Tag: Ahoon
B916 B918 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 917] “’And so, friend of my friend! When my young friend had become satisfied after this elucidation, he ceased to be interested in the question in which he had then been absorbed, and when he returned home to Europe he left for our use that source which…
B251 <=> B253 [BTG XXII Beelzebub’s first time Tibet, p. 252] Chapter XXII Beelzebub for the First Time in Tibet Como a rota proposta dessa vez era muito incomum para os seres terrestres tricerebrais daquela época e, portanto, não podíamos contar com a possibilidade de nos juntarmos a qualquer ‘caravana’ deles, tive, então, que organizar…
B553 B555 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 554] “On account of this new word of theirs, even our Ahoon, in spite of his having an incomparably more normal presence, and being clothed with a being-reason of higher quality, had while we were there a very disagreeable, even an almost idiotic misunderstanding. “As for…
B640 B642 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 641] “And the very same night, with the help of forty pairs of buffalo, this original ‘skewer’ was dragged and thrown into the river Nile. “I saw such punishment meted out in this spirit, both during my stay personally on the surface of this planet of yours, as well…
“Before telling you more about this priest Abdil, I must make clear to your Reason, that there on the continent of Ashhark, the mentioned terrible custom of Sacrificial-Offerings was at that time, as it is said, at its ‘height’, and the destruction of various weak one-brained and two-brained beings proceeded everywhere in incalculable numbers. BTG…
“This request of the honorable Toof-Nef-Tef was translated to me through our Ahoon by means of what is there called a ‘Kelli-E-Ofoo’. [NA: Kelli-E-Ofoo on the planet Mars is the same thing which on the Earth is called a “note”.] BTG XLV
B54 <=> B56 [BTG II Why in solar system, p. 55] Entre todos os passageiros a bordo da nave, um rapaz muito bonito se destacava; ele estava sempre perto do próprio Belzebu. Esse era Hassein, filho do filho favorito de Belzebu, Tooloof. Depois de voltar do exílio, Belzebu viu seu neto, Hassein, pela primeira vez…
B58 B60 [BTG III Cause of delay in falling, p. 59] “But now go and make all arrangements necessary for the required stopping. And then, when you are quite free, come to me again and we will pass the time of our unavoidable delay in conversation useful for us all.” When the captain had gone,…
B59 B61 [BTG III Cause of delay in falling, p. 60] “I am not glad because of the misadventure but because an unforeseen event issuing from above has occurred, owing to which we shall be able to listen once more to the tales of my dear grandfather. “Is it my fault that the circumstances are…
B224 B226 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 225] “The beings of all other forms of that planet also manifest themselves by voice, but at a definite time. For instance, the cock cries at midnight, an ape in the morning when it is hungry, and so on, but donkeys there bray whenever it enters their…
His Truthfulness, the Archangel Gabriel B28 Archangel Adossia, President of the Commission of Inspection, announces the construction of the new ship invented by Archangel Hariton for intersystem arid interplanetary communication, from B68 ff The Most High Commission consisting of Angels and Archangels, specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance, under the direction of the…
B613 B615 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 614] “To my question as to what caused all this, our Ahoon explained to me that on that day, in our street, the arrival of a very important general of that community was expected. “On this same day, in the afternoon, while I was sitting at home and talking…
Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B746 <=> B748 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 747] “Por toda parte desse planeta sagrado, nos desfiladeiros correspondentes, há cavernas convenientes de todos os tipos de ‘forma interior’ — feitas em parte pela própria Natureza e em parte artificialmente — com vistas impressionantes de suas entradas, e…
B1072 B1074 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1073] “But the misfortune for all the other ordinary favorites of yours is that these power-possessing and important beings assembled from the whole of the planet do not begin to occupy themselves with these questions, considering them to be beneath their dignity. “What next! Such ‘important’…
B1073 B1075 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1074] “He then said, among other things, that if for some reason or other you happen to exist there on the planet Earth, and to mix with these strange three-brained beings, then you must always be very careful with those contemporary types there who are called…
B1074 B1076 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1075] “I wish to point out to you one great ‘secret’ of their psyche, namely, I wish to point out to you only one particularity of theirs which, if you know how to profit by it, might create in each one of them the same effect…
B222 B224 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 223] “But the most peculiar of all was the custom of paying attention to the voices of beings of various forms. “As soon as they heard the voice of a being of any form, they immediately began to praise the names of their gods and to await…
B223 B225 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 224] “And at times if the offended one had greater physical strength, and an important power-possessing being with whom he was not on very good terms was not watching him, he would simply maul the offender as the Russian Sidor once mauled his favorite goat. “Very well…
impulse of love
“‘In an equally abnormal form were data moulded in them for evoking the sacred impulse of love. BTG XXVI To this question of Beelzebub’s, Hassein, also in an uncertain tone unusual for him, timidly replied: “Almost . . . yes . . . Sacred Podkoolad of our Great Megalocosmos. Only with this difference, that at…
BTG XIX BTG XXI XX. The Third Flight of Beelzebub to the Planet Earth (pgs. B207 – B226) Chapitre 20 Troisième vol de Belzébuth vers la planète Terre Capítulo 20 O terceiro voo de Belzebu para o planeta Terra. On Beelzebub’s third descent from planet Mars to the planet Earth, his ship Occasion alighted on…