Tag: América

  • Rodney Collin (TCI) – Absoluto

    Filosoficamente, o homem pode supor um absoluto. Esse absoluto incluiria todas as dimensões possíveis de tempo e espaço. Ou seja: Incluiria não apenas todo o universo que o homem pode perceber ou imaginar, mas todos os outros universos que possam estar além do poder de sua percepção. Incluiria não apenas o momento presente de todos…

  • Anthony Blake (Eneagrama) – Lei de Três

    A ideia de uma lei de três deve, a princípio, parecer bastante estranha para a maioria das pessoas. Como o número três pode ter uma lei? Se agora parece que estamos nos dirigindo para alguma região obscura da teoria dos números, as aparências enganam: a trivialidade está implícita em quase todos os nossos relacionamentos humanos.…

  • P. L. Travers (Parabola V1N1) – mitos

    Mas antes de começarmos a procurar o herói, acho que deveríamos dar uma olhada no elemento em que ele se move, no mundo em que ele atua — folclore, conto de fadas, alegoria, lenda, parábola e até mesmo rima infantil; pois todos esses são como se fossem os principados que, juntos, compõem a pátria do…

  • Reuniões (1-3-1924): Deus o Verbo

    No início de toda religião, encontramos uma afirmação da existência de Deus, o Verbo, e do Deus-Verbo. Um ensinamento diz que quando o mundo ainda era nada, havia emanações, havia Deus, o Verbo. Deus, o Verbo, é o mundo. Deus disse: “Que assim seja”, e enviou o Pai e o Filho. Ele está sempre enviando…

  • Jacob Needleman: Lenda de Asmodeus

    Jacob Needleman — O Dinheiro e o Significado da Vida Para construir o templo, para criar o lugar dentro do qual a mais elevada santidade poderia ser contatada — óbvio que esse grande templo era interno, e não um simples edifício externo —, ele precisava da ajuda do shamir — alguma coisa pequena e oculta,…

  • Alfred Orage — Primeira tradução inglesa do Relatos de Belzebu

    Excertos do livro de C.S. Nott, TEACHINGS OF GURDJIEFF: A PUPIL’S JOURNAL Retornamos para NY no final de 1927, e reiniciamos nosso trabalho com o Grupo. Durante o inverno Orage reviu nosso estudo dos Relatos de Belzebu dos últimos três anos. Fiz várias anotações de suas falas e coletei e coligi notas e fragmentos de…

  • Dorothea Dooling: A busca da transformação

    Excerto de “A Busca”, Jean Sulzberger (org.), trad. Octavio Mendes Cajado. Pensamento, 1989. Que significa buscar, ser um buscador? A palavra é grande demais para ser usada com leviandade, pois está ligada à visão; não a essa espécie de visão física, que partilhamos com os animais, mas à percepção interior, peculiar ao ser humano, que…

  • B918

    B917 <=> B919 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 918] Chapter XLII Beelzebub in America DOIS “Dionosks” depois, quando a nave intersistêmica Karnak havia retomado sua queda e os seguidores confirmados de nosso respeitado mulá Nassr Eddin haviam se sentado novamente em seus assentos habituais, Hassein mais uma vez se dirigiu a Belzebu com as…

  • egoistic

    Having said this with a smile, Beelzebub became silent; a little later he made a very strange gestu1e with his left hand, and with an intonation not proper to his own voice, he continued: “While I am gradually recalling and telling you about all this concerning the events of a period of my existence now…

  • Hasnamussian

    “And as at that period to which my tale relates, this Persian king needed for some or other of his undoubtedly Hasnamussian aims, a great deal of this metal, rare on the surface of the Earth, called ‘gold’, and as the notion concerning this method that had been invented by the then existing ‘Hasnamussian-individual’, Harnahoom,…

  • methods

    “His methods were so varied and at the same time so reasonable that even those of his ‘subjects-beings ‘ in whom the said consequences had already been crystallized could not help respecting him, although they added to his name, of course behind his back, the nickname ‘Archcunning ‘. BTG XV “But for the three-brained beings…

  • opium

    “‘Many hundreds of thousands of packets of powder are used here daily all over the country and the opium this powder ought to contain is, as you know, no cheap thing and if real opium were put into this powder, the opium alone would cost us pharmacists six or eight kopecks a packet, and we…

  • sensation

    Oh, the devil! Will there indeed be repeated that same exceedingly unpleasant and highly strange sensation which it befell me to experience when about three weeks ago I was composing in my thoughts the scheme and sequence of the ideas destined by me for publication and did not know then how to begin either? BTG…

  • crystallization

    “And that is that during their later revolutions of this kind, almost all the three-brained beings there or at least the overwhelming majority who begin to fall into such a ‘psychosis ‘, always destroy for some reason or other, the existence of just such other beings like themselves, as have, for some reason or other,…

  • France

    “There is no harm in remarking here that just when I was leaving that planet forever, precisely the same was being repeated there as had occurred to this Mesmer. Namely, on this occasion, an honest and humble learned being there from among the beings of the community France, after persistent and conscientious labors came across…

  • B684

    B683 B685 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 684] “’What is most interesting of all is that nobody is offended at this “commission business” of this “solid firm,” but on the contrary it is “convenient” and “easy” and “profitable” for everyone. From this “commerce” of theirs, even the French, the hosts of the “capital of the world,”…

  • B683

    B682 B684 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 683] “’That firm not only fills its pockets through the stupidities of its compatriots, but into the bargain it unfortunately adds much of its own “meanness.” “’And they concoct this “melange” in the following way: the branch of the firm here, advertising itself well by American methods, is already…

  • B682

    B681 B683 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 682] “’These “sleepy-types” have very weak voices and look half-consumptive because they are usually very tired and don’t get enough sleep; and this is probably explained by the fact that many of these types work hard somewhere at night, besides working for “Book and Son,” in order to get,…

  • B680

    B679 B681 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 680] “’At home in America, however, things are very different in this respect. Everything is done there for cash, and every work is judged by its measure and weight. Name, talent, genius, and that kind of merchandise, is cheap with us and therefore dollars are acquired in America with…

  • Maralpleicie

    “During these periods the second also quite independent group of three-brained beings of your planet also dwelt on that continent Ashhark, on that part which was then called the country Maralpleicie. 1121 BTG XIX “And when, shortly afterwards, the continent Atlantis entered within the planet and this learned Akhaldan member had no longer any place…