“When on the day of my, as they call it, ‘supreme presentation’ I arrived there where the chief of this large community had the place of his residence, I was met at the railway station itself by ‘His High Excellency’ in person, who had arrived there accompanied by five or six of his adjutants, and from that moment he himself began – of course quite without the participation of, as it is called, his ‘personal-subjective-initiative’, had guided only by automatic habit acquired by him, thanks to the doing of always one and the same thing – to subjugate all my separate spiritualized parts and all the self-manifestations of my common presence, taking it as it were under the directive of his own ‘I’. BTG XXXIV
self-manifestations of my common presence
Outras páginas do capítulo
- Most Great common-cosmic Iraniranumange
- Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Great Great All-embracing
- Most Great Greatness
- Most Great Labors
- Most Great Omnicosmic Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Holy Individuals
- Most Holy Prime Source
- Most Holy Sun Absolute