Tag: Arte
B311 B313 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 312] “It was just then, that in the general function of my Reason there was also associated among other things the following: “Good! . . . If none of the benefits already formerly attained by the Reason of the beings of the continent Atlantis for ordinary being-existence…
B308 B310 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 309] “This Bull trunk rested on the four legs of another being existing there, also of a definite form, called ‘Lion,’ and to that part of the Bull trunk called its ‘back’ two large wings were attached similar in appearance to those of a strong bird-being breeding…
B307 B309 [BTG XXIII Beelzebub’s fourth sojourn, p. 308] “All these ‘constructions’ of theirs occupied a fairly large open space of that part of the said region, and were enclosed by a special lattice-work made of the plant then called there ‘Zalnakatar.’ “It is extremely interesting to notice here that they erected at the chief…
B678 B680 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 679] “’But here in the city Paris, thank the Lord, there are plenty who wish to learn that fox trot, and who will pay well for it.’ “’I do not understand,’ I interrupted. ‘You tell me that your pupils are entirely of your countrymen who come here, and at…
B670 B672 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 671] “But all that they show there in the ‘Montmartre theaters,’ as if it proceeded among the beings similar to them breeding on other continents of their planet, has in no case anything in common with what I, who had existed everywhere and who had been greatly interested to…
B685 B687 [BTG XXXVII France, p. 686] “This is not all: Thanks to their maleficent usage ‘to-educate,’ they fill and drive into what are called the ‘Spetsitooalitivian-concentrations,’ or as they themselves would say, the ‘brains’ of these newly born beings, all kinds of their ephemerally fantastic ideas, which brains are localized in general in beings…
B772 B774 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 773] “And so, during their actualization of their conceptions, all these three conceptions merge one with another, and in this way there appears in our Megalocosmos a new three-brained being of such an uncommon construction. “And the three-centered beings of this kind are ideal in our…
B767 B769 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 768] “Now as regards the first two lower being-bodies, namely, the planetary body and the body-Kesdjan, then, after the first sacred Rascooarno of a being, his planetary body, being formed of Microcosmoses or of crystallizations transformed on that planet itself, gradually decomposes and disintegrates there on…
B478 B480 [BTG XXX Art, p. 479] “These mysteries there incorporated in the process of their ordinary existence centuries earlier already began gradually to disappear soon after the Babylonian period. At first their place was taken by what are called their ‘Kesbaadji,’ or, as they are now called there on the continent Europe, ‘puppet shows’…
B477 B479 [BTG XXX Art, p. 478] “On Saturdays – the day-of-mysteries, or the day-of-the-theater – the demonstrations produced by learned members of this group were the most interesting, and, as it is said, the most ‘popular.’ “I personally preferred these Saturdays to all the other days of the week and tried not to miss…
B476 B478 [BTG XXX Art, p. 477] “You must know that to all the three-brained beings of the Earth and also of course to the sculptors of that period, it was already known that, in accordance always with the same great Law of Sevenfoldness, the dimensions of any definite part of any whole being ensue…
B475 B477 [BTG XXX Art, p. 476] “And so, during their dances, in the movements lawful in their accordance with each other, these learned dancers inserted intentional inexactitudes, also lawful, and in a certain way indicated in them the information and knowledge which they wished to transmit. “On Fridays, days devoted to sculpture, the learned…
B474 B476 [BTG XXX Art, p. 475] “Now hear in just which way the learned beings then in Babylon belonging to the group of painters indicated various useful information and fragments of the knowledge they had attained, in the lawful inexactitudes of the great cosmic law then called the Law of Sevenfoldness, by means of…
B472 B474 [BTG XXX Art, p. 473] “Certain beings who were then enthused by this founded, in imitation of the followers of the said branch of painters, a similar society and the motto of their new movement was: ‘To-search-the-truth-in-the-shades-of-smells-obtained- between-the-moment-of-the-action-of-cold-at-freezing-and- the-moment-of-the-action-at-warm-decomposition.’ “Like the painters, they also then found between these said two definite smells about…
B471 B473 [BTG XXX Art, p. 472] “Deteriorating century by century, the ‘sensibility-of-perception’ of that organ also – namely, the organ by means of which there chiefly proceeds for the presences of the three-brained beings what is called the ‘automatic-satiation-of-externals’ which is the basis for the possibility of natural self-perfecting – had reached such a…
B416 B418 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 417] “It was from that group of Asiatic shepherds that the later famous Romans originated; their name having been taken from the name of their first common place Rimk. “Those Asiatic beings who were engaged in ‘marine occupations,’ namely, in fishing and in gathering sponges, coral,…
B466 B468 [BTG XXX Art, p. 467] “This law, which has utterly failed to reach the contemporary three-brained beings of that planet, was then quite familiar to the beings there, that is to say, they were already quite aware that the size and form of enclosed spaces and also the volume of air enclosed in…
B465 B467 [BTG XXX Art, p. 466] “But they placed this said cupola on only three columns; and the reciprocal thrust, or, as it is also expressed, the ‘reciprocal resistance,’ ensuing from the law of Sevenfoldness for supporting the surplanetary weight, they took not from the columns alone, but also from other unusual combinations ensuing…
B464 B466 [BTG XXX Art, p. 465] “Friday, the ‘day-of-sculpture.’ “Saturday, the ‘day-of-the-mysteries,’ or, as it was also called, ‘the-day-of-the-theater.’ “Sunday, the ‘day-of-music-and-song.’ “On Mondays, namely, on the ‘day-of-religious-and-civil-ceremonies,’ the learned beings of the first group demonstrated various ceremonies in which the ‘fragments-of-knowledge’ that had been previously selected for transmission, were indicated by means of…
B463 B465 [BTG XXX Art, p. 464] “The days of the week were then on the continent Atlantis called as follows: (1) Adashsikra (2) Evosikra (3) Cevorksikra (4) Midosikra (5) Maikosikra (6) Lookosikra (7) Soniasikra “These names were changed there many times and at present the beings there name the days of the week thus:…