Tag: Bokhara

  • B898

    B897 B899 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 898] “’When I finished, the wandering dervish became intensely thoughtful and only after some time, looking at me steadily, he said as he rose from his place: “’”There is only one way out for you – devote yourself to religion.” “’Having said this, he walked away uttering…

  • B873

    B872 B874 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 873] “Having no special business in that town where we then happened to be, and as his friend resided just among those mountains the nature of which I had long intended to see, I at once agreed and on the very next day we set off. “From…

  • B871

    B870 <=> B872 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 871] Chapter XLI The Bokharian Dervish Hadji-Asvatz-Troov COMO O MEU primeiro encontro com esse ser tricerebral terrestre contemporâneo — com quem vi os referidos experimentos e graças a quem, com toda a probabilidade, as informações sobre a lei cósmica sagrada fundamental de Heptaparaparshinokh serão novamente estabelecidas…

  • B872

    B871 B873 [BTG XLI The bokharian dervish, p. 872] “I have already told you that certain fragments of this knowledge remained intact and passed from generation to generation through a very limited number of initiated beings there. “I must here say that if these fragments, which have by chance remained intact and which have passed…

  • Heptaparaparshinokh

    Concerning Triamazikamno and Heptaparaparshinokh: try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred laws, since knowledge of these laws, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparapar-shinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws of…