Tag: Arte
B461 B463 [BTG XXX Art, p. 462] “’In any case, for the interpretation itself, or, as may be said, for the “key” to those inexactitudes in that great Law, we shall further make in our productions something like a Legominism, and we shall secure its transmission from generation to generation through initiates of a special…
B460 B462 [BTG XXX Art, p. 461] “’I personally suggest that this be done through the Universal Law called the “Law of Sevenfoldness.” “’The Law of Sevenfoldness exists on the Earth and will exist forever and in everything. “’For instance, in accordance with this Law, there are in the white ray seven independent colors; in…
B459 B461 [BTG XXX Art, p. 460] “’I personally suggest that this transmission to future generations be made through the human what are called “Afalkalna,” that is through various productions of man’s hands which have entered into use in the daily life of the people, and also through the human “Soldjinoha,” that is through various…
B458 B460 [BTG XXX Art, p. 459] “’With their diseased Reasons these bestialized men categorically conclude that the previous seriousness and quietness of such men were nothing else but simply what are called “secrecy” and “duplicity.” “’And the result of the psychopathic conclusions of these bestialized men of one or the other hostile party is…
B457 B459 [BTG XXX Art, p. 458] “He then said as follows: “’The past and especially the last two centuries have shown us that during those inevitable psychoses of the masses, from which wars between states and various popular revolts within states always arise, many of the innocent victims of the popular bestiality are invariably…
B456 B458 [BTG XXX Art, p. 457] “Before my enrollment as a member of the club, a great variety of reports and discussions concerning these two mentioned questions had already proceeded at that general meeting of theirs; and on the day of my entry a great deal was said on the question how to obtain…
B455 B457 [BTG XXX Art, p. 456] “When the two mentioned sincere and honest learned beings of the Earth constated what they then called such a ‘distressing phenomenon,’ they deliberated a long time about it with the result that they decided to take advantage of the exceptional circumstance that so many learned beings were together…
B1176 B1178 [BTG XLVII Result impartial mentation, p. 1177] When the whole of this unusual ceremony neared its end and before all those assembled had had time to recover their self-possession from their earlier joyful agitation, there suddenly and unexpectedly appeared on the horns of Beelzebub quite independently a fifth fork of a special form…
B952 B954 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 953] “’Astonishingly smart fellows, these Americans; even their bread is something extraordinary; so “superb,” so “white” and simply charming – really the splendor of splendors of contemporary civilization.’ “But that from this deformity of wheat, their bread results in being ‘worthless’ and, furthermore, constitutes another of the…
B948 B950 [BTG XLII Beelzebub in America, p. 949] “’Help everything around you both the animate and the still inanimate to acquire a beautiful appearance.’ “And indeed, and especially in the last two centuries there, they have striven simply to attain a ‘beautiful exterior’ – but, of course, only in regard to those various objects…
B454 B456 [BTG XXX Art, p. 455] “They existed in the suburbs of the city of Babylon and scarcely met any of the learned beings from the general mass; and it was only several days before my admittance among them as a member of this club, that they for the first time united for the…
B452 B454 [BTG XXX Art, p. 453] “This interested me very much, and I thought at once whether it would not be possible for me to make use of this newly opened club for my practice in the Hellenic speech. “I then inquired of certain beings who were going in or coming out of that…
B451 B453 [BTG XXX Art, p. 452] “For an all-round enlightenment of the question about the famous contemporary terrestrial art, and for your clear understanding of how it all came about, you must first know about two facts that occurred in that same city Babylon during our fifth flight in person on to the surface…
B444 B446 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 445] “In all the mechanical watches of various systems they use this said simple secret for regulating what is called the ‘tension’ of the said spring or the corresponding part of the general mechanism of the watch; and it is called, it seems, the ‘regulator.’ “By…
B442 B444 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 443] “For instance, a one-third death on account of the Bobbin-kandelnost of the moving-center or ‘spinal-brain’ often occurs there among those terrestrial beings who give themselves up to that occupation which the beings belonging to the contemporary community England now practice, thanks to the maleficent invention…
B435 B437 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 436] “After what I have already said, there seems no need to say any more about the descendants of those Romans who were once so ‘menacing’ and so ‘great’ for the other communities there. “Now let us talk about that particularly maleficent invention of the ancient…
B432 B434 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 433] “And ever since the beings of this contemporary community started inventing these practical objects, the ordinary existence of the three-brained beings of your planet has been, just as our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin says, ‘not-life-but-free-jam.’ “The beings of that contemporary community have been the benefactors…
B696 B698 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 697] “And further, already during the transmission from generation to generation of these religious teachings, the sense of which had already from the very beginning been distorted, they begin to adopt in regard to them the following two factors, which had already become fixed in the general existence of…
B1124 B1126 [BTG XLIV Understanding of justice, p. 1125] “The more these indignant righteous ‘souls’ shared their impressions with others, the greater their number gradually increased, so that everywhere in the ‘Zarooaries’ on the holy planet they thought and deliberated among themselves only about this. “The result of it all was that all of the…
B1056 B1058 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1057] “By the way, you have asked whether they really never ponder on this predisposition of theirs – phenomenally terrible and exclusively inherent in them alone. “Of course they ponder, of course they see . . . “A number of them do ponder even very often…