Tag: alegoria
“‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…
B309 B311 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 310] “’And this emblem of ours is understood by all of us, members of the society Akhaldan in the following way: “’The trunk of this allegorical being, represented by the trunk of a “Bull,” means that the factor crystallized in us and which engender in our presences…
B308 B310 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 309] “This Bull trunk rested on the four legs of another being existing there, also of a definite form, called ‘Lion,’ and to that part of the Bull trunk called its ‘back’ two large wings were attached similar in appearance to those of a strong bird-being breeding…
B307 B309 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 308] “All these ‘constructions’ of theirs occupied a fairly large open space of that part of the said region, and were enclosed by a special lattice-work made of the plant then called there ‘Zalnakatar.’ “It is extremely interesting to notice here that they erected at the chief…
BTG XXXVII BTG XXXIX XXXVIII. Religion (pgs. B694 – B743) Chapitre 38 La Religion Capítulo 38 Religião. Beelzebub, during their trip on the ship Karnak heading for the holly planet Purgatory, explains to Hassein how a large number of ‘havatvernonis’ or ‘religions’ came to existence on the plane Earth. According to his explanations our Abundantly…
BTG XXII BTG XXIV XXIII. The Fourth Personal Sojourn of Beelzebub on the Planet Earth (pgs. B268 – B314) Chapitre 23 Quatrième séjour personnel de Belzébuth sur la planète Terre Capítulo 23 A quarta estadia pessoal de Belzebu sobre o planeta Terra. Beelzebub descended for the forth time to the planet Earth owing to the…
“Time itself, no being can either understand by reason or sense by any outer or inner being-function. It cannot even be sensed by any gradation of instinct which arises and is present in every more or less independent cosmic concentration. BTG XVI “It represented an allegorical being, each part of whose planetary body was composed…
Breasts of a virgin
“‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the…
Among other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also an indubitable conviction that always and everywhere on the earth, among people of every degree of development of understanding and of every form of manifestation of the factors which engender in their individuality all…
That Greek language, the spirit and essence of which were transmitted to me by heredity, and the language now spoken by contemporary Greeks, are as much alike as, according to the expression of Mullah Nassr Eddin, “a nail is like a requiem”. 58 BTG I In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity…
emblem of the society Akhaldan B310 clay models B476 transmission of ideas in the Holy Writ B738 ff Mullah Nassr Eddin’s habit of expressing himself allegorically B598
I then decided to tell you everything about them in such a way that there should be crystallized in you for your future being-associations the required what are called Egoplastikoori B1165; and B1170; consider also B439 every part of this allegorical figure gives every member of our society in all the three independently associating parts…
B475 B477 [BTG XXX Art, p. 476] “And so, during their dances, in the movements lawful in their accordance with each other, these learned dancers inserted intentional inexactitudes, also lawful, and in a certain way indicated in them the information and knowledge which they wished to transmit. “On Fridays, days devoted to sculpture, the learned…
“His further saintly labors showed that although in principle this was in general possible, yet it was impossible fully to employ for this purpose this ‘Law of Falling’ discovered by him. And it would be impossible owing solely to the atmospheres around most of the cosmic concentrations, which atmospheres would hinder the straight falling of…
B737 B739 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 738] “And such a nonsensical ‘literal’ understanding proceeds in them, of course, always owing to the fact that they have entirely ceased to produce in their common presences Partkdolg-duty, which should be actualized by being-efforts, which in their turn, alone crystallize in the three-brained beings data for the capacity…
B597 B599 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 598] “When the said cavalcade had moved off a long way, Mullah first of all uttering his favorite saying: ‘So-and-so-and-so-must-be; do-not-do-what-must-not-be,’ and having also uttered his favorite exclamation, somewhat resembling ‘Zrrt!!,’ he returned to his place and suggested to me that I should do the same, then, having arranged…