of their own being-consciousness and individual desire, or for the involuntary conception of a new being similar to themselves, who is without their cognized wish a distressing result for them frnm the mixing of these sacred substances of the two opposite sexes, who actualize in themselves two opposite forces of the Sacred Triamazikamno, during the satisfaction by them of that function of theirs which has become, thanks to the inheritance from the ancient Romans, the chief vice of contemporary three-brained beings. BTG XXXIX

“When each separate ‘higher-perfected-being-body’ becomes an independent Individual and acquires in itself its own law of Sacred Triamazikamno it begins to emanate similarly to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute but in miniature; and when many of these perfected independent Sacred Individuals had been assembled on the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute, then between the emanations of these Sacred Individuals and the atmosphere of the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute there was established what is called a ‘Geneotriamazikamnian contact’ and those results were obtained which brought on this terrifying misfortune for the ‘higher-being-perfected-parts’ of which I have already told you.BTG XXXIX

“The point is that this cosmic formation which serves as the second food for beings is also composed according to the second fundamental common cosmic law of the Sacred Triamazikamno, and is also actualized by means of its three heterogeneous cosmic substances.BTG XLII

“And so, the process of fusion of all those substances required for the normal formation and existence of beings, which are transformed by the planet itself and which actualize the second holy force of the Sacred Triamazikamno, can proceed in the correspondingly required definite proportion only within certain limits of the atmosphere from the surface of planets, because owing to the second grade cosmic law called Tenikdoa, or as your favorites would call it, ‘law of gravity’, these substances cannot penetrate beyond a definite height of the atmosphere.BTG XLII

“Although in respect of the Sacred Triamazikamno the process of the arising of both kinds of being-Reason flows equally, yet the fulfilling factors for the actualization of its three separate holy forces are different. Namely, for the formation of the Reason-of-knowing the formerly perceived contradictory inmpressions crystallized in any one of the three localizations which three-brained beings have, serve as the affirming and denying factors and the new impressions proceeding from without serve in this case as the third factor.BTG XLVI

“It is these same formations in the common presences of three-brained beings which are actualized as the third holy force of the Sacred Triamazikamno for the arising of the Reason-of-understanding.BTG XLVI

“Only thanks to this factor, in the process of the blending of newly perceived impressions of every kind in the presences of three-brained beings, are there crystallized on the basis of the Sacred Triamazikamno data for one’s own cognizance and understanding proper to the being alone; and likewise exclusively only during such processes of the crystallization of the data for consciousness in the presences of three-brained beings does there proceed what is called ‘Zernofookalnian-friction’ thanks to which the sacred substances Abrustdonis and Helkdonis are chiefly formed in them for the coating and perfecting of their higher parts.BTG XLVI

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