Tag: capacidade-esseral

  • G Ser

    GURDJIEFF TERMOS — SER O sentido e importância do termo e noção «ser» é da maior relevância nos RELATOS DE BELZEBU, assim como em todo pensamento de G (v. Ser e Saber). Heidegger, reconhecido pensador «do ser», nos oferece uma brilhante iniciação à «questão do ser» e ao «esquecimento do ser», que para aqueles com…

  • being-ableness

    “Concerning each and every of their ways and means the purpose of which was the destruction of each other’s existence, I had already had before this a definite logical confrontation which explained to me just what are the accidentally arisen surrounding factors that bring forth in them impulses and stimuli as the result of which…

  • Romans

    “Among the number of those independent communities, there were during those periods, owing to those cosmic laws which I have once mentioned to you, those two large and, as they say there, ‘most-powerful’ communities, that is to say, well organized and possessing more means for the processes of reciprocal destruction, the Greeks and Romans. BTG…

  • tempo

    already established tempo B120 diverse-tempos B125 proceeding in his presence from taking in the second-being-food B165 tempo-of-ordinary-existence B240 of movement of the prime arising B293 required tempo of work B300 disharmony of the tempo, concerning Bobbin-kandelnosts B443 being-ableness deteriorated at such a tempo B496 of the deterioration of being-capacity B498 automatic B505 correct tempo for…

  • sounds

    And nothing stuck, as it was quite recently made clear to me, not through any fault of mine, nor through the fault of my former respected and nonrespected teachers, but this human labor was spent in vain owing to one unexpected and quite exceptional event which occurred at the moment of my appearance on God’s…

  • Babylonian

    Having said this, Beelzebub again continued to relate about the Babylonian events. 1959 BTG XXIV “It was talked about and discussed by the young and old, by men and women, and even by the Babylonian butchers. Exceedingly anxious were they, particularly the learned, to know about this question. 1970 BTG XXIV “‘As I personally still…

  • essence

    and so, only he, who consciously assists the process of this inner struggle and consciously assists the nondesires to predominate over the desires, behaves just in accordance with the essence of our Common Father Creator Himself; whereas he who with his consciousness assists the contary, only increases His Sorrow B373 the-whole-of-us and the whole of…

  • B526

    B525 B527 [BTG XXXI Last sojourn to Earth, p. 526] “Concerning each and every of their ways and means, the purpose of which was the destruction of each other’s existence, I had already had before this a definite logical confrontation which explained to me just what are the accidentally arisen surrounding factors that bring forth…

  • ableness

    ability of intensively actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty B1179 Able: to be impartial B354 Ableness: to manifest the possibilities proper to the presences of three-brained beings B292 ableness-of-conscious-direction-of-the-functioning-of-his-own-psyche B369 Required-intensity-of-ableness to be able to convince and persuade not less than a hundred others B369; and B371 ableness-to-be B459 of actualizing the being property Ikriltazkakra B485 to pronounce B497…