Tag: Absoluto
His Endlessness: our Incomparable Creator Endlessness B769 our All-Most-Gracious Creator Endlessness B1128 our Unique-Burden-Bearing-Endlessness B183 our Common All-Embracing Uni-Being Autocrat Endlessness B744 Our Almighty Omni-Loving Common Father Uni-Being Creator Endlessness B360 Our Common Father Omni-Being Endlessness B753 our All-Loving, Endlessly-Merciful and Absolutely-Just Creator-Endlessness B745 His Endlessness B52 B54 B64 B76 B80 B82 B84 B99 B556…
“The point is that not being used up for their predetermined purpose, the said definite cosmic crystallizations become, during certain displacements of their atmosphere, concentrated in certain of their atmospheric strata, and entering into them from time to time dependently on various external surrounding conditions and also on the inner state of the common…
SEE Trogoautoegocratic the fundamental common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar, by which the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat is actualized, the true Savior from the law-conformable action of the merciless Heropass B785 from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat B753 then our cherubim gave names to the emanations and…
everything in the Universe, both the intentionally created and the later automatically arisen, exists and is maintained, exclusively on the basis of what is called the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process; this Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic-process was actualized by our Endless Uni-Being, when our Most Great and Most Holy Sun Absolute had already existed, on which our All-Gracious…
common cosmic law, periodic tension in suns and planets acts on the common presences of all three-brained beings, engendering besides desires and tensions of which they are not aware, the feeling called sacred Iabolioonosar B623 only in consequence of the fact that the data for the sacred impulse of being-conscience do not take part in…
Law of Falling
“And sometime later, in the course of these occupations, this Saint Venoma first constated in cosmic laws what later became a famous discovery, and this discovery he first called the ‘Law of Falling’. BTG IV “His further saintly labors showed that although in principle this was in general possible, yet it was impossible fully to…
Holy God, I Holy Firm, / Holy Immortal, / Have mercy on us B752 God-the-Father, God-the-Son, God-the-Holy-Ghost: the three holy forces of the Sacred Triamazikamno B3 B752 each of them is the image of God, not of that God which they have in their bobtailed picturings, but of the real God, by which word we…
B1214 B1216 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1215] If one has the requisite power and could compel a group of contemporary people, even from among these who have received so to say “a good education,” to state exactly how they each understand the word “world,” they would all so “beat about the bush” that…
B1215 B1217 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1216] A man whose world view is founded on the dogmas of religion would say that the world is everything existing, visible and invisible, created by God and depending on His Will. Our life in the visible world is brief, but in the invisible world, where a…
His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel B28 Archangel Adossia, President of the Commission of Inspection, announces the construction of the new ship invented by Archangel Hariton for intersystem arid interplanetary communication, from B68 ff The Most High Commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the direction of the…
Mullah Nassr Eddin
Mullah Nassr Eddin, or has he is also called, Hodja Nassr Eddin, is, it seems, little known in Europe and America, but he is very well known in all countries of the continent of Asia; this legendary personage corresponds to the American Uncle Sam or the German Till Eulenspiegel. Numerous tales popular in the East,…
B1193 B1195 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1194] Although he himself is from the country and has remained as ignorant as his fellow rustics, yet rubbing shoulders, owing to his profession, with people of various positions and education, picking up from them, by bits here and bits there, a variety of expressions embodying various…
in the name of the Father and of the Son and in the name of the Holy Ghost, Amen B3 able to distinguish the face of their own father B34 Beelzebub was Gornahoor Rakhoorkh’s godfather, or Kesdjanian father B314 B1154 Lentrohamsanin’s father, the source-of-the-active-principle-of-his-origin B393 the Choon brother’s father, the affirming-source of the causes of…
The Holy Planet Purgatory BTG XXXIX B744 ff Only-He-May-Enter-Here-Who-Puts-Himself-In-The-Position-Of-The-Other-Results-Of-My-Labors — words placed over the chief entrance of the holy planet Purgatory B1164 and B66 B294 B367 B657 ff B695 B704 B742 B813 B822 B866 B1095 B1119 passim B1149
The Chief Culprit in the Destruction of All the Very Saintly Labors of Ashiata Shiemash BTG XXVIII B390 ff one of those three hundred and thirteen Hasnamussian-Eternal-individuals B346 B410 his parents and his upbringing B392 ff. he had absolutely no Being in regard to this information or knowledge which he had acquired B394 Lentrohamsanin showed…
if before my acquaintance with this all-universal principle of living, I had actualized all manifestations differently, then I did so automatically, and sometimes only half consciously, but after this event I began to do so consciously and moreover with an instinctive sensation of the two blended impulses of self-satisfaction and selfcognizance in correctly and honorably…
in all three-brained beings of the whole of our Universe without exception, among whom are also we men, owing to the data crystallized in our common presences for engendering in us the Divine impulse of conscience, the whole-of-us and the whole of our essence are, and must be already in our foundation, only suffering; and…
concerning Okidanokh and Djartklom B144 ff. endurance towards others’ manifestations displeasing to oneself could alone crystallize in their common presences that Partkdolg-duty which in general is necessary for all three-centered beings — Buddha B243; see suffering the action of the results of intentionally actualized Partkdolg-duty, that is to say of conscious-labors-and-intentional-sufferings B409 concerning Itoklanoz B438…